Beeman P3
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Unlike many production pistols, the P3 is made of quality materials. Manufactured by the legendary Weihrauch factory in Germany, this air pistol has a rifled steel barrel. In fact, all critical mechanisms are made of ordnance steel, while the exterior shell is made of tough, durable polymers.
Whether you shoot right-handed, left-handed, single-handed or two-handed, the Beeman P3 can accommodate you! The ambidextrous design and the functionality of the cocking mechanism are convenient no matter what style of shooting you enjoy.
Accuracy is 0.20" center-to-center. You won't find too many pistols in this price range that can brag about that kind of accuracy! The P3 is perfect for 10-meter target shooting, but you'll end up doing a lot more with the gun. Plinking, shooting spinners, and popping tin cans are loads of fun, and the P3 is up to the challenge!

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10 of 67 Beeman P3 Reviews
I like all the things on the P3
Things I Would Have ChangedI like the feel,how it aim. I am shooting at targets 22feet away the size of the bull is 1.5 inch. Stayed in the bulls eye most of the time. So there is nothing I would change.
What Others Should KnowThis is a remarkable air pistol for the price. If you can afford it buy it.
Great Light Smooth 2 Stage Trigger & its so Accurrate
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis is my fifth P3 except this was a Refurbished that was $207.23 shipped ! have tried so many different Pistol and sell them because none have a Trigger as in the Beeman P3 ! I will be keeping this P3 for sure, right next to my Beeman P1 ! German Craftsmanship at its Best !Thanks Again to PA for a Refurbished P3 that turned out Better than my others that were bought New !
This gun is phenomenal tremendous accuracy. The trigger is unbelievable. I wish all my Pistols had a trigger this night. The chamber is tighter than the P7. If you shoot inexpensive pellets, they are harder to push in far enough. I made myself a little plastic pellet cedar. I’m shooting Norma pellets in the Gun just absolutely loves them.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing maybe the price
Everything accuracy fit and finish I have the Beeman 17 this is nicer materials
Things I Would Have ChangedMake this gun in a PCP
What Others Should KnowYou would have to put a scope on the three and on the 17 and bench shoot it to be able to tell if there is a difference in accuracy but if you can afford it three is a better gun I have 2. 17s and 1. 3 trigger on the three is a little bit better but the triggers on the 17s are excellent also.
Accurate, cheap to operate, fun
Things I Would Have Changednot a thing, really.
What Others Should KnowThe Beeman P3 is fantastic. I bought specifically to practice at home (I have 10 meter range at in basement). This pistol saves a ton of money compared to going to gun range. It costs about 2.5 c per shot, compared to 12c for 22 or 40c for 9mm,. In only a few weeks this pellet pistol greatly improved my performance at the range with my powder burners. I have other pellet pistols that are CO2, but many times I only want to take 10 - 20 shots, so this pistol eliminates the need and pressure to burn through a CO2 cartridge. It is way more accurate than I can ever be. It is quiet enough for practice at home and I get 1" groups. I find the fiber optic sights to be a bit bright, but w/tweaks they are spot on. I shoot at 10 meter targets at 6:00 sight picture and this is almost always in the 9 and 10 rings, and I am beyond satisfied with that. I am a very fit and strong 58 year old retired guy, but cocking this pistol is definitely not for anyone without solid upper body strength. A keeper.
The pistol had enough power, it wasn't heavy, the sights were easy to use.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe pistol needs to be broken in somewhere between 150- 1000 pellets before the power and accuracy settles down. It shoots very high, about 2 inches at 10 meters, so maybe it is set up for 25 yards, I look forward to shooting my pistol after the brake in period ends!
What Others Should KnowI live in Canada, so with the new strict laws for pistol ownership, this pistol is a good alternative to owning and enjoying shooting a real pistol. The 10 shot trial at the store with the pellet speeds may have helped it clear Canadian customs.
very accurate. well built. trigger is perfect. nice little "pop" sound
Things I Would Have Changedits not cheap. grip is a bit too smooth/ almost slippery. its too accurate, you will become bored hitting every target every time.
What Others Should Knowpaid $200 many years ago. still shoots perfectly after hundreds of rounds. get one
Excellent trigger
Things I Would Have ChangedRear site can get in the way when cocking. Site could be beefier.
The trigger is excellent and the pistol is easy to cock and generally easy to load. Its not as loud as I anticipated; the sound level is comfortable in my smaller, two-car garage without the use of hearing protection.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would prefer a rear peep sight; it would provide a more consistent sight picture in a variety of lighting angles. An option to not have fiber-optic sights would be nice too; that way I could have a thinner front sight blade which would lead to greater accuracy.
What Others Should KnowThe pistol currently outshoots me and I am looking forward to seeing how accurate it will get. For reference, at about 7m I am easily putting five pellets (Crosman) inside a 1-inch circle, but I have only been shooting it for a couple of days. I highly recommend getting one of the .22 LR bullet traps for indoor use with it.
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Feb 11, 2025
By Frits
I like every thing on the P3 because I shoot one hand. Distance 22 feet indoors.It is accurate after shooting 225 pellets with minor adjustment.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe sights is excellent for outdoor shooting. For indoors it is needed getting used to the sights because of the lighting, it is hard to align the sights.until you find some point. Special for people over 80 like myself..
What Others Should KnowTrigger is excellent, closing the barrel is little hard at lease for me.Watch your fingers pinch mine a few times.