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Benjamin Marauder PCP, Image 1
Benjamin Marauder PCP, Image 1

Benjamin Marauder PCP Air Pistol Kit

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The Marauder pistol cannot be filled with CO2. Use only high-pressure air.

Accurate, powerful, compact - it's everything you want from a high-quality PCP pistol. And, it comes at a budget-friendly price, to boot!

Perfect for plinking, target practice, pesting and small-game hunting, the Benjamin Marauder PCP air pistol packs plenty of potential. Whether you're considering a PCP airgun for your bugout bag, are looking for a powerful, accurate, yet compact and maneuverable carbine for bagging squirrels, rabbits and other types of small game, or you just want to get into the PCP game without breaking the bank, this Marauder combo is right up your alley.

Kit includes Includes a 3-9x32 scope, 1" rings, hand pump, one mag and shoulder stock extension
Click on the AMMO link for a list of recommended pellets. The ACCESSORIES link has a list of targets, hand pumps and other gear you'll need. It includes both rifle and pistol scopes. A rifle scope can be used when you attach the included shoulder stock to your Marauder pistol.

  • Benjamin Marauder pistol
  • Precharged pneumatic (PCP)
  • Bolt-action
  • 8-rd circular mag with auto-indexing
  • 11mm dovetail
  • Integral shroud makes this a VERY quiet gun
  • 12" choked barrel delivers superior accuracy
  • Raised aluminum breech for easier loading of the clip
  • 2-stage adjustable match trigger...and the trigger is heat-treated metal!
  • 1.53 lbs. trigger-pull
  • 29.75" overall length with stock
  • 18" overall length without stock
  • 15.75" length of pull
  • Uses 2,900 psi compressed air
  • Built-in pressure gauge
  • Air tank has a quick-disconnect male Foster fitting
  • 65cc (4 cu in) reservoir
  • Reversible bolt -- switch from right to left side (with our special service)
  • Ideal for hunting small quarry up to 33 yds away
  • No open sights, so you'll need a scope or dot sight
  • Marauder pistol clips are not interchangeable with the Marauder rifle clips...and vice versa
  • Includes Mantis 3-9x32 AO Rifle Scope, 1" rings, Crosman Hand Pump, one mag and shoulder stock extension
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Includes 3-9x32 scope, 1" rings, hand pump, one mag and shoulder stock extension


.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
700 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
12.11 lbs
Cylinder Size
65 cc
Fixed/adj. power
Multiple settings
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull
1.53 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
8 round(s)
Body Type
Operating Pressure
2900 PSI / 200 BAR

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 10 Benjamin Marauder Pistol Kit Reviews

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I purchased this pistol for culling the iguana herd in our yard (we live in South Florida). We have been basically unable to grow anything we used to because of the iguanas. They especially love bougainvilleaI which we have surrounding our property on three sides and growing to heights to 30+ feet. I started with a Crossman pistol but it just wasn't powerful or accurate enough to do the job. The Marauder does the job and the sight that came with the package is a total game changer. I pick the larger iguanas out of the high up plants with relative ease. I mean WOW!!! We now have growing and blooming plants again especially the bougainvillea - my wife is very pleased to say the least and you know if she's happy we all are.

The hand pump is pretty difficult to actually use it requires a lot of pressure to get the recommended psi of 3000.I have since purchased a Rovair 4500 from Pryamidair and it is much easier and more accurate and obviously way easier to use. I would have been nice to have a kit that included the Rovair instead of the hand pump (obviously would have been more expensive but hey so much better.)

Well worth the cost.

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The Benjamin Marauder PCP Pistol is my first foray into the world of PCP guns. It was great to get a kit so that I had an easy starting point. The Marauder itself is terrific to use and the trigger is excellent. I liked that it was very accurate at the distances which I was shooting at, which was about 10-20 yards. One of the best features is that it has a shroud which can also take an adapter to add another moderator on it. With just the shroud itself it is quiet but once I added a DonnyFL UNF adapter and then tried both a DonnyFL Tanto and Buck-Rail suppressor, it was so quiet that you can only hear the firing mechanism and the pellet hitting.

Having backup sights would be great so you do not have to get an optic immediately. Still, I was planning to add an optic anyway so the kit was perfect to get started immediately.

My son was visiting from another state when this came so we put it together. We had a blast using it so I bought a kit for him too so he could get started with air guns. (I also bought him a Crosman 1322 because everyone should have one of those.)

Alan Sep 25, 2023

Thank you! You answered all my questions!

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Accurate, relatively easy to pump up by hand, nice little package

A small picatinny rail on the foregrip for a bipod and a higher comb on the stock

This is my first PCP. It is a great gun and being able to take 30? Full powered shots on a fill is awesome. I am more accurate with the Marauder than I ever was with my Diana 460.

I did have to get a 2nd Marauder Pistol from Pyramid Air as the first was leaking from the pressure gauge. The exchange process was painless, I sent out the old one on monday and had the new one on Saturday. The new marauder was full of air when I received it, and has held since. Plenty of rounds down range and it is more accurate than me.

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I haven't gone through a whole canister of pellets just yet, but, so far, I am completely satisfied with the purchase. Already got an extra four mags, gun case and 2500 more rounds for it.

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Everything about the gun and kit. It's a great package.

There is only one thing I did change and that is because I'm a 82 year old man that weighs 140 pounds. The hand pump was just toooo much for me. After some effort I did find a power pump that worked and was a little less expensive than PyramydAirs. We're asking a lot of these little compressors.

As an old guy used to big calibers and big guns AirGuns have evolved to where they are a fun and can be challenging and quite rewarding activity. When you can partner with big and trustworthy companies it is a good experience. Keep up the good work Pyramydair

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Easy to fill with hand pump

Scope in package wont zero in.

Shoots good... As far as accuracy,I cannot vouch for, since the Mantis included scope has reached its limit and is 1/2 from being on target.Wont zero in.

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Air cap is very hard to remove. A screw on/off would be better. Circular 8 rd clip is hard to insert and remove.

8 rd circular clip quit working after only 2 uses. Spring quit working. Also air pump is very hard to use. Not very good instructions in kit.

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Extremely accurate, quiet, easy to carry and store. Shooting position is great as this small pistol cum carbine fits just right. The 22 pellet is terrific.

Not sure how long I am going to live with this hand pump though. At about 2300 psi I am pretty much at my limit of weight and strength and cannot get the pressure up higher without major effort. Maybe when the weather cools off. In the meantime it shoots very well from 2300 down so I am not missing out on anything.

My magazine fits very tightly and is difficult to get in and out. I believe more use will fix this because the mag is plastic. Loading the magazines is easy once you learn how. Different from say a GAMO magazine but not difficult. The bolt is not as smooth as it wants to be. Metal to metal rubbing. Again, all this meant to me was that factory tolerances are not exact and a tiny bit of lube and use will fix the issues for both the bolt and the magazine.

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This pistol is an absolute joy to shoot. Accuracy is really impressive. This bundle included everything I needed to start out right. Carbine stock is a great improvement as expected and the scope is excellent for my needs. Really pleased with this.

Nothing at this point. Planning to start nitpicking after the kid at Christmas feeling has passed.

Had the worst luck with buying anything more complex than a brick online lately so I chose the 20 service to avoid any surprises. Excellent investment if you handle disappointment as poorly as I and like to avoid RMAs like the plague.

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My first PCP and I am very impressed with almost all of it. Upgraded from a Gamo springer and the accuracy of this little carbine blows my mind. It is also surprisingly quiet for how short the barrel is. This was a perfect intro to PCP guns because the manual pump only takes 25-30 strokes to replenish the sweet spot of pressure from 1800-2550 PSI. I get about 16 shots in that range with consistent muzzle velocities, but accuracy at 20 yds maintains a bit outside of that range. The included Crosman HP pellets printed very well, and the Crosman Piranha does even better. Trigger is great, action works, the mag is stiff to insert/remove at first, but they break in and become easier. Occasionally the mag hangs up in its rotation, but that has happened to me maybe 2 times in 700 rds. My optics snobbery was suspicious of the UTG hunter scope, but it is very clear and well built and makes for a very effective combo. Perfect weapon for fox squirrels in my yard inside 30 yards.

The carbine gripstock was indeed slightly wobbly even with screws tightened, as I have seen in YouTube reviews. Two layers of Frog Tape applied to the back of the metal frame inside the grip fixed that right up without showing any tape externally. A screw holding the metal grip frame on started to come loose also, but was easily tightened. Nothing blue threadlocker will not fix.

So far the most accurate pellet for my gun has been the H&N Hornet 16gr, but those go for ~$0.13 each. Best value in accuracy has been the Crosman Piranha 14.39gr that sell for $0.03 each, and I see those for sale in many big box stores.

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