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Education / Training IZH MP532 target rifle: Part 7

IZH MP532 target rifle: Part 7

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

IZH MP532 single stroke target rifle.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

A history of airguns

This report covers:

  • UTG Micro Reflex doesn’t fit
  • Millett dot sight
  • Dot sights
  • Sight in
  • The test
  • Group 1
  • H&N Match Green
  • H&N Finale Match Heavy
  • Best group
  • GunFun1 — this one’s for you!
  • 25 yards
  • Summary

Today is an unplanned report on the older IZH MP532 target rifler. Reader GunFun1 asked if I could shoot it with a dot sight. So I’m doing that today and this is definitely the last report I’m doing on these two air rifles.

UTG Micro Reflex doesn’t fit

I wanted to test it with the new UTG Micro Reflex dot sight, but with the 11mm dovetail adaptor installed in its clamping jaws the base is too flat to fit down around the rounded top of the MP532 barrel shroud. That prevents both jaws from entering the dovetails at the same time and of course that means you can’t mount that sight on this rifle. No problem, though, because I have other dot sights that do work.

Millett dot sight

I recently tested the Beeman P3 with a Millett dot sight that came with the used pistol I purchased for the test. It was a $200+ sight in its day, so it has plenty of quality. And, best of all, the underside of its clamping base is rounded for rifle dovetails like these.

IZH MP532 Millett
The Millett dot sight went right on the 532 barrel.

Dot sights

Dot sights bring a couple things to the table that we need to appreciate. First, because they typically do not magnify the target, you can wear your everyday glasses. That means you can see both the illuminated dot and the target as good as possible. Dot sights also don’t typically have the erector tube problem that plagues scopes, so they don’t droop. I didn’t sight in at 12 feet like I normally do with a scope. I sat down at 10 meters and fired the first shot, just like I would if I were using open sights. It hit the target backer board 4 inches below and two inches to the right of the aim point, which was the center of the bull.

The next dot sight advantage is they have large adjustment intervals. Instead of 1/4-inch movements per click at 100 yards, they typically move the dot a full inch or so per click at that distance. I’m shooting at 10 meters so I have to adjust about 10 times as many clicks, but it still is a lot less than I would have to do with a scope.

Sight in

The first adjustment brought the next pellet up a little too high and a little to far the left of the aim point. One more adjustment and shot number three scored a solid nine in the center of the bull. So I made it the first shot of the first 5-shot group.

The test

I’m shooting 5-shot groups off a bench at 10 meters with the rifle rested on a sandbag. I’m shooting the same three pellets that were tested in Part 6 last time. The first pellet up and also the one I sighted in with is the RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle, an 8.2-grain wadcutter.

I pumped the pump handle partially 10 times to flex and warm up the pump cup and then once before pumping for each shot. I’m getting used to that with these rifles.

Group 1

Five Meisterkugeln Rifle pellets went into 0.264-inches at 10 yards when I sighted with the dot sight. Compare that to the 0.253-inch group I got from this rifle when using a scope in Part 6.

IZH MP532 Meisterkugeln Rifle
Five RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle pellets went into 0.264-inches at 10 meters when the MP532 was sighted with the Millett dot sight. That hole in the white at the upper left is sighter shot number 2. I left it in the picture to show how quick this dot sight gets on target. The next shot is in the 9 at the top left of the group.

That was a good start to the test. I felt this was going to be a great day.

H&N Match Green

The next pellet I tested was the H&N Match Green wadcutter. In the last test with the scope five of these went into 0.224-inches at 10 meters. This time five went into 0.582-inches. It’s the largest group of the test and I have no explanation of why it is so large. I didn’t pull any of the shots.

IZH MP532 H&N Match Green
Five H&N Match Green pellets went into 0.582-inches at 10 meters. I have no idea why. The four that are in the same hole measure 0.294-inches between centers, but that is still no excuse for this group.

H&N Finale Match Heavy

The last pellet I tested was the H&N Finale Match Heavy wadcutter. In the last test five went into 0.147-inches at 10 meters when the scope was used. This is also the pellet that made a 0.072-inch group when shot at 10 meters with the peep sight in Part 5, after I figured out how the sight worked on the newer 532. Based on that I hoped the dot sight could also do well.

Best group

I didn’t look through the spotting scope for any of these shots, and even when I finished all five of them I didn’t look. I just went downrange to retrieve the target. There, to my utter surprise, was a single hole in the bull through which five of the same target pellets had passed. It measured 0.260-inches across the widest outside measurement and, when I subtracted 0.177 inches to remove half the pellet’s width from each hole, I was stunned to see a 0.083-inch group! I thought “No Way,” so I did the math again. I even measured the hole again to be sure. Then I photographed my phone to share with you what I saw.

IZH MP532 H&N Finale Match Heavy calculation
This is what I saw when I calculated the group size.

IZH MP532 H&N Finale Match Heavy
And this is the group. Five pellets went into 0.083-inches at 10 meters.

Do you recall what I said when I shot that 0.072-inch group back in Part 5? I said, If that isn’t the smallest 10-meter group I ever shot, it’s certainly one of them. How much luck was involved? Probably quite a bit, but more testing will sort that out.”

Well, today’s test is more testing and I guess we have sorted it out. These Russian target rifles really do shoot that well! It isn’t just luck. Isn’t that nice to know?

GunFun1 — this one’s for you!

I may be the Great Enabler, but some of you guys are getting pretty good at it, yourselves. Here is part of what GunFun1 said to me in the comments to Part 6.

“As you say it’s obvious only certain scopes will work on it. It has a factory peep sight. So really what was the purpose of the dovetail on this gun? I guess in the end what I’m saying is a dot sight would give a purpose to the dovetail. And I think it would actually make it be a nice little plinker out at 20 yards or more with the dot sight.

“If I was thinking about buying a gun like your testing, for me it would get a dot sight and it would be used at farther distances. Otherwise, if that option won’t happen, then it would probably not end up in my hands.”

I underlined certain portions of his comment for you to take special note. That is a cry for me to test this rifle at more than 10 meters if ever I heard one. Well, he doesn’t have to ask twice!

25 yards

I backed up to 25 yards, and of course I used the best pellet, which is this H&N Finale Match Heavy. I shot at a 10-meter pistol target because at that distance it looks about the same as the rifle target looks at 10 meters. I left the sight set where it was at 10 meters. This time five pellets went into 0.529-inches between centers. That’s not bad and it’s even better than I did with H&N Match Greens at 10 meters.

IZH MP532 H&N Finale Match Heavy 25 yards
At 25 yards the 532 put five H&N Finale Match Heavy pellets in 0.529-inches between centers.


We have now certainly learned more about this air rifle than I have ever seen in print. There may be a lot more in Russian somewhere but not in English, I think. Once again, these are scarce rifles everywhere and they are getting harder to find all the time. I am so glad I got to test this for you. I hope you enjoyed the series.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

70 thoughts on “IZH MP532 target rifle: Part 7”

  1. BB,

    What a shame they were never as readily available as their little sisters were. I would most definitely have picked one up to go with my Izzy. It is a real shame that a distributor and dealer had not carried these like the pistol. Of course we are partly to blame. With our desire for more speed and power we had left the lowly SSP behind. Opportunity missed.

    As for a modern 10 meter air rifle, pfffffft. I just thought my HM1000X was expensive. Suddenly those FWB600 series prices do not sound that bad. There are still quite a few SSP air rifles out there looking for a good home. To my knowledge no one is manufacturing any except maybe the Russians and they are not getting any cheaper than they are right now.

    • RR,

      See the RSS Comments (Shootski comment) and see if you can figure out what is “wrong” with the HAM article that Shootski brought up. I took my stab at it.


              • RR,
                We need to hear from Shootski why he considers the HAM article to not be well written. I think it is because the new legends gun is named an M1A1 but does not include the Tompson name that is an iconic part of the gun it replicates.

                • Gerald,


                  see my reply to Chris on yesterday’s B.B. blog for some links to interesting reading as well as my thought on why Umarex did what THEY did!

                  shootski® aka, GRUMPY©

                  • Shootski,

                    I agree with your observation about the conspicuous absence of “Thompson” in the marketing/article. It’s clearly a licensing cost avoidance strategy. Im surprised its use is still owned/restricted, but no doubt Umarex would have researched this.

                    Naming aside, I’m really excited to see this come to market. A storied firearm, for sure. Back in 1921, they cost $200, and remained expensive going into WW2. Funny that the 2020 price for this wont be far off the original price 100 years later.

                    I have few airguns from the Legends line. Hoping Umarex will continue to push the quality high on this one. I expect they will.

                    I’m curious if they will come out with a “weathered” version. I’d prefer it, if offered

                    No doubt an M1A1 will be added to my collection. But Ill be calling it a Thompson like everyone else.


        • RR,

          Sorry for the slow (no) reply. I was in a bit of a hurry this AM and was out doing some running around today. Seems like we have an answer.

          I like something like this,… but blowing out 30 shots in 5 seconds-ish,…. then reload. Mags. at $40 each if I recall. Sorry,… but this needs tethered to an HPA tank with a 200 shot mag. Plus, I have to wonder how many shots it will take to beat itself apart and fail.

          You may never talk to me again,… but I got me one of those “smart” phones. I got it for what I was giving Mom and Dad for the family plan,… plus a new phone, way better picture taking and internet if I want it. Now,…. if I can just figure out how to turn the darn thing on!!!!!!!!! 😉 I am on my own, but getting it figured out very slowly. I need me a 12 year old around to show me the ropes! LOL! At any rate,… that is what is occupying my time as of late.

          I did not need it, nor will I be changing my phone habits, but the cost was right and I figured that sooner or later I needed to move into the current times sooner or later. It is a pain, but learning anything new can be.


          • Chris,

            LOL! I do not have to say anything. You are paying for learning that new technology stuff.

            If I did not work on a computer all day long and have two laptops, two Kindles and a smart TV at home I might consider one. I just like to get away from the stuff for awhile. When Kathy and I go out, I leave my phone in the car. I don’t need it. She is right there with me.

            Have fun with your new toy.

          • Chris
            Welcome to the dark side…..Of cell phones.

            There’s no turning back now. 😉

            Oh and we will speak again. Maybe in a different way soon. As in some smart phone posts on the blog. 🙂

            • GF1,

              So far,… not fun. It is the Moto G7 Power model. Great front and rear camera, etc., etc.. I hope to get much better at picture taking and posting some more pics to the blog. A fellow at work is getting the same one so he may be of great help. I downloaded the manual on line as well. 200+ pages. Being a touch screen, I have found the stylus pens to be a God send.

              I seriously doubt that I will get anywhere near how you use one. I have no desire to,…but that could change,… you never know. I do not have the advantage of someone in the house that can get me up to speed in a day either. We shall see.


              • Chris
                You don’t need no kid around to show you. Seriously just think of it as a computer with a touch screen. All the machines at work are that way now. They got a computer tower in the machines electric cabinet. Some still run on XP and others have been updated to windows 7 and up. It’s the same with the machines as the phones. You just got to learn to navigate. And the trick is learn what you need to know. If something comes up you want to know about then ask. Don’t worry about what you don’t know. Worry about what you need. Remember just think computer.

                You know how computers have a tool bar you can click on. Your cell phone has one too.

                All you got to do now if you want to go to the blog is go to your Google screen (it should be like a icon on your home screen on the phone). Pull it up then type in Pyramyd AIR.com and it should pull up the PA site. Then it’s just like your laptop or computer. Navigate to the blog and tap on it. Really once you start using it you will see how much your phone is like your computer at home.

                I think you will be surprised how quick you catch on. And you know where to go already if you got questions about your phone. Here on the blog. 🙂

  2. BB
    Thank you much for the 25 yard test.

    And I have to say I thought the gun would do it. As in shoot a nice group at 25 yards. But I will say I am surprised a bit too. I maybe had some doubt about it. Glad you did it.

    And no I won’t ask for 50 yards. That really is pushing it I believe for some 10 meter guns. But then again I had 2 FWB 300s that surprised me at 50 yards. One was modified and it did a bit better at 50 yards than the stock one. But I believe that was only because the modified one shot at a higher velocity and it bucked the wind better.

    Again glad you did do the test.

    • GF1,

      I kind of got the impression that BB pushed it out to 25 just for you,… since you showed interest in owning one,…. IF it would do this, that and this. Well,.. he did it and it did it. I am surprised that there is no offer to buy on your behalf.


      • Chris
        No not interested in the gun. Was interested in how well this 10 meter single stroke pneumatic would shoot at 25 yards.

        Most people put them off as only 10 meter guns. So when you start pushing them out to farther limits they have in thier mind that they won’t group good. The red dot on the gun was just to more or less show that they indeed to can shoot good groups on a capable gun too. See how my mind works. 😉

        So as I said before. Combine a dot sight with a known good shooting gun and a person might just be surprised at the results.

        And here’s where I’ll put another plug in for the Bear River MX1000 I have that I converted to a regulated HPA bottle. It’s a shooter. And I tryed different sights on it now with the exception of a peep sight. But for how I shoot it (that being fast action target shooting) the factory open sights work. It’s got a regular notched rear sight with a square post front sight with a fine red fiber optic in it with a nice size globe. It really works well for fast acquisition.

        And speaking of fast acquisition. Man o man that Air Ordinance full auto .22 caliber pellet gun is definitely a fun gun. And so far it’s been reliable. And it’s nicely built.

        What surprised me too is it came with a nice hard case and foam padding, two 100 round belts, a speed loader and 3 tins of pellets. Was only suppose to come with one tin. And it has a nice manual and good pictures in the manual. And what I like most about the gun it’s not select fire. You bump the trigger and you get single shot and the more you press it and the longer you hold it the more it shoots. And it has a adjustable rate of fire when you hold the trigger for full auto. From a bump bump bump to a full on 12 rounds per second brrrt…. kind of like the A10’s Gatling gun. And it adjusts with a turn of a flat head screw. Definatly liking this gun.

        • GF1,

          So you picked up a SMG-22. I thought they were pretty nifty myself. The only thing I did not care about is they blow CO2/HPA out of the action (wasted) and because the belt is also the chamber it can only withstand so much pressure thereby limiting the power. But otherwise they are indeed fun to play with. There is one more issue though. You need about ten or twelve belts for a few minutes of fun. 😉

          That MX1000 looks like a nice little pop gun. I like the magazine for it.

          • RR
            This SMG is the you know what.

            I don’t care how much air it wastes as long as I’m waisting what I aim at. And it’s doing a fine job of that. 🙂

            And yep the MX has a nice mag. The gun has surprised me. Was about to get another and do up a HPA conversion on it but Doc H posted that link about the Diana 98 pcp. I started looking at military guns after that and of course the AO SMG popped up. Just had to do it this time. Had my eye on them over the years. So I got it, the SMG that is.

            My youngest daughter shot it yesterday and she was smiling from ear to ear when she handed it back to me. Can’t wait to hear what my oldest daughter and her husband says when they come over for Thanksgiving and they shoot it. If I know her/them they won’t be able to put it down.

            • GF1,

              Oh, I do understand. Full auto is awesome. It is just a me thing. The new LCS is more to my liking. I would be content if it was just semi like the K1. Now a belt fed operating at these power levels would be the cat’s meow.

              Oh well. With a new washing machine and a new exhaust system for my truck, I do not see a new airgun in the near future.

              • RR
                I have thought about the LCS but changed my mind.

                For one it costs more than 3 times as much as the Air Ordinance SMG and expensive guns break too. Done learned that lesson. And the second thing I don’t like is the rotary clip is right by your ear at the butt stock. I’m sure ear protection will be needed for that gun. It’s a cool gun and all but that’s what stopped me from getting it.

                Oh and yes semi-auto is cool but full auto is even cooler.

                And don’t loose hope. Maybe income tax time will be good for you.

                • GF1,

                  The truth is though that is fun to play with on occasion, I am not really interested in owning it myself. It would be nice if I lived close to somebody who was into airguns and had several of the Legend series so when I had the urge I could go over shred stuff for a bit, but I would rather have something like a .22 Brocock Compatto. It would most definitely see a lot more shooting time.

        • Gunfun1,

          Same page +++

          My son learned how to read the wind at 100 meters shooting his Hämerli AR50, 10 meter PCP air rifle.
          He uses that education to shoot clean with his Anschutz model1827 Fortner after XC skiing for a few kilometers and then doing it all over again. I think long range firearm shooters are really missing out on a fantastic training tool for learning how to deal with their biggest NEMESIS; the WIND!


          • Shootski
            With you a hundred percent.

            The wind will teach you alot when you shoot. Same with a 10 meter gun at longer distances. And all the other guns inbetween.

            That is what makes us better shooters. Different guns teach you different things. It’s catching that info is what is important.

  3. B.B.

    The MP-532 is an interesting rifle and I would be looking for one if I didn’t have the 10 meter base covered so well.

    I think that the old 10 meter rifles would become extremely hard to get if people discovered that they are excellent plinkers – easy to cock, quiet, superbly accuracy with awesome triggers – doesn’t get any better than that.

    I put a scope on my FWB 300SU and do a lot of pesting and plinking with it out to 20-25 yards. Quarter inch (benched) groups are no problem with JSB domed pellets.

    My FWB 603 sees most of its use for indoor 10 meter target shooting in the winter. I wanted to mount a scope and plink with it but I would have to make a low-profile loading gate and still have to mount the scope way higher than I prefer. Ended up buying a Dot sight and it mounts on the peep-sight dove-tail perfectly.

    The winter project list is getting pretty long but I have a couple of nice maple blanks and may (finally) get around to making sport stocks for both of them. Hope so.

    Happy Friday eh!

    • Hank,
      On an unrelated but still important note, I FOUND the slingshot you made me! Yes, it was the first thing packed, and the first thing I could not find when starting to unpack boxes at the new place. I had packed it in a small box labeled “Custom Slingshot from Hank.” Apparently, at a later time, I must have decided that the small box might get lost, so I packed it in a larger box; however, I did NOT think to label “Slingshot” somewhere on the box. Hence, you can imagine my surprise when I opened a box with shoes and metal drawers in it, and under the first layer of stuff I found the slingshot box…yay! Much happiness here!
      Take care,

      • Dave,

        Glad that you found it! Sooner rather than later!

        I just “found” some archery stuff that went missing 14 years ago! Yeah, like you, box in a box problem.

        I am waiting on a new gun that is too “tactical” for my preferences – plan to add some buckthorn accents (hand grip, butt and cheek-piece) to the all black gun – should look good with the deep red-orange glow that the buckthorn has.

        Have a good weekend eh!


          • GF1,

            I am waiting for a .22 caliber FX Impact MKII with two 700mm barrels – one for pellets and one for slugs.

            FX has not been able to keep up with the demand and shipments to Canada don’t seem to be high on their priority list – they have been backordered for months. It’s supposed to be by the end of the month but I’m not holding my breath – can’t do any serious shooting/tuning until spring anyway.


              • GF1,

                You might want to check out what FX has been up to with their Dreamline, Crown and Impact guns.

                The current barrels system offers fully rifled “Smooth Twist X” polygonal barrel sleeve “liners” that are extremely accurate. MOA or sub-MOA groups are common in well tuned guns. Pesting and plinking with slugs out to 125 yards is par for the course and out to 200 yards (and farther) for the guys who really know how to dope the wind.

                Lots to learn, lots of practicing to be done – looking forward to the warm weather.


  4. B.B.,

    You probably shot the 10 meter groups inside?
    The Gunfun1 25 group was shot outside?

    How was the wind?
    Regardless excellent shooting!

    Just think how much better those groups could be with a PERSONALIZED stock! Lol!



  5. BB
    Your gun wall.
    I had some 1894 BB parts rifles I decided to make wall hangers and after a few years they came down and were replaced with my Navy squadron wall placards. I found some rust and sticky oil coating them. They were on the back side of a kitchen wall in the living room.
    In hind sight It became clear that it was caused by high humidity from my evaporative cooler and simple cooking with oil in a frying pan. Increased moist air from a fan passing over them speeds up the rusting. I got a few wood display boxes with sliding plexi-glass covers from the Daisy Museum for future displays like my wire stock and some display knives.
    You may want to consider protecting them with some spray furniture cleaner / wax on a rag or gun oil on a regular basis if you want to avoid the problem. Under glass is the way to go for the good stuff.
    Bob M.

        • shootski,

          I bookmarked that page after reading about the wax. That sounds like what I need to do top my display items.

          Question — you are showing the R-ball registration mark next to your name. Have you registered it through the Patent Office? And why spend that kind of money? I spent $2,500 to get my Godfather of Airguns registered and then they want another thousand every 5 years to renew it. Is it worth that expense?


          • B.B.,

            The Renaissance Wax is something I learned about from numerous Concervators and restoration experts in the arms as well as aviation museum world. The Rust Store was such a great find some years back after paying for the wax to be shipped from the UK as well as their expertise in all things RUST.

            Time to fess up. I used it ® illegally to be a hint to Chris USA and others on the post about the Thompson Submachine Gun® post. I’ll stop doing that since it will never be cost effective in the niche BIATHLON Coaching world. I doubt I need to worry about defending my use of shootski. Certainly, as you should for your title the Godfather of Airguns!


            • Shootski,

              The ® (was) noted. You seem to have quite the worldly/well cultured background,… so I did not assume. Though it did,.. strike me as a bit odd. But yes, that was a good clue for your comment..


        • Shootski
          Thanks for the tip on the wax. Added it to my favorites as well. Should probably get some for the three vintage BSA motorcycles I have in my dinning room. Most of my home is a man cave.
          It may even work better than regular car wax to slow down chrome exhaust pipe bluing, as well as the custom pistol grips I ordered from Marlon in the UK from fading into yellow … the ones I want to stay white at least.
          Bob M.

          • Bob M,

            My pleasure to share Renaissance Wax with all of you readers!

            The Rust Store has some real experts on all things Corrosion. See the info on the wax in my response to B.B. above about how I learned about it.


        • I’ve been using Renaissance Wax for about ten years. It is perfect for gunstocks. I rub small amounts in with my fingers, and polish with an old cotton rag. It seems to clean as well as leaving a protective finish. A little goes a long way. It can be applied to metal, too. It’s a refined paraffin wax, neutral pH.

          I first heard about it on knife forums, where it was suggested to preserve wooden handles and scales.

          BB, I recall asking about this at your table at the Arkansas Airgun Extravaganza. Mac piped in, and said it was great stuff.

          Also available on Amazon.

          • JerryC,

            I find it interesting how most folks use wax for wood but don’t think to use it for protecting metals.
            I like, Renaissance Wax, for my blued (hot salt bath) blued guns. I have never seen any change in the properties or appearance of the blueing. I will say I have no experience with using the wax on cold blueing and would never use it on a Parkerized gun.

            Keeps your Brass sparkling and does a great Spit Shine top of coat!


  6. Just a quick one.

    The Air Ordinance SMG belt links snap together. So you can eliminate one or some if you want for whatever reason.

    They come in 100 round belts. I have mine broke into 50 rounds. Why? Easier to load up quicker. Plus less rounds used per load. I know why do I have a full auto if I’m skimping on rounds.

    But anyway here’s a picture. That’s full auto at a 12 oz. aluminum can at 25 yards and 50 rounds. And that’s a continuous blast.

    Oh and the can was filled with water and frozen in the freezer. Yep the ice was blowing up everywhere. Hmm thinking I need to attach the cell phone to the scope and get some videos of some 50 round blasts.

    Here’s the can.

    • GF1,

      It is not an “official” feral can obliteration unless (all) print is illegible! I seem to be making out a Co??,… something or other. A new brand of pop/soda? 😉 LOL!



    • Gunfun1,

      They just don’t make those feral cans like they used too!
      Why, when I was a boy, it took at least ten times the shots to do that to the old cans! Lol!

      Looks like fun! Especially with the frozen water inside.


      • Shootski
        Maybe those were the old tin cans/soup cans. This was a aluminum can.

        But I do rinse out the tin cans and save them to shoot at them. Matter of fact that’s a ravioli tin can that I’m shooting the WildFire at in the one video.

        I also save the old Lysol cans and shaving cream cans too. They are fun when you let them set out in the hot sun all day. Well the first hit is the fun one. There is some pressure that gets built up and they tend to spin around a bit if hit right. Fun stuff though.

  7. Figured I would give a update here since I posted about the Air Ordinance gun. It’s no more. For me anyway.

    Yesterday it started going full auto when the trigger was pressed and wide open rapid fire till the bottle emptied.

    Talked to Air Ordinance this morning and they asked me what I wanted to do. The lady was extremely friendly and said I can talk to a tech or send it back that I’m still in that 30 day window to return it for a full refund.

    I chose to send it back thinking that the problem would probably happen again. But maybe not. Just didn’t feel like taking the chance again. Oh well it was fun while it lasted. I got some other guns in my mind I been thinking about so we’ll see. And darn that gun was fun. But I was hoping for reliability. It is what it is.

    • GF1,

      That is what has had me concerned with full autos and even the blowback pistols. Sure, not the same forces as the firearm versions, but still. We all know that airgun makers use non metallic (non magnetic) metals and sintered/powder metals in certain areas.

      Bottom line is that there seems to be a heck of a lot to get right,… in all the right places,.. and still pull off something that’s within an affordable air gun budget.

      I would like to see some customer’s testament/comment that states something to effect of,.. “I have fired 10,000+ shots from my XYZ Whammy Blaster in (full auto) air gun with zero failures,.. etc. etc….”. I s’pect I will be waiting awhile to ever see that.

      Glad you had some fun with it while it lasted,………. Chris

      It would be interesting to know the differences in the (internals) of new modern full auto air guns and the long tested “Fair” guns as seen in “shoot the star out” shooting galleries. That is the other thing,… I want 200 shots,…. not 20-30 and then re-load/re-cartridge.

      • Chris,

        I believe the Feltman “Shoot out the Red Star isn’t full auto. I’m not certain but I think it has has a siphon mechanism. Blow pressurized air across a pipe and it creates a vacuum in the pipe that sucks BBs up. They blow out the barrel when they hit the air steam. I know that many “automatic” guns work that way. If I’m wrong then the mechanism would be interesting to see.

        The Feltman design belongs to AirForce so I will try to get a better answer and maybe even a test.


        • BB,

          Yes,… siphon as I recall from my prior, limited knowledge. Ammo/bb’s force fed with air too, as I recall. Without doubt,….100% more simple in complexity. No doubt,… someone has made a rough/refined? homemade version. Over the years, there have been such discussions right here amongst the posters, me included. The fps may not be that much,… nor very accurate,… but hey,… what are we talking?,… 10-15 feet at best?

          I do hope you turn up something. That would be one of my most enjoyable blogs for me to read and absorb. 10 minutes later,… I would be off to source all the parts to make my own crude (yet functional version). 😉

          LOL! 🙂 ,….. Chris

      • Chris
        The Air Ordinance gun has a hundred round belt and you can break that belt up to different lengths if you want. And come to think about it firearm wise. Some states only allow 10 shots in a clip or mag. And then see what you go through to try to own a full auto firearm. So the Air Ordinance SMG is a cool gun. From what I know there is only about 3 full auto pellet shooting guns out there. And one isn’t made in full auto anymore.

        And far as pcp or Co2 goes with a semi-auto or full auto gun. I think it’s the nature of the beast if you know what I mean. The gun is trying to cycle off of air pressure not cartridge pressure like a firearm. So I think that’s were the reliability falls apart with the full and semi auto pellet guns. And of course the seals and such. It’s not that the physical parts are breaking it’s that the system has problems making consistent air pressure. Then if a o-ring and such starts leaking then problems happen too.

        And if I remember right the carnival guns don’t operate on HPA like the pcp’s do. They worked on shop compressor pressure. That’s a hole lot different than the HPA pcp’s. It will be interesting if BB can do a report on the carnival guns. And remember here’s another thing different about the carnival guns. They shot bb’s not pellets. So I would say that’s what is helping them stay reliable.

        And as for as people reviewing the full and semi auto guns. There was quite a bit of positive reviews on the different guns I have owned that we are talking about right now. But there was also some reviews that said there was problems. Heck look at the two FX Monsoons I had. One worked flawlessly. The other was a pain in the butt. As I said before. It’s the nature of the beast.

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