Crosman C11 CO2 BB Gun
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Sleek, sharp, realistic. Crosman's C11 BB gun is all those things...oh, yeah, it's also a blast to shoot! Just pull the trigger, and BBs start flying out the muzzle with flawless precision.
The C11 magazine holds 20* BBs, and the grip panels slide out of the way to load a CO2 cartridge. Texturing and finger grooves make the grip easy to keep in your hand as you pump out the BBs. In front of the triggerguard is an accessory rail. This pistol is easy to use and uncomplicated. If you're looking for a gun that's loads of fun to shoot, this is it! Remember, never shoot steel BBs at hard objects!
*The owner's manual states 18 BBs and also has some incorrect specifications. Crosman has confirmed the specs on our site are correct.
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10 of 176 Crosman C11 Reviews
It’s easy to load bb’s and co2 cartridges !!! It’s a fun gun to shoot !!!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Very nice,love it
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Nice power, light weight & hits hard! Haven't had any issues with it yet after over 500 rounds. Very reliable.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing!
What Others Should KnowDon't let the light weight & some plastic designed areas fool u.
Inexpensive, relatively accurate, laser rail, nice feel in my hand, not paying a nickel a pellet to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger. Make it smoother. I don't care how long the take-up is, just make it smooth.
What Others Should KnowYou can get used to the trigger, but you shouldn't have to. BBs are fun. I got this to rekindle my interest in shooting BBs, and remember I had 8 BB guns already! Never enough, right?
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING
What Others Should KnowNOT MANY PROBLEMS
Shoots hard, and straight
Things I Would Have ChangedLighter trigger pull
What Others Should KnowFor the money it's a good shooting hand gun.
Easy to load and use of the safety is well placed. Rapid fire works great.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd more information concerning the insertion of the magazine. Had to fiddle with it a couple of times before I figured out how to get the BB's to release.
Small fun pistol, on a fresh C02 capsule 480 fps is pretty close to claimed specification. Uses a standard shaped clip used by many pistols
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowgood pistol for the money, small but powerful, Not for customers looking for authenticity.
Everything pyramid air does for their patrons
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing,
What Others Should KnowPyramid Air will treat you right
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Dec 26, 2024
By Shawn
The computer keeps deleting what I write and tells me That I am not speaking English.
What Others Should KnowIt works . 412-425 fps. No issues with the mag. Does not leak. Actually nice for 24.99. Soup can bottom size groups at 15 ft off hand.