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Ammo BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle: Part 3

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle
BSA Scorpion 1200 SE

We’re back to the BSA Scorpion 1200 SE. When we last tested it, we looked at the velocity and discovered this is a 30 foot-pound air rifle. So, its primary purpose is hunting. I thought that meant I should test some heavy .22-caliber pellets, but I also included a middleweight.

This test was done at 50 yards. I never shot the Scorpion indoors at 25 yards because it’s so loud. I went straight from mounting a scope to shooting at 50 yards. As it turned out, that cost me several more shots than normal to get on paper.

I scoped the rifle with the UTG 6-24X56 AP scope with illuminated reticle.

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle scoped
The rifle is scoped with the UTG 6-24X56 AO. It compliments the range of this rifle well.

I knew the scope would be right for the Scorpion because BSA PCPs are very accurate. I wanted a lot of power in the scope to compliment the long-range capability. This scope gave me what I was looking for.

Beeman Kodiak
The first pellet I tried was the 21-grain Beeman Kodiak. The first group wasn’t good because the wind kicked up just as I fired a couple of the shots. Sure enough, the 10 holes had a horizontal spread. They measure 1.006 inches between centers, which isn’t bad, but I felt this pellet deserved a second chance.

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle Beeman Kodiak group 1
The first group of Beeman Kodiaks measures 1.006 inches between the 2 farthest centers.

The second group of 10 Kodiaks measures 0.926 inches between centers. Although that isn’t that much smaller than the first group, this group is rounder; and I feel it’s representative of what Kodiaks will do in this rifle.

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle Beeman Kodiak group 2
The second group of Beeman Kodiaks measures 0.926 inches between the 2 farthest centers. It is much rounder than the first group.

Eun Jin dome
I said during the velocity testing that the 28.4-grain Eun Jin dome would probably be good if you were seeking the maximum knockdown power at long range. They developed an additional foot-pound of muzzle energy. They’ve never been the most accurate pellets, but in some PCP rifles they do deliver credible accuracy.

Not in the Scorpion 1200 SE, though. The Eun Jin gave a large groups with a pronounced vertical spread. It measures 1.488 inches between centers and was the largest group of the test. I don’t recommend this pellet in the Scorpion 1200 SE.

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle Eun Jin group
Ten Eun Jin domes went into 1.488 inches at 50 yards. The group is very vertical.

JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy, 18.1 grains
Next, I tried the JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy domed pellet. This one is between the medium-weight JSB Jumbo and the heavier Beeman Kodiak, so it gives better velocity with some good power retention. If it shoots at least as well as the Kodiak, it would be worth choosing.

But it doesn’t just shoot better — it shoots WAY better than the Kodiak in the Scorpion 1200 SE. Ten pellets made a group that measures 0.792 inches between centers. The group is very round, as you can see, so we know this pellet is a keeper!

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle JSB Exact 18-grain group
Ten JSB Exact Jumbo Heavys went into this 0.792-inch group at 50 yards. This is the best group of the test, and this pellet is the clear choice for this rifle.

JSB Exact Jumbo 15.9 grains
The last pellet I tried was the 15.9-grain JSB Exact Jumbo. Sometimes this pellet is the best in a PCP rifle, so it had to be tried. This time, however, was not one of those times. Ten pellets made a 1.332-inch group that was not as tight as the Kodiaks or the 18.1-grain Exact Jumbo Heavys. And no wind caused the horizontal spread of these pellets.

BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle JSB Exact 16-grain group
Ten 15.9-grain JSB Exact Jumbos went into this 1.322-inch group at 50 yards. It’s very horizontal. Nothing seen here makes me want to use this pellet in the Scorpion 1200 SE.

The BSA Scorpion 1200 SE certainly has the power and accuracy needed to be a good hunting rifle. I like the way the stock balances in my hands when shooting, as it’s heavy at the muzzle. I don’t care for the fact that it needs 232 bar of fill pressure because that drains even a carbon fiber tank quicker than a 200 bar fill. It does, however, get a reasonable number of powerful shots per fill (25).

The 10-shot magazine is flawlessly reliable. There was never a misfeed in the entire test. And the magazine is below the top of the receiver, so it never interferes with the scope. The trigger is light enough, but I don’t care for the stage 2 creep that I found impossible to adjust out.

I would recommend this rifle to all who like its looks and features.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

24 thoughts on “BSA Scorpion 1200 SE PCP air rifle: Part 3”

  1. Although I really like the looks, there are more interesting air rifles out there and at a better price. If I was in the market for something like this, I would probably pick up the new Marauder. I don’t get much of an allowance, so when it comes down to should I buy an air rifle because I like the way it looks or how it functions, function wins every time.

  2. I know we discussed this breifly quite a few months ago, BB, but while I do shoot somewhat faster than you, even on the range, taking 50 YEARS to shoot your Exact Jumbo Heavy set seems kind of slow!! 🙂 Maybe look at the label you have on THAT picture?? 🙂 Other than that, great work as usual! —Barrika

    • Kevin,

      The Predator rest WAS retired, but I found that the Lead Sled doesn’t move from side to side smoothly. It’s often hard to position it when I need it to be. I wanted this test to go well, so I took the Predator out. I’ll probably use it more in the future.

      The Lead Sled is good for combatting recoil, but not for rifles that don’t kick.


  3. Under an inch at 50 yards with 10 shots is very respectable. Edith, you’ll love this. I think in the caption of the first picture, “compliment” should be “complement.”


  4. I absolutely love the JSB exact jumbo heavy pellets in .22 caliber
    That’s all I use with my TX 200HC accompanied with my Hawke 6.5 20×42
    Scope that I recently purchased from Pyramydair.

  5. A word on safety.

    Spent nearly 2 hours fixing my friend’s chronograph. It is 3-4 mm reinforced ABS plastic with a lot of innards. He hit it with a single Crosman Premier 10,5 travelling at ~250 while testing his new rifle. Well,I must say it’s a lot of work made by a single tiny pellet! It got through front side (thin aluminum on 3 mm ABS), made a salad inside and made quite a bump from inside to out when it tried to get through, kicking poor device almost a meter away.
    I could estimate its work by my work – changing torn-off capacitors, resistors and wiring. Luckily circuit board was intact and IR LEDs were not hit (it flew above them), so it was relatively easy to repair. Anyway – very impressive. That really makes word “safety” much more persuasive and a real good example of “know where you are pointing your rifle’s barrel”.


  6. I know some places can’t have shrouded barrels. So the sound the gun makes might not be a big deal.

    But now days with the technology that is available I wish they would design both type of guns. Might cost a little more but maybe that would help there sales a little if they made both available. Who knows. Just a thought.

  7. B. B.
    What’s the difference between this and the BSA Scorpion SE? Is the other one the same with the exception of a shorter barrel (therefore slower velocity)?

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