Western Classic (Daisy, Image 1
Western Classic (Daisy, Image 1

Western Classic (Daisy Match Champion 499B)

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Daisy's Match Grade Champion 499B is for shooters 10 years and older who want to learn the basics of shooting. The Jaycees use this rifle to train young shooters. Millions of firearm and airgun shooters have used the Champion 499B to learn gun safety and proper gun handling This rifle is so accurate, that even seasoned shooters cannot shoot beyond its potential.

This special kit includes everything you need to start shooting the minute it arrives. Nothing else to buy!

The Monte Carlo wood stock and wood forearm will last through years of use. And youthful shooters will find the lever-action cocking mechanism easy to use. The hooded front sight and the Daisy 5899 rear peep sight help shooters quickly acquire the target. (It's always best to start a shooter with open sights instead of a scope.) The 499B is a muzzleloader, and the BB is held in place by a magnetic retainer until you pull the trigger. The rifle is intended for use at 5 meters (16.40 feet).

Steel BBs can ricochet. The shooter and everyone in the shooting area should wear safety glasses when a gun is being handled (even if it's unloaded). Remember to remove all pets from the area, as rebounding ammo can hit them, too. Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects (including metal targets) or water, as that increases the chance of ricochet.

  • Daisy Match Grade Champion 4999B BB rifle kit
  • Spring-piston
  • Lever-action
  • Single-shot
  • Shoots steel BBs only
  • Muzzleloader
  • Smoothbore
  • Single-stage trigger
  • Hooded front sight accepts inserts (5 inserts included)
  • Fully adjustable rear peep sight
  • Manual safety
  • Monte Carlo hardwood stock
  • Hardwood forearm
  • Includes 5 aperture inserts, sling, sling swivel studs, 4 Daisy ShatterBlast target stakes with 8 breakable targets, 50 5-meter BB gun paper targets and 500 Avanti Precision Ground Shot (steel BBs)

David Duncan won our facebook contest to name this airgun combo!

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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
240 fps
Suggested for
3.1 lbs
Front Sights
Globe w/Aperture Inserts
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Trigger Pull
4.0 lbs
Smooth bore
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
3 lbs

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 18 Avanti 499B Kit Reviews

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ACCURACY!!! It really blows away my 1970 Daisy M25 springer pump....! Ease of cocking - almost cocks its self. Nice not having the bear trap with all the clicks. Peep sight, never had or used one before - it's nice.

Ok, so why is it that I can get a Red Ryder with an adult stock, but not an AvantI???? I think someone in the Daisy marketing department needs to think this one over a little more as they are missing the boat on this matter. I would much rather have an out of the box adult Avanti than my adult RR.

DO NOT buy just one box of Avanti 1050 match grade BB's for your Avanti. Go for the Pyramyd price break and get their buy 3 get one free deal. Also a call out to Jade and Greg at customer support. I had a UPS delivery issue (NOT a Pyramyd issue!) and two of them took care of it ASAP. :-)

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Robust stocks, extreme accuracy, sights.


This is the ultimate indoor rifle. I never dreamed of being able to stack bbs into one hole. I used to be satisfied with a 1.5" group from my other bb guns and this thing has better accuracy than some of my nicer pellet rifles. It's not a powerhouse by any means, but it will deliver ridiculously tight groups at moderate range. I love it.

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This thing just shoots really good. The whole shot-cycle is smooth and solid. There is no anti bear-trap ratcheting, no spring twang and no grind in the cocking stroke at all. I'm glad it uses BBs because I'm going to shoot it a lot and even the match grade BBs are a bargain compared to good pellets. The second five shot group through mine was under 1/4" at 15 yards. Sure, it was probably at least partially luck, but I haven't shot another BB gun that even comes close to that level of accuracy.

I WISH it still came with the old style rear sight group and the diopter. The old school rear sight group just looks super cool. Oh well, hope one pops up on ebay sometime. It should come with the metal cocking lever. I'd like a stock extension or spacer for us adults.

The combo is worth the extra $4. The match grade BBs and targets are worth that, I don't care about the Shatter Blast targets, I'll give those away probably.
Word is, you can drop a Red Ryder Mainspring in for over 400 fps with no loss in accuracy. I'm going to find out. I have the metal cocking lever on the way too.

Glenn Jul 15, 2022

Update* It does have a metal cocking lever. Some kind of non-ferrous metal, a magnet won't stick, my bad. I tried a spare Red Ryder spring in it and it shot 460 fps with great accuracy. The POI was about 1.25" high at 15 yards with the diopter sight bottomed out. I put the stock spring back in, it's just too smooth that way. If you are interested, just buy it.

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I haven't used it yet, but it's a well-built, comfortable to hold gun. The low fps should make it ideal for indoor shooting. The combo is great value for the money.

Nothing so far.

Get the combo. I live in Canada and it was still cheaper to order from Pyramid Air.

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It is what is described. Less than an inch, 5 shots, at 5 meters with all kinds of BB's, better with quality ammo.

Scope mount capable

We also ordered a Lil' Duke BB rifle and the contrast is stark. Not reliable BB loading, 2 1/2 inch accuracy comparison. Loose stock after 1000 rounds, hard cocking....

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Not much. Bought for visiting grand kids 12-14 yrs. Very accurate. Must use at 5 meters or less. ie. Weak! Returned because about half of BBs roll out of barrel if shooting down at slight angle like 15 degrees!

Price, power, magnet.

I would not recommend this rifle.

Bill Mar 17, 2021

This bb-gun wasn't made to shoot hard and fast like most that you buy. When I was a youth my brother and I were on the first and second Tennessee state, Jaycee b-b gun team. The first year our team traveled to Shawnee Mission Kansas (1969) and the second year it was at Irving Texas (1970). The competition was called the "Jaycee International B-B Gun Championship" and it was soooo much fun. The Jaycees at that time were a great organization and they taught us the correct way to aim shoot and handle a gun safely. The first thing we were told to do was to cock and shoot our guns as many times as possible to weaken the spring and lower the muzzle pressure. For short distance target accuracy the lower the pressure the better. Higher air pressure and the b-b will spin out of the barrel and go in different angles when this happens accuracy goes out the window.

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Great rifle grandson's first rifle.

not a thing

These folks are the best in the industry as far as air rifles and acces.

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Great gun to teach gun safety. Its also very accurate


This is a well made and well put together little gun.

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This is a very well built rifle. Wish I was a kid again just starting out with this.

The cocking lever is very narrow (for an adult) and I would think for a growing child as their hands get bigger.Widening the loop in the lever would help a great deal.

I just started with mine setting up the peep site and have been able to shoot a 5 shot group of 1 1/2 inches at 30 feet standing no rest help which I feel is very very accurate. All that it is advertised. This is an extremely good bb rifle especially at the cost.

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Easy to cock,bb Sears with a clear click


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