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Ammo BSA Supersport SE: Part 3

BSA Supersport SE: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

BSA Supersport SE
BSA Supersport SE

This report covers:

• Refresher
• The test
• First up — RWS Superdome pellets
• Next — H&N Baracuda Match pellets
• JSB Exact RS pellets
• Firing behavior

Today’s report is for blog reader Charlotte Henry, who has been waiting patiently for it since March 25, when Part 2 was published. I must have wiped this test from my mind, though the rifle sat in the pile that awaits testing all that time.

This BSA Supersport SE is a 13 foot-pound .22-caliber spring rifle, so the accuracy could be pretty good. Today, I shot it from 10 meters, just because I haven’t shot the gun in so long that I was uncertain if there were any problems. There were none, and the test turned out well.

The test
I shot the rifle from 10 meters off a sandbag rest using a classic artillery hold. You’re going to see today how that works very well for this kind of rifle. I shot with open sights. On this rifle, the sights are fiberoptics, but by illuminating the target brightly and then sitting in the dark to shoot, I cancelled the fiberoptics completely. It looked like a classic post-and-bead sight to me, and I used a 6 o’clock sight picture.

First up — RWS Superdome pellets
I started with the pellets that were used for the velocity test, so first up was the RWS Superdome. These struck the target to the right of the aim point, but I didn’t adjust the sight. I just shot the entire 10 shots with the sights set as they came to me. At first, all the pellets went to the same place; but at the end of the group, 3 pellets strayed outside the main group. I don’t think I was the cause of that, but I can’t be sure.

Ten Superdomes went into 1.133 inches at 10 meters, but the first 7 are in 0.466 inches. This is a pellet to try at a longer distance.

BSA Supersport SE Superdome group 10 meters
Ten RWS Superdomes are in 1.133 inches, but the first 7 are in 0.466 inches.

Next — H&N Baracuda Match pellets
For the second pellet, I tried an H&N Baracuda Match. Since Pyramyd AIR sent me this pellet in a couple different head sizes a few months ago, I’ve been using them in every test. This time, I used 2 different pellets — the first with a head size of 5.51mm. Ten of them went into 1.073 inches. Again, the last 3 pellets opened the group. The first 7 were in 0.469 inches. I’m very sure I did not pull those last shots because I watched myself very carefully on this group.

BSA Supersport SE Baracuda Match 551 group 10 meters
Ten H&N Baracuda Match pellets with 5.51mm heads made this 1.073-inch group at 10 meters. Seven are in 0.469 inches.

Next, I tried 10 H&N Baracuda Match with 5.53mm heads. These didn’t do so well. They grouped in 2 different places and I made absolutely certain that it was not because of me! This time, 10 pellets went into 1.117 inches. I’m not going to measure the smaller groups because I don’t think this pellet is right for this rifle. I noted that it loaded somewhat hard, which I assume is due to the larger head.

BSA Supersport SE Baracuda Match 553 group 10 meters
Ten H&N Baracuda Match pellets with 5.53mm heads made this 1.117-inch group at 10 meters. This isn’t the right pellet for this rifle.

At this point, I wanted to try at least one more pellet in hopes of finding something that shoots better in this rifle. The rifle was performing fine in all ways other than accuracy, and I hoped to correct that if I could.

JSB Exact RS pellets
The last pellet I tested was the JSB Exact RS dome. This pellet seemed to fit the breech nicely, and it also seemed to hit higher on the target. I purposely did not look at the target until the last pellet had been shot, because I could see they were all going into the black. When I went down to retrieve the target I saw the group you see below. Ten pellets went into 0.584 inches between centers. Look how well-centered the group is compared to the other pellets! This is definitely a pellet to try at 25 yards.

BSA Supersport SE JSB Exact RS group 10 meters
Ten JSB Exact RS pellets went into a nice round 0.584-inch group at 10 meters. See how centered they are without adjusting the sights.

Firing behavior
I hadn’t shot this rifle in many months, so it was like shooting it for the first time. I note that the trigger does move in stage 2, but the movement is smooth and the release is crisp. This is a trigger I can work with.

When the rifle fires, the action is quick. The Baracudas slowed it down a little, and the JSB Exact RS sped it up a lot. It feels best when shooting the RS.

I read Part 2 of the report before conducting this test and was surprised to see the rifle needed 39 lbs. to cock. It didn’t feel that heavy this time. So, I ran the test again. The Supersport has an incredibly long cocking stroke that must be over 120 degrees. This time, the effort registered 34 lbs. — a loss of 5 lbs. since the last measurement. I said at the time that I thought the gun was very stiff, so perhaps it broke in over time.

This was pretty good shooting, though I’d like to see groups of the same size at 25 yards. Perhaps, with a scope, we will. I think I’ll mount a scope and test it at 25 yards next. Stay tuned!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

69 thoughts on “BSA Supersport SE: Part 3”

      • I love my Gamo Big Cat with Charlie’s Trigger. Will out shoot most air rifles costing much, much more..
        Lol ! I think you are just jealous and against the us’n blue collar poor boy air rifle users..
        Pete Hallock
        Orcutt, California

        • My first air rifle was a CFX that I put a GRT3 trigger in. It was a real shooter then. The biggest issue I have with Gamo, Crosman, etc. is that they can build a better trigger, but have not done such yet.

          Right now I cannot afford any high end air rifles like Gamo.

        • I have a Gamo Shadow 1000 that is less hold sensitive and more accurate than than my B-26 and B-40. I get you and I think Gamo gets looked down on because of its marketing. I have the Charlie the Tuna trigger in mine and it is a great shooter. I also have, as of about 1:30 this afternoon, the BSA Supersport GRT. It is too early to brag about accuracy, but the gun is an absolute blast to shoot. The barrel IS made by BSA and is hammer forged (just like my CZ’s), so by the time I get the pellet choice sorted out and get past this initial break in, I think this rifle may be stellar. Everything about this rifle so far looks great. My other guns are Anschutz 1907, Anschutz 1517 MPR, four CZ 452’s, Izmash CM-2, FWB 300s, Daisy Avanti 853 and 753, Gamo Shadow 1000, Bam B-26 and B-40.

  1. Well yes, it’s another older BSA, Groups will be the same at 10 yards with open sights as they will be at 25 yards with a scope, well that’s what I’ve found and i have a fair few of them. As i scrolled down the page i saw typical groupings as i expected, then JBS RS pellets gave a group i would have sold my grand mother for if it got me a group like that with my BSA’s.. Way to go, and don’t think i talk of selling my Grand mother lightly as she could suck a lemon with the best of them in her day, find potatoes behind my ears, and get me to spill the beans with one glower. Oh and it was in her company that i shot my first ever air rifle when i was a nipper, a Webley Hawk i believe. Bless her cotton socks.


    Best wishes, Wing Commander Sir Nigel Tetlington-Smythe

  2. BB,….Nice to see a .22 test. I really need to do more research on your past articles of .22 at 25yd.+ test. No lack of info. to be found here that is for sure. This question relates to Gunfun1’s comment on hold under/over yesterday.

    Given any quality .22 air rifle with the (same ballpark f.p.s. as the TX), at what range/yd. would you “zero” a scope so that the hold over and under is “nearest” center as Gunfun1 described?

    I realize that many factors play in, but I am only asking for your opinion and not tested facts. This would be my preferred sight in method. At whatever distance that would be, I would like to shoot 1/2′ groups and would expect groups to tighten +/- as distance increases/increases respectively. From reviews of the TX .22 on P.A., I/2′ groups are obtainable much of the time at 25 yards and open up to around 1″ at 50 yds.

    I will try to order again today after work. With 500 calls at 6pm yesterday, I would expect some carry over into today. Hopefully they can thin some of that out by 4pm. today.

    • Chris,

      Keep in mind that a TX is an exceptional sproinger. Most decent sproingers will give you 1″ groups at 25 yards. That is why we go absolutely gaga when something like the TX or LGV or LGU come along. We are in search of the holy grail of sproingers that will produce 1/2″ groups at 50 yards.

      As far as sighting distance, try 20 yards. Typically the pellet is still “rising” in it’s arc and will be slightly high at 25 yards and drop back to on spot at 30 yards. That can give you a good distance where the arc is “flat” and you can hold on center. This will vary from air rifle to air rifle and pellet to pellet slightly, but should be a real good starting point.

      Shoot. Shoot a lot. Shoot at different ranges. Learn your sproinger’s little quirks.

      • RidgeRunner,

        Sounds pretty good. Nice flight arc info. I figured it would be in that range. I am just trying to get a general opinion and yours is the first. Thanks. Off to work,..till the pm.

      • Thats when you scope the rifle. If you use open sights, its different. Hw 80 has a front post witch top is about an inch above the center off the bord. When plotting that info chairgun, I use that inch as “scope height”.
        For a short range flat trajectory, my secondairy zero is at 10m, my primairy zero just past 25 meters.

    • Chris, USA
      Here is something to try with your gun when you get it. And I believe you have enough room at your place from what I remember.

      Zero your gun at 50 yards. Then make a dot in the center of a piece of note book paper. Put it at 35 yards. Put your scope on 6 power to start with. Try to do this bench rested or whatever gives you a steady hold.

      Then put the cross hair of the reticle on that dot and shoot. Then aim at the same dot at 25 yards then 15 yards. I’m sure you will hit high and probably no more than a 1/2 to one mildot high.

      The flatter shooting pellet you have will keep you closer to the cross hair reticle and hitting without as much hold. Then if you try different scope ring heights that will help keep the pellet hitting closer to your point of aim also. Look at the AirForce guns at how high above the barrel the scope will be after you ad scope rings your really up there above the barrel. That’s why I like a scope mounted as close to the barrel centerlune that I can get and why I like the smaller diameter objective lens on a scope. I can mount it closer to the barrel. Again the less the muzzle has to be moved from level the easier that gun will be to shoot at different distances. That’s what Chairgun does for you. It will take the guess work out.

      Now if your just going to shoot at paper targets then just zero at whatever distance you will always shoot at. But most people don’t shoot at only one distance.

      • Chris, USA
        I should mention this to why I zero my scopes that way now that I’m thinking about this more.

        My main shooting distance is 50 yards. So I just zero there because I want to put the gun up quick and not think about the hold at that distance if I happen to be shooting at a starling or something.

        Then of course at closer distances I have to hold under. I shoot in at closer distances when I’m plinking or decide to but my targets out at those predetermined distances to verify my holds. But I say 80% of my shooting is at 45 to 70 yards. So that’s the whole reason that I ended up with hold understand instead of hold over.

        Although when I start getting out to 60 yards or more I will have to put in about a 1/2 to 1 mildot over because that’s where the trajectory is startindind to descend the most out of the pellets whole flight path.

        Here is something to keep in mind. Its easier to learn your pellets trajectory and how your gun shoots than it is with a firearm. And to me that’s the exciting thing about air gunning.

        When you get your TX just shoot and do experiments with it and see what works for you. But no matter how you sight it you will have to learn where you have to place your holds for different distances. You need to document your targets and then retest and see if your holds are good. That’s just the way it is if you want to make a accurate shot at different distances.

    • Chris, USA
      I forgot. Just one more thing remember when I said shoot at 6 magnification and you will hit high by a 1/2 to 1 mildot high.

      Well now turn your scope up to let’s say 10 or 12 magnification then look at the targets you shot at 6 magnification. Now instead of a1/2 to 1 mildot high you will now be 2 to 2 1/2 mildots over the place you aimed. So what I wanted to say was scope magnification plays a part in how much hold you need. Try 3 magnification on scope and look at your target you shot on 6 magnification. Now your pellet holes may be only a 1/4 or 1/2 mildot over.

      So what ever you determine your holds to be and you right them down. Also note what magnification you determined your holds at.

      Sorry about all the talk here just letting you know what I ran across messing with these air guns. But remember weight and velocity and shape of the pellet make a difference when your trying to find that flat shooting pellet. It all adds up to make a good shooting combination.

    • Yes, BSA still use pins rather than screws to fix the breech jaws! Its one of the things that makes BSA fans gnash their teeth! Also a bit debatable exactly who makes what on the BSA springers these days. I believe, that the Lightening XL is now once again made and assembled in Brimingham, after a period of being puit together by Gamo. Other BSAs are assembled by Gamo, but might include parts made by BSA in Birmingham. However, do not quote me on this, as it remains something of a mystery. All stocks are, I think, Italian (Minelli?) and have been for some time.

  3. G’day BB,
    Looks like you had a good Christmas. Well done!
    Sorry off topic.
    My breech seal ended up on the bolt shaft and after much bad language and time was put back in place with forceps. The FX still worked but there was a lot of blow back and noise.
    What is the easiest way to put a breech seal O ring in a PCP as it appears they all have them.
    Is this their weak link?
    Any tips to keep them in good order and keep them in place?
    Any difference in quality between brands of seals?
    How long do they last and how often should they be replaced?
    Cheers Bob

    • Bob,

      Some PCPs do have their breech seals on the bolt probe. Most are inside the barrel like yours. They are very difficult to install. When I built bolts at AirForce, I installed the 2 bolt o-rings with a special tool that was larger than the inside diameter of the rings.

      But the secret is a good synthetic silicone grease. Bot to install the ring(s) and to keep them in their place. If they are greased then won’t roll out of their grooves when the bolt probe slides past.


      • Merry Christmas to you and your family,I have a pcp question,What ever happened
        to the proposed Benjamin scissor style hand pump that was supposed to make the
        pumping effort a whole easier?I have a feeling it will never see the light of day
        I still can’t understand why can’t an affordable air compressor be made in the $500.00
        or $600.00 range.I know there is one in the $1,500 or so price range that’s out of my
        league at this time.

        • NNJMike,

          Long time, no hear! Welcome back.

          Well, the rumblings coming from Crosman are the butterfly pump will be coming out in 2015. I can’t confirm that and until I have one in my hands to test, I’m not going to write about it.


  4. Early? Been up getting ready to go out of town! Thought I would take a chance? I might read blog before I departed? Sometimes late at night I receive the blog? Not last night! Well? To my surprise! Here it is! Thank you! I will be able take care today’s homework before I have to leave! Thank you again for this blog!

  5. My old supersport custom is in .177 It performs best with CPLs @ 875fps. I always considered it an accurate rifle, even though it is horribly hold sensitive. I remember knocking down invading sparrows near a bluebird box @60yds. It had a 4x burris scope at the time. Its deep blue and hand checked stock is really nice. Its a really good hunting rifle for its light weight and good handling qualities.

  6. Good to hear there youve got an accurate gamo!
    ‘Bout15 years ago I had a Gamo too. I think it was a gamo Cadet. It only shot 645 fps, but it was fairly accurate up to 20 meters.
    It takes more than an accurate Gamo to make me jealous 🙂

  7. I wouldn’t be too quick to damn the accuracy, half inch groups at 10 yards off open sights with a box fresh spring sporter only tells so much. Get a scope with 12x mag on it, run another 100 pellets through and experience tells me that a Supersport can do 3/4 inch at 45 yards with the right pellet and hold….they run slightly behind the R9 in accuracy…but it’s mainly down to weight, like most light springers they can be quite hold sensitive.

  8. Good evening all,

    Well,..I “pulled the trigger” on the TX order. This time I got right through. The gal was a bit “short” at first but softened up pretty quickly. Her best guess was Monday. 🙁 I got a 4 day week end and since it’s Tues. I was hoping for Fri. at least. I called back and she said “maybe” Fri. so we’ll see.

    B.B. and Gunfun1,….Thank you for your comments on sight in distance. Quite a lot to absorb for a newbie there Gunfun! Rest assured, I will re-read and take notes. One thing I’ve got REAL good at is taking notes! 🙂 Max. range in house is 17yds./51ft. I think the backstop may need a little “extra” though.

    I love B.B.’s story I read some where on my endless research of how when he got his house, he figured out all of the different paths that he could shoot and the range of each. In the study, through the kitchen, down the hall and into the garage! Is that classic hard core air gunner or what? And lets not forget the holes in walls, door frames and furniture! Sounds like me,..minus the furnishings. I’m sure that one day though,… its bound to happen. 🙂

    • Chris, USA
      So you got it orded. That’s cool. I live in Illinois and I always get mine in 3 days. Sometimes 2 days. But remember we got the holiday Thursday. I hope you get it by Friday.

      And sorry about the scope info over load. I always feel like I’m leaving something out and somebody’s going to try it and not have the right results.

      I’m just glad you got one. And didn’t you say you had more room outside? I think I remember you talking about ground hogs right?

      • Gunfun1,

        I just spent around 20 minutes reading your 3 above post and taking notes. Thanks to my “studies”, I believe I got every bit of it. Of coarse, I will re-read, but it all makes sense. In fact, I will re-write your info. in an abreviated version for you to check out to make sure I got it. It will be some time this weekend, or maybe thurs. or fri, but I will do it.

        Your humble “Grasshopper”,……..Chris 😉

        • Chris ,USA
          Oh no! I hope I don’t sound like my 8th grade shop class teacher.

          He would tell me something a mile long then ask me if I got all that. Then he would imidiatly say show me. I never knew if I should answer him with a yes or say let’s see.

          And ok a outline would be cool. And probably a lot easier to look at than what I wrote down.

          You see the handle I chose. Gunfun1
          Just remember if you ain’t having fun why are you doing it. Just try to make sure you enjoy your new TX.

      • Gunfun1,

        And yes, while not measured, I have about 77’/25.7yds. outside so the 50yd. sight in will be a bit of a stretch. Of coarse a machete would extend that a bit. As I’ve said, I am surrounded by mature woods.

        As for the ground hogs, yes. Quite a few and many more in the woods. Rest assured, I will have my “ducks in a row” prior to taking my first shot at one. A guy at work doubts a air .22 will take one down quick and this guy has TONS of G.H. experience with powder burners. (7” holdover ring a bell?) We’ll see. Your opinion?

        • Chris USA
          I would leave ground hogs for a .17 hmr or 22lr cci mini mag 1650fps so you can hit them before they know what hit’em. I think a pellet rifle can kill’em if that is all you got or can use within city limits.

          • Chris in Ct.,

            I will take that into account. Thank you. It would seem that G.H.’s are “pushing it” with all but,… the most well placed shots,… at a pretty close range.

        • Chris, USA
          One thing I never see anybody say about this hunting thing is distance.

          I actually volunteer and help out with pest eliminating with the township if they have a situation going on. I have to do the job right at that time.

          But distance plays a big factor in what air gun I use. And what type of pest it is. I always want more than enough power to get the job done.

          So caliber and power and distance needs to be thought about.

          And every situation is unique to itself is the best I can say.

          • Gunfun and Twotalon,

            Thanks and thanks! Solid advice for newbies (as in me) and would be “Texas Tusker” blasters.

            To change subject, a chrony might be my next “toy”. Though I see it more of a tool for “tuners” and multi gun owners. I swore I read that there is some “magic” # that is ideal for fps/grain or something. Was I dreaming or is that some theory that is actually out there?

            • Chris, USA
              This will probably be the shortest reply you will ever see me make.

              Consistency and trajectory,foot pounds of energy and accuracy, if something changes or wears in your gun are some of the things a chrony will do.

  9. I’ve been wanting a BSA springer for years now, what kept me from buying was their modest fps rating, little did I know that is the ideal power for a spring gun. I should of bought one in 2005. I’ll get one soon can’t decide if I want the Lightning SE or Supersport SE or wait for a airgun show and cherry pick one. I’ve seen one a few years back a Supersport Magnum .22 cal. but the breach/barrel was very loose so I passed on it.

    • Chris in Ct.,

      For me, First, it was quality as best I could assertain. Second and maybe also first, was the “lines” of the stock and metal work. I have to love the way it looks. Despite awesome performance, I would still have to love the looks first. But, that’s just me.

        • Chris in Ct.,

          No I do not, and the TX will be my first really nice air rifle. Could a BSA be in my future? Who knows. I got about 150+/- hours in learning about airguns and quality and accuracy. If you read not to far back, I commented on “buying your way to the top” and being poorer in the end and not as happy. I have done that in past hobbies and it is true. This time, with a RE-newed hobby, I decided to take the “top down” approach. And yes, for me, I have to like the “lines” and “design”.

          • Chris USA
            The airgun bug bite me in 2005, and like you I found this wonderful blog. and through out these years I’ve made numerous of compulsive purchases some good and some not so good. Its impossible for me to have every airgun I want, but you will need another air gun preferably a break barrel to really appreciate the TX 200. I don’t think one can only have one. do you own any airguns now.

  10. Thanks for getting back to that Tom!! I just received my Supersport GRT SE this afternoon. I felt like the lock time was very fast. This is my very first .22 air gun. I had some dieseling and I shot at least 100 rounds this afternoon just getting acquainted with with it. This is also my very first time shooting a gas piston. What’s not to like about gas pistons? I was near the end of my shooting today before the gun began to group. The smell of burnt oil and smoke were coming out of the breech for most of the shooting today. Although the gun is reasonably hard to cock, it feels really smooth. This gun is a little loud, but I think that may just be the transfer of sound through the stock. I’m ordering a chronograph and a more substantial pellet trap. I nearly destroyed my trap this afternoon. I think this is going to be a fantastic gun. After I put the Supersport away I grabbed by Gamo Shadow 1000 and was amazed at how effortless it felt to cock that rifle. I just replaced the spring and seal about a week ago and it felt like nothing after cocking that gas ram beast. I am going to wait until I am more familiar with the Supersport and have my pellet issues worked out before I write a review. Happy new year!

  11. B.B.
    It’s been a few months now…I was wondering if you still plan to mount a scope on the BSA GRT as you mentioned late last year and get to a Part 4…maybe ?
    I have read just about all the reviews and comments on this airgun on the Net + I have had the chance to handle and fire one first hand. It is very nice for sure. I have a PCP in .22 cal and a break barrel as well as an underlever spring piston .177 cal rifles. So this would be my first gas ram (piston) rifle that I am contemplating acquiring in a .22 cal
    Your comprehensive analysis of this airgun has me convinced…even if your reviews and appraisals are not ‘marketing’ oriented…they are trustworthy and unbiased in my view.
    Thanks and looking forward to reading you once you’ve done a ‘BSA SuperSport GRT SE rifle/scope’ review.

    • HawkEye,

      Welcome to the blog.

      This rifle does not have a gas spring. It has a conventional coiled steel mainspring. In said in Part 1 that it “feels like it has a gas spring,” but it doesn’t.

      The rifle sits here in my office day after day, awaiting me to mount a scope for the 25-yard test. I don’t know why I have been so reluctant to do this test, but something has always held me back. However it is here in line for that Part 4 test.


  12. B.B.
    Thank you for the reply …and..clarification. I guess I did get the impression you were evaluating the GRT. Then again I must admit not having been adequately observant with regards to the picture of the rifle that is posted with the reviews. I totally missed not noticing that the stock was not engraved with the letters GRT at the butt-end as is the case with the gas piston edition of the BSA SuperSport SE. Guess I was carried away by the design and the lines of the rifle…as some others have admitted to as well !!
    For all practical purposes whether spring or gas the ‘power plant’ shouldn’t have any significant effect on accuracy as I understand.
    I’ll stay tuned to the blog for Part 4 test.

    • B.B.
      Oh Boy! Now I just had a look a the picture before logging out of the blog….and OMG! the rifle pictured IS engraved with GRT. I had seen correctly after all and noticed that detail in the pictured BSA SuperSport airgun.
      Well I guess it was best that you mention Tom that the test rifle is not a gas ram piston (actually a IGT piston of GAMO design)

  13. B.B.
    Just to add that ‘ Charlotte Henry’ that had posted here last before me mentioned: ‘This is also my very first time shooting a gas piston. What’s not to like about gas pistons? ‘
    Hence another indication that steered me to think of the GRT version.

  14. I received my ‘new’ BSA GRT SuperSport SE this week. (that’s the Gas Ram version). I believe I’ve got the first GRT model sold in Canada to date. I decided after much research and the favorable comments here to ‘go for it’ in a .22 cal. version.
    I am very pleased with the overall fit and finish. The metal work on the action is polished / blued as is the metal trigger guard. The barrel has a duller sheen compared to the action. The mechanical linkage fits very precisely with no wobbling or rattling. In the serial numbering sequence it appears that the ‘year’ of manufacture is marked at the end of the serial number. I mention all this because in the earlier writings about this airgun rifle in Part 1 of this Blog the metal work for instance, was described : ‘ The metal finish is unpolished but probably tumble-finished, giving all the parts a matte sheen’. Also the stated Test Rifle’s serial number illustrated in Part 1 had a numeric sequence ending with -13. On my rifle the sequence ends with -14. It’s my guess my BSA GRT SuperSport SE rifle was manufactured in 2014 and in comparison I am assuming that BSA/Gamo may have ‘improved’ the quality of finish with regards to the action metal work because it is definitely polished with deep blue shine.
    The wood stock’s figuring is very attractive and pleasing overall with its rich matte lacquer finish.
    I have yet to fire my new acquisition through my Chrony as it has been only a couple of days now since I got it and the weather has not been cooperative yet to shoot outside. I will need to fire 1/2 a tin of pellets at least to get the barrel and action settled-in before measuring for fps. Planning on plinking this week-end…weather permitting as they say ;-).

  15. B.B.
    Thank you for your acknowledgement.
    I have not yet chosen a scope for my BSA GRT SuperSport SE. That will come in due time once I’ve ‘broken-in’ this airgun rifle sufficiently.
    I’m really looking forward to reading your Part 4. testing at 25 yards with a scope.

    • HawkEye,

      The scope I am testing on the SE is a sort of upscale one. I’ve looked through it and I like what I see so far. But I’ve also seen UTG scopes with similar specs that sell for $100 less and look just as nice.


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    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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