Benjamin Recharge HPA, Image 1
Benjamin Recharge HPA, Image 1

Benjamin Recharge HPA Compressor, 4500 PSI, 110V

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Hey PCP airgunners - stop slaving over an unwieldy manual pump or driving all the way to the SCUBA shop already!

With Benjamin's Recharge high-pressure air compressor, you’ll have all the air you need at your fingertips, whether to recharge an airgun directly or fill up a tank or two to use in the field. Using a standard U.S. 3-prong plug for 110v outlets, the Recharge is ready to do just that right out of the box in the convenience of your own home or wherever your airgunning travels take you.

There’s no need to worry about overfilling and damaging your valuable airguns. Its built-in automatic shutoff function stops the compressor at a set pressure. It also shuts off automatically after 30 minutes of runtime and it features a safety burst disc to prevent dangerous excess pressure. It is air and water cooled, reaches a maximum fill pressure of 4,500 psi and is for airguns, paintball cylinders and tanks up to 6.8 liters.

So, check out Benjamin’s Recharge high-pressure air compressor today, and give your shoulders and your odometer a well-deserved rest.

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Benjamin Recharge HPA Compressor

  • Max fill 4500 psi
  • For Airgun/Paintball Cylinders and tanks only (less than 6.8L)
  • 110V with standard US 3 prong plug
  • Automatic Pressure shutoff- stops at set pressure
  • Automatic shut off after 30 minutes of continuous run time
  • Air and water cooled
  • Safety burst disk
  • Female Quick Disconnect Fitting on end of hose
  • Weight: 44 lbs.
  • Dimensions: 17.52"Lx7.36"Wx15.95"H
  • Fills a Discovery/ Maximus 0 – 2,000psi in 45 seconds
  • Fills a Armada/Marauder 0 – 3,000psi in 1 mins 40 seconds
  • Fills a 90Cu in buddy bottle 0 - 4,500psi in 14 mins


44.0 lbs
Operating Pressure
4500 PSI / 310 BAR
Input Voltage AC
120 v

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9 of 9 Benjamin Recharge HPA Compressor, 4500 Reviews

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The compressor does it's job excellent, would definitely recommend it...

Include the oil.

Very good compessor, wish i would have bought it before the other 2

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Looks well made

it would be nice if it worked new out of the box after adding coolant-water and compressor-oil.

This is a premium price and it looks like maybe a mid to lower range product. Box was NOT damaged. The one I purchased does NOT work brand new out of the box, I called the factory (LOL distributor it is actually mad in China) It looks like it will take about 30 days in turn around time if it comes back repaired. very disappointed! I have a video I will attempt to post.

Richard Feb 08, 2023

If he got hold of a bad one that can happen. How Benjamin/ distributor handles that is the critical factor here IMO. He may not be able to post a video but he can upload to youtube and share the link with us here. I am looking for a compressor that can fill guns and storage tanks from a 110V circuit or a portable generator if 12V isn't an option. His review has given me pause....

pelletman Feb 02, 2023

Mine worked well out the box and I've had it for 2 yrs. The only problem I had with it was the tube that houses the filter broke. I sent it in and crossman repaired it and it's been filling my 98 ft cubic tank and 2 avengers, FX Impact and FX Crown with no problem. I'm guessing you got hold to a bad one.

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Fills guns and tanks. Fills air guns very fast. Incorporates a lot of built in safe guards and is fully self contained.

Add a run time meter and change the temperature gauge to read Fahrenheit.

My first one lasted just under a year and then failed. I believe the circuit board failed or a sensor failed, not the actual compressor, but it stopped working. I contacted Crosman direct and was sent a replacement with no questions asked. You really can't top Crosman's Customer Service!

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Fully self contained! Reasonably portable form factor. Excellent filling rate. This compressor truly offers the best of both worlds as it can top off large tanks to a full 4500psi and yet is portable enough to take on the road with you so you never have to worry about running out of air. Auto shut off for PSI, overheating or run time which makes this a set it and forget it (you should never leave any compressor unattended btw) compressor. Fills guns or tanks and does both effortlessly. Mine has never run above 60 couple degrees cesium even when topping off my 74 cubic foot tanks from 2900 to 4500. It's not quiet, but it's not the even close to the loudest compressor I've used either. I can easily hold a conversation standing right next to it while it's running. I've had a Benjamin Traveler for quite a while now and it has worked flawlessly for filling any gun. This is quite a jump up, so I am looking forward to many years of enjoyment with this unit filling my guns and tanks.

Can't think of anything as I've owned several compressors over the years and none has been as good a mix of practicality and usability as this design. I love PyramidAir! I buy nearly all of my PCP gear here, but their price on this unit is way too high. I purchased mine directly from Benjamin for hundreds less.

I run Royal Purple Recip 100 compressor oil in the crankcase and distilled water only in the cooling system and my unit runs surprisingly cool even on long fills. I also replaced the oil / water separator filter upon receipt as the one from the factory test / run-in was dirty and I wanted to start completely fresh. If you read the instructions, use the correct lube and coolant and do your periodic maintained I expect this unit will last for a long time. I also have a Yong Heng I've taken good care of that has lasted far longer than most out there. My guess is many people get lazy or just don't know how to properly service their compressors and then blame the compressor when they don't last or perform up to expectations. Read the instructions and follow them and you will be rewarded accordingly.

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Worked on at first. Made in... Wait for it... China. I know why it failed.

The customer service after I sent it back because it failed. Turned on water pump, turned on compressor, instantly shot to 65 Celsius. Sent it back, still no word. If it fails again, if I ever get it back, I will get a full refund! Shipping included.

Save a few more bucks and buy a more reputable compressor. This turd will not last.

daniel Sep 09, 2021

So what happened?

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It's size is just about right. Not super heavy but no where near light. Which indicates a solid product.It comes with a single male to male fitting so you can connect straight to your tank or whatever. Shut off switch worked great. If I were making a new compressor purchase today, I'd still buy this product. Well worth the money...

I'd change the shut off gauge to digital. I just feel like since the pressure is so high, we should be able to control the shut off amount a little more precisely. For the money, they should put a bottle of compressor oil in with it.

When purchasing your compressor oil, which you'll need b4 operation can start, make sure you also have a small flexible funnel with at least a 4" long flex end. U'll need it to add your oil. Also I'd grab one of the wife's "old" cookie sheet to sit your compressor in. After you add the oil, it may have spilled a bit, so the pan will collect it so it doesn't get on the carpet...Don't forget a gallon jug of Distilled water. Once you fill it and make the initial start up, the water lines in the compressor will fill up. Add more water immediately after initial start up...

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[ ITS PERFORMENCE ] I've Owned This Benjamin Recharge Compressor For Almost Two Months And I Must Say, " It Can Fill A 500 cc Bottle From 1000 psi To 3500 psi In Three Minutes." I Realize That A Fast Fill Can Bring About Heat Issues, But As The Unit Approaches The 3500psi Set Pressure, The Bottle Is Still At Room Temperature. Indeed, I'm Impressed.

[ THE COLOR ( BROWN?) ] The Machine Has The Appearance Of A Cube Of Chocolate On My Air Filling Station. Traditional Black,Gun Metal Gray, Or Even A Nice Cobalt Blue Would Look Great. Castors Would Be Nice. ( Please Note) These Complaints Are Only For My Personal Convince And In No Way Should They Be Bases For A Deal Breaker.

If You Purchase This Benjamin You Will Not Regret It. [ Air Gunners Take Care Protect Your Investment ] Keep In Mind That This Product Is A Compressor And Like A Car, Its Going To Require Periodic Maintenance. Change The Oil, The Air Filter And The Water As Illustrated And When Recommended In The Owners Manuel.

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[ ITS PERFORMENCE ] I've Owned This Benjamin Recharge Compressor For Almost Two Months And I Must Say, "It Can Fill A 500 cc Bottle From 1000 psi To 3500 psi In Three Minutes " I Realize That A Fast Fill Can Bring About Heat Issues, But As The Unit Approaches The 3500 psi Set Pressure, The Bottle Is Still At Room Temperature. Indeed I'm Impressed.

THE COLOR [ BROWN ? ] The Machine Has The Appearance Of A Cube Of Chocolate On My Air Filling Station. Traditional Black, Gun Metal Gray Or Even A Nice Cobalt Blue Would Look Great. Castors Would Be Nice. { PLEASE NOTE } These Complaints Are Only For My Personal Convince And IN No Way Should They Be Bases For A Deal Breaker.

If You Purchase This Benjamin You Will Not Regret It. [ AIR GUNERS TAKE CARE, PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT ] Keep In Mind That This Product Is A Compressor And Like A Car, Its Going To Require Periodic Maintenance. Change The Oil, Air Filter And Water As Illustrated And When Recommended In The Owners Manuel.

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If Your PCP Collection Has Grown And You Feel The Need For More Air, Consider The ( Benjamin Recharge HPA Compressor). This Product Is Capable Of Performing Many Duties That Is Usually Reserved For Much Larger Units,Yet It's Compact And Leaves A Much Smaller Footprint At Your Fill Station. If You Review This Benjamin, You'll Be Impressed.

It's Great That's It's Compact, But Adding Castors With A Brake,Would Allow For Mobility. The Unit Weights Almost Fifty Pounds.

IT's Air And Water Cooled, But It's Too Early Access This Compressor Completely.

pelletman Mar 11, 2020

just re-filled my tanks and guns again Checked for water/oil residue didn't see any. still running smooth, oil is still purple. i"m glad I brought this when it was $1100.00. Now its $1600.00 I have 15 pcp's and looking to get 3 more, so yes this compressor serves me well. If you have 5 or less pcps might not be a bargin, but if you have 5 or more and love to shoot, then I would recommend it.

pelletman Dec 26, 2019


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