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Education / Training Air Arms Galahad: Part 2

Air Arms Galahad: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Air Arms Galahad PCP in walnut is a striking looking air rifle!

Part 1

This report covers:

  • Power adjustable
  • Power setting 5 (high)
  • Power setting 4
  • Sound level
  • Power setting 3
  • Power setting 2
  • Power setting 1 (lowest)
  • Where are we now?
  • Extremely consistent
  • Fill probe
  • Trigger pull
  • Cocking and loading
  • More velocity to test

Today we begin looking at the velocity of the Galahad-rifle from Air Arms. This one has the longest barrel and should produce the maximum power available with this model in .22 caliber. Before we get to the mostest and the fastest, though, let’s learn the basics.

Power adjustable

The Galahad has a power adjustment knob with 5 settings. I want to establish what each of them will do. Remember two things: first, this rifle is filled to 250 bar and second, it has a regulator. So the first thing I will do is look at 10 pellets at each of the power settings. I will use the same .22-caliber Crosman Premier pellet for all power ranges.

Power setting 5 (high)

On the highest power I sent 10 Crosman Premier domes downrange at an average 941 f.p.s. That’s 28.12 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. Naturally because this is a PCP, heavier pellets will generate more power. The spread ranged from a low of 936 f.p.s. to a high of 947 f.p.s. That’s 11 f.p.s. across all 10 shots. Here is the string.

Shot……..Velocity (f.p.s.)

Power setting 4

I dialed the power down one notch and reloaded the magazine. The average on this setting was 880 f.p.s. That’s 24.6 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. The low was 874 and the high was 888 f.p.s. That’s a spread of 14 f.p.s. Here is that string.

Shot……..Velocity (f.p.s.)

Sound level

I was surprised by the quiet muzzle report on high power. It was even less on power setting 4. The rifle is quiet enough for an urban backyard fon setting 4 and below.

Power setting 3

On power setting 3, which is the middle of the adjustment range, the average velocity with Premier domes was 749 f.p.s. That’s an energy of 17.82 foot-pounds. The low was 739 f.p.s. and the high was 753 f.p.s., so a spread of 14 f.p.s. Here is that string.

Shot……..Velocity (f.p.s.)

Power setting 2

By this time I thought I could guess where the power would be, and on power setting two I expected an average of 650 f.p.s. The actual average was 539 f.p.s. — over 100 f.p.s. slower than expected and over 200 f.p.s. slower than on power setting 3. That is a big difference. Setting 2 looks like the indoor setting and 3 looks like a quiet outdoor setting that delivers about the same power as a factory Beeman R1.

At the average velocity, power level 2 delivers 9.23 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. The low was 531 f.p.s. and the high was 546 f.p.s. That’s a spread of 15 f.p.s. Here is the string.

Shot……..Velocity (f.p.s.)

Power setting 1 (lowest)

I had no idea where setting number 1 would be, but I hoped it would be useable. The average was 289 f.p.s. and the spread ranged from a low of 277 f.p.s to a high of 306 f.p.s. That’s a spread of 29 f.p.s. At the average velocity this setting produces 2.65 foot-pounds of muzzle energy. That means that setting 1 on the rifle I am testing is both too low to be practical and also a little less stable than the higher settings. Here is the string.

Shot……..Velocity (f.p.s.)

Where are we now?

Now let’s and shoot one shot at each power setting to see where the velocity is. Bear in mind, the rifle has now fired 51 shots since being filled. I had one extra shot that was a mistake, because I forgot to adjust the power setting when I started a string.

Setting……..Velocity (f.p.s.)

Interesting. In the highest power the rifle seems to be slightly off the power band, but on all the other settings it seems to be right on. I had 5 more pellets in the magazine, so I did it again.

Setting……..Velocity (f.p.s.)

Extremely consistent

I think I called it correctly. After 51 shots the Galahad still is on the power curve on all settings except number 5. That means the claim of a large number of shots is correct, and also this is the payoff for having that regulator. Yes, the rifle does vary more at each power setting than some other regulated rifles, but those rifles don’t have 5 power settings. And, I have never seen an air rifle return to its power setting as immediately and accurately as this one. The Galahad really does operate like you expect it to!

Fill probe

In Part 1 I said Air Arms had changed from their proprietary fill adaptor that was so hard to use. I said they now use a common fill probe for the Galahad. Well, it isn’t common! They made a proprietary smaller-size probe that does not interchange with any Korean or BSA probe. Once again, Air Arms is different. If you only own one PCP this is not a problem, but if you own several that use probes you will have to swap probes when you fill the Galahad. That’s a misstep, in my opinion.

Trigger pull

Reader Matt61 responded to my observation that the Galahad is a bullpup that therefore has a long trigger bar to reach the action. It has to be that way if electronics aren’t used. I had not tested the trigger when I said that, so now let’s see how it does.

The trigger pull on the Galahad is fine for a sporter. It is two-stage and reasonably crisp. Stage one is adjusted to a 1 lb. 8 oz. pull. Stage two releases exactly one pound later — at 2 lbs. 8 oz. It feels great this way, so I plan to leave it right where it is.

Cocking and loading

The Galahad cocks via a lever on the left side of the forearm. It sits nearly parallel with the barrel until you push down on it with your thumb. Then it springs down to almost straight up and down. To cock the striker you push the lever forward when it is in the down position. Be prepared to push hard because you are cocking the gun. By returning the lever to parallel with the barrel, you load one pellet into the breech and are ready to shoot. You can feel the pellet entering the breech as the lever is moved up.

Galahad lever up
The cocking lever starts parallel to the barrel like this.

Galahad lever down
Push down and the lever springs down to this position.

Galahad lever cocked
Push lever forward to cock the gun. Lever then springs back to this position. Return lever to the up position to ready the rifle to fire.

If you think about it, a sidelever-cocking bolt action pellet rifle is also not that easy to operate at some point in the lever’s swing. This lever has to do the same thing to the rifle’s bolt that a sidelever does, so expect it to take the same effort.

More velocity to test

I’m taking my time with the Galahad because there is so much to test. Next time we will look at pellet lengths that will fit in the magazine, maximum power and the shot count at power level 3. Stay tuned — there is a lot to see!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

29 thoughts on “Air Arms Galahad: Part 2”

  1. BB,

    This air rifle is one that could woo me to enter the world of bullpups. It manages to bring a touch of grace to what is traditionally a chunky design. Air Arms also waited to get the cocking and trigger mechanisms right before jumping in with their bullpup, unlike so many other manufacturers. What is more, they did it with a competitive price tag.

    As far as I can tell, the only negative is the weight. However, from what I hear from bullpup users is because it is so evenly distributed in a compact package that shooting one in the field is nice. Now if you have to lug it far in the field, you had probably best eat your Wheaties for breakfast.

  2. B.B.,

    Very nice. The spreads did surprise me a bit,… but as you said,.. it does have 5 power settings. I was not sure what to expect not having paid much attention to regulators. I suppose something closer to 5 may be optimal. The product page has a nice 12 min. video by Tyler Patner. (worth the watch for anyone considering one of these) It was interesting that soft touch stocked version is plastic/rubber (over) wood. I am trying to imagine what process that would even be. The other thing that stands out is the fully adjustable butt plate. That is really nice. I would like to see that more,… even if it is a simple up and down dovetail movement on lower end stuff. I don’t think that casual shooter can really appreciate that until trying one. (Ambi and cheek risers too. Adj. cheek risers do seem to be showing up more which I think is a huge move in the right direction).

    I am anxious to see the accuracy. I look forward to see what you will scope it with as well. I would be tempted to skip the 10 meter and move directly to the 25 yard testing. The L/W barrel, the caliber and the power would seem to justify that. The rear level in the video seemed to work quite well with no head and only eye movement which really surprised me. Looking forward to more. I love to see you testing the high end, high quality stuff. That is a real treat.


      • Siraniko,

        That was my thought as well. I would lean towards a spray on. It is well done. The checkering still shows through very well. It would be interesting to see a full synthetic version with plenty of hollowed out chambers. I’ll bet that a couple of pounds easily could be shaved off. But,… then the entire balance point would change as well. Still,…. a cool process. It is amazing what can be done these days.

  3. B.B.,

    As a lefty I like the default location of the cocking lever. Perfect! Also, I feel every single PCP except target models should have adjustable power levels. Good to see it here.

    I am leery of the magazine location, however. Do you find the cheek-weld fully behind the mag, or after shooting it a while do you find an imprint of it on your face?


    • Michael,

      With this air rifle you may end up wanting to have the lever on the right side instead of the left. You are thinking of cocking with your trigger or left hand and holding the air rifle with your right on the fore stock, however you will likely find that the balance point for this air rifle is at or behind the pistol grip which will likely dictate that you maintain your grip with the trigger hand and cock with your off hand.

      Perhaps BB will be able to confirm or deny this when he mounts a scope and shoulders it.

      • This is exactly the way I did it RR. The gun is very easy to hold in the right hand (if right handed) at the pistol grip and use your left hand to cock the lever. It’s very natural to me and that’s why I would call the Galahad the easiest to cock of all the Bullpups I’ve tried, from a position perspective that is. Any gun where you never have to move your hand from the trigger area is going to get a + in my book. And yes, I’ve shot most of the high dollar ones from FX, Daystate, Kaliburgun, etc. Cocking effort itself is surprisingly easy compared to the pre-production versions we saw.

        Interested to see what BB things the rest of the way.

        • Tyler,

          Of all of the bullpups I have seen, I think I like this setup the best. I think this type is even superior to the cocking lever that comes out away from the side as in the FX Impact. If handled properly it should allow the shooter to better maintain the sight picture while cycling the action.

          The first generation bullpups with the cocking mechanism at the shoulder are not worth it. It takes too much effort to operate such. I am amazed that anyone would still bring that type to market, most especially at a price equal to the newer generation bullpups.

      • RR,

        The rifle can be cocked with the left hand. In fact, doing it with the right hand would be clumsy. But remember, I told you in Part 1 that the lever can be moved to the other side by the user, so you can have it the way you want it.


        • BB,

          What we are referring to is when you shoulder the air rifle and cock the lever, is it easier to do such with your trigger hand or your off hand. Assume that if you are shooting right hand, would you want the lever on the left side and use your off hand to operate the lever or would you want the lever on the right side and use your trigger hand.

          Another way of looking at it is it easier to hold to your shoulder when cocking for a quick follow up shot if you hold the rifle with your trigger hand or your off hand?

            • B.B.,

              This is not my kind of air rifle (PCP, hunter), but even as a lefty, if I had one I would want the cocklng lever on the left side. I would hold the Galahad in place with my right hand at the forearm and cock with my left. I would perhaps even be able to do it without moving it from my cheek, let alone shoulder.


          • RR,

            I commented on this topic the other day and said that I shoot left and like the bolt on the left (M-rod). However,… your question made me reconsider things. For how I shoot and how the gun is supported,… left is best. It is on a tri-pod, front pistol gripped, so it is not tipping over. On top of that, the bottom of the trigger pistol grip is supported as well. (cross hairs just below target and I apply a small bit of downward pressure to bring the cross hairs up to the target) A fully supported rifle in a sled may be very close to this. I let go and nothing moves,.. and it’s right where it needs to be when ready. The rifle has full shoulder pressure, but also supported. (cock with the trigger hand, L)

            Reconsideration time,…… IF I was shooting from a rest only and the rifle is shouldered with no other support,…… then the bolt on the right would be my preference. Why? For the simple reason that it would be easier to maintain shoulder pressure and no tipping with the trigger hand. The front pistol grip might be the exception to this but I believe that holding the rifle at the trigger grip would be the most natural. (cock with off hand, R)

            Off hand would be something else to consider. In that case I think that I would have to unshoulder the rifle, hold it with my trigger hand at the grip and cock it with my right. (cock with off hand, R) (Left may work too if solid shoulder pressure could be maintained and not unshoulder).

            So really, it comes down to what works for you and how you shoot. The above illustration proves just that in (my) case. Unfortunately, I think that most rifles do not have a L/R choice on bolts or levers.

  4. I have to bring this up. I just tryed this yesterday after I got off work.

    If you remember when I got my Maximus I right off the bat hooked up the Air Venturi HPA bottle that’s regulated at a output of 1200 psi. The gun gets ridiculous amounts of usable shots and is by far one of the most accurate air guns I have owned.

    I thought maybe it was the regulated consistent pressure it received for each shot that was making it so accurate.

    Wrong I was. Last night I took the tethered regulated bottle off of the Maximus. Shot about 3 fills through it from 2000 psi down to 1000 psi. Guess what. Still absalutly as accurate as having the regulated bottle. Of course I’m only getting about 27 shots out of that fill range. But the gun is still accurate.

    So at least now I know the gun shooting so accurate wasn’t from regulating the guns air supply. It really just shoots good. Hmm I wonder if that new longer barrel the Maximus got verses the shorter Discovery barrel made the difference in accuracy.

  5. G.F.,

    You and your accurate air guns,……. whatever shall we do with you? 😉 Nice test. It would be very interesting to see the chrony for 1 ~ 27 / (2000 ~ 1000) and analyze what the fps is doing. Very impressive.

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