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Ammo IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle: Part 3

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Announcement: Gary Lee is this week’s winner of Pyramyd Air’s Big Shot of the Week on their airgun facebook page. He’ll receive a $50 Pyramyd AIR gift card. Congratulations!

Pyramyd AIR Big Shot of the Week facebook winner

Gary Lee submitted this week’s winning photo for BSOTW.

Part 1
Part 2

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle right
The IZH 60 now comes with target sights.

It’s accuracy day for the IZH 60 Target Pro and this is the big test that everyone has been waiting for. And there are a couple of things that have to be cleared up, too. So let’s get started.

Cosmoline in the bore
Blog reader chasblock mentioned finding Cosmoline in the bore of his rifle and asked if I would take a look at the test gun’s bore. I don’t think he really meant Cosmoline, which is a range of military long-term metal storage lubricants. He probably just meant excess grease or oil. At any rate, I ran a patch through the bore, and it came out dry. There was some anti-oxidant compound on it, but no oil or grease. So, that’s one down.

Front sight element not centered
Then, we had a discussion about the front sight element not being centered in the globe and wondered if that wouldn’t that throw you off. Or at least wouldn’t it be annoying? Well, I shot 82 shots in this test and the front sight position was a non-issue for me. Once I had the black 10-meter bull centered in the front aperture, I forgot about everything else. But I’m posting a photo of a Winchester model 94 front sight so you can see that this is a very common phenomenon, and it isn’t troublesome in the slightest.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle front sight
The IZH 60 front sight element is a little higher than the center of the globe. When you’re sighting, it’s not a distraction.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle Winchester 94 front sight
This Winchester 94 front sight is even higher in its globe and people hunt with it. Many open-sighted rifles with globes are like this.

Rear sight doesn’t adjust low enough
Another issue that was raised is that the rear sight doesn’t adjust low enough to get on target at 10 meters. I didn’t find this to be a problem, as you will see. I also found the rear sight to adjust very positively in all directions without any backlash. So, that’s now laid to rest.

I was told by the folks at Pyramyd AIR that the IZH 60 Target Pro can put 10 pellets into a quarter-inch at 10 meters. The gun they sent to me to test had a 5-shot group of H&N Baracudas with it. It was fired into a Shoot-N-C paster, so measuring is difficult, but as near as I can tell, it measures 0.268 inches between centers, so even these 5 shots grouped larger than a quarter-inch, though not by much. But we expect a 10-shot group to be 40 percent larger when the same pellet is used.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle test groupt
The 5-shot test group measures 0.268 inches between centers, as close as I can measure it. It was shot with H&N Baracudas. The shot outside the black is a sighter and not part of the group.

The rifle was shot from a rested position at 10 meters. The targets were standard 10-meter rifle targets, and they fit well inside the front aperture. It was very easy to hold on target with this rifle. I laid the stock on the back of my hand that was resting on a sandbag.

The trigger-pull is single-stage and vague as to the let-off point, but it’s light enough to work very well in this rested position. The rifle is very light, but it didn’t seem to move around as much as I’d feared it would.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle pellets
This was a thorough test!

H&N Baracudas
The first target I shot was with the H&N Baracudas. It took me several shots to get on target because the sight adjustments work backwards of U.S. adjustments. Turn the windage knob in (to the left) to move the pellet to the right, and so on.

The first group of 10 Baracudas measures 0.546 inches between centers. It was larger than expected, but not too bad for the first group.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle Baracuda Target1
Ten H&N Baracudas made this 0.546-inch group.

As you can see from the pellets I had chosen to use, I expected to shoot a lot in this test, so I thought I would speed things up by firing 5 shots and then seeing if it was worth firing 5 more. The next pellet up was the RWS Hobby that sometimes surprises us with great accuracy. This wasn’t one of those times, however, because the first 5 pellets made a group that measures 0.482 inches between centers. No sense finishing that one!

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle RWS Hobby target

Five RWS Hobbys made this 0.482-inch group. No sense finishing it.

Next, I tried the RWS R10 Match Pistol pellet that I thought might be the most accurate in this rifle. It wasn’t, as 5 made a group measuring 0.452 inches. Once more, no sense going on. So I stopped at 5 and moved on.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle RWS R10 Pistol target

Five RWS R10 Match Pistol pellets made this 0.452-inch group. No sense finishing it, either.

Then, I tried the H&N Match Pistol pellet. Something was different with this pellet, because the rifle recoiled noticeably less. It was easy to feel, and I could follow-through much better because the sights remained on target after the shot. The feeling was so good that I didn’t check the target after 5, but went all the way to 10 shots before looking. The 10-shot group measures 0.391 inches between centers and was the tightest group (10 shots!) to this point in the test! It’s not a quarter-inch, but it’s a very good group, nonetheless.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle HN Pistol Match target

Ten H&N Pistol Match pellets made this 0.391-inch group. This pellet felt like it made the rifle recoil a lot less, so I finished the group without checking.

Next, I tried the JSB Exact RS pellet that often surprises us. This is a domed pellet, so it can’t be used in a formal match (impossible to score), but most shooters won’t care about that. Ten pellets made a group measuring 0.284 inches between centers. It’s a nice, round group, and it’s the best 10-shot group the test rifle shot all day!

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle JSB Exact RS target1
Ten JSB Exact RS pellets made this 0.284-inch group. This pellet also felt like it made the rifle recoil a lot less, so once again I finished the group without checking. This is the best 10-shot group of the test.

This pellet shoots so well that I shot a second group with it. That one didn’t turn out as good, at 0.502 inches between centers. Perhaps I was tiring out?

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle JSB Exact RS target2
Another 10 Exact RS pellets were not so good, at 0.502 inches between centers.

I then turned to H&N Finale Match pistol pellets, which I thought would be better than the Match Pistol pellets. Alas, that wasn’t the case. Ten of them made a huge 0.675 inch group, which turned out to be the second largest of the entire test..

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle Finale Match Pistol target
Ten H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets made the second worst group of the test, a whopping 0.675 inches between centers.

Then I tried five RWS Superdomes, but when I looked at the group they made I stopped. It measures 0.646 inches between centers, so no point in continuing.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle RWS Superdome target
Five RWS Superdome pellets made this 0.646-inch group.

By this point in the test, I knew how the rifle shot. I was also very accustomed to the trigger. So, I thought I’d try another group of Baracudas — just to see if I could improve things from the first time. Ten went into a group measuring 0.702 inches, which was larger than the first group.

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle HN Baracuda target2
Ten H&N Baracudas made this final 0.702-inch group — the largest in the test.

By this point I knew I was tired. But was that the cause of the group sizes? Was I no longer able to lay them all in the same hole? To see, I grabbed my FWB 300S, which is the most accurate 10-meter rifle I own. I put 10 RWS R10 pistol pellets into a last group that measured 0.135 inches. That’s for 10 shots. So it wasn’t me!

IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle FWB 300S target
Yeah — it’s not me! Ten RWS R10s went into 0.135 inches.

Final impression
The IZH 60 shot about as well as I remembered. It certainly cannot group 10 shots in a quarter-inch at 10 meters in anything other than a chance encounter. So, there’s a hat to be eaten!

On the other hand, for what it costs, the rifle is reasonably accurate and the target sights make it even easier to shoot well. I don’t think it can out-shoot a Bronco, but it’s certainly worth considering for informal target shooting.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

65 thoughts on “IZH 60 Target Pro air rifle: Part 3”

  1. Thanks for the final picture Tom, it made me very happy.
    The elimination of the final variable of shooting prowess should be a part of every reviewer’s arsenal. The acme of reviews also includes calibration of that shooting prowess during the test.
    Well done sir.

  2. G’day BB,

    Did you put Gary Lee’s photo up the top for a comment from me? That comb is way too low with that scope and mounts.

    Great group with the FWB 300S!!!

    Cheers Bob

  3. Just a minor editing point….the photo above for the Hobbies is actually showing the photo above it for the Barracudas. 🙂

    And yes, B.B., when I said Cosmoline, it was just a generic term I use for misc. gunk found in a barrel, and not the actual cosmoline product. When I swabbed out my barrel, it took at least 10 patches to clean out all of the reddish/brownish goop-gunk! I’m glad to see they are shipping them a bit cleaner. Unless PA swabbed it before they sent it out to you.

    I truly expected your accuracy results to be better than you experienced. I have found that the R-10’s shoot slightly better than the Finale Match Pistol or Finale Match Rifle, in my 61.

    Thanks for a great report!

  4. Not a bad low end shooter. With these sights, it would be a great beginner rifle, especially with the “cool” looks and lightness.

    This gets my curiosity up though. With the apparent success of the Baikals, most especially the 46M, why does PA not carry the MP-532, or the MP-573 and MP-672 for that matter? They may not be up to the FWBs or Anschutzs or Steyrs in serious competition, but if the prices were low enough for entry level, they would likely sell well. I for one find my Izzy a delight and would be interested in their PCPs.

        • Me three!
          An “affordable” PCP competition gun would be great but I found the MP-672 for sale at a dealer from Australia and it wasn’t that affordable…
          They’re asking 1500.00$ for IZH, PA is asking 1695.95 for the FWB P44 so maybe it’s not that great of a deal…
          Then again maybe it’s a lot more costly to bring the airguns from Russia to Australia or the seller isn’t as good as PA?


      • That’s a shame! I’m sure it would be a pretty good market to export them to the good old U.S.A. I think they had a PCP prototype based on the 60/61 frame… now that looked interesting.

        I was cruising IZH’s website this morning to see what all they manufactured in the airgun line…some really interesting guns I’d definitely consider if they were sold in the U.S.

      • Liability sharks?

        Could it be that the effort to get the PCPs approved for sale in the US isn’t worth it to them? Granted the smaller reservoirs on most PCPs don’t have to undergo a hydrostatic test at 5 year intervals, but they may have to still “proof” the models to some government safety specification.

    • Ridgerunner,

      I asked Pyramyd AIR about the other IZH guns, and here’s their response:

      MP-532 — too expensive
      MP-573 — not really produced in mass production, but we are looking into it
      MP-672 — not really produced in mass production, but we are looking into it


      • Thanks Edith! If the quality of the 672 is comparable to the 46M and the price was around $800, PA would not be able to keep up with the orders. I have been keeping my eyes out for a good used PCP pistol, but all I have seen are over $1000! They sure are proud of them!

      • Tom & Edith,

        Since you’ve opened the lines of communication with PA on their importing great guns strategy…could you possibly find out why Walther won’t export their new LGV to the USA?

        There’s a springer version and apparently a gas ram version of this new Walther LGV. Tom, maybe you already know from your time at the SHOT Show why this gun won’t hit our shores. This makes absolutely no sense to me since I think it would be a homerun for Walther and a distributor/retailer like PA.

        I don’t think I’ll ever figure out the business side of airguns.


          • Kevin,

            A quick search on the net turned up a “target” rifle with a muzzle velocity of 970 f.p.s.!!! It looks like a Chinese or Turkish abortion that they have slapped the LGV name on.

            I will have to research this much more, but this new “target” rifle comes in .22 caliber as well as .177 . Something smells fishy to me.


        • Kevin,

          I looked at this site for the Walther LGV but found no air rifle by that name:

          I also found this site, set up specifically for the new line of Walther LGV sporting guns:

          The second link says the LGV gun is made in Germany. It’s not made in Turkey or China. It comes in various models…and some are .22 and deliver 16 joules. Certainly not a 10-meter target rifle. They don’t claim these are match guns. Their home page says “sporting and recreation.”

          The Carl Walther site is set up for serious 10m target guns. For shooters who want the Walther name and, presumably, the Walther quality/cachet, the LGV model fulfills that need.

          I can only guess that the company is smart enough to know that competitive target shooters might be put off if expensive, high-quality target rifles were mixed in with rifles that had some match-quality specs/features but were, in fact, sporting rifles.


          • Edith & Tom,

            Information on the new Walther LGV has been slow in getting to the USA.

            Edith, you’re correct. From everything I’ve read the Walther LGV is made by Walther in Germany. You make an interesting point that they may be marketing this new sporter separate from their high end line of 10 meter airguns to avoid contamination.

            This is a very interesting new sporter introduction to me. A walther barrel, walther trigger, a model that is wood and metal (LGV Master), models with walthers metal sights that include a front globe sight that accepts inserts and did you notice the front barrel latch on these new LGV’s (a nod to the vintage LGV’s) that provide a consistent barrel lockup.

            The Walther LGV model (Competition) with the adjustable cheek piece reminds me of the R11/HW98 sporter. Who was requesting an adjustable cheek piece on a sporter airgun model the other day?

            Wish PA would look into importing the Walther LGV models.


  5. BB,

    point of information since you mentioned the Bronco still being able to outshoot this IZH – can the Bronco accept the type of target peep sight and globe front site that is used on target rifles such as this and the FWB 300? I only ask because I don’t know if the front sight can be removed and how it’s anchored on and if rear target peeps come in Weaver type mounts which the Bronco has.

    Fred DPRoNJ

  6. Just about the performance I expected from the IZH-60. More or less all over the map at 10m with any kind of pellet. No really clear differentiation from one brand to another. In some sense, you’re getting what you pay for: that’s why the real IZH target rifles are much more expensive if you can get them.

    And the FWB-300 did exactly what I expected! The sights are off a little bit low and to the left, but the group is not a lot worse than the test target shipped with the rifle. Not bad after, what, 20 or 30 years! But after all, the 300 is the gun that made International air rifle really an Olympic sport. Were those “rifle” or “pistol” pellets, BTW?


  7. BB,
    I’m not sure I understand the 10 shots into 0.25″ criterion. Is that something PA states about the “60T” or a general guideline? The BroncoT you tested didn’t even come close. I actually wonder if either could beat the Hammerli 490 you tested and got ~0.5″ at 21 yards, with open sights and with two different pellets, and a trigger that takes patience. In the same price range, the target variants of the QB78 seem to do pretty close to 0.25″ (PA should look at those 78’s — I bet Shanghai would guarantee something for a big order).

    On the one hand, a 10M target rifle realistically must have at least 0.1″ capability and preferably much better to be capable of a perfect score even with extremely good shooters. On the other, informal practice and casual matches can still be enjoyable and productive without perfect scores. Is that the genesis of the criterion?

      • BB,
        I thought it was in the subtext, but I didn’t know from where, thanks. I also thought it was a bit ambiguous in part 1:

        “But Pyramyd AIR has brought out the IZH 60 Target Pro and the IZH 61 Target Pro air rifles as viable substitutes for lower-end target rifles. I was challenged to test one my usual way; and if the rifle I tested can’t keep 10 rounds in a quarter-inch at 10 meters, well — somebody is going to eat his hat!”

        Edith usually holds the prose to high standards of clarity, so maybe it is just my thickness.

        Just for the record — I wouldn’t have any problem believing that 1 pellet might group that way based on your test. I.e., you haven’t proved that it can’t do it, just that it doesn’t do it with some pellets! Picky, I know :)!

    • Was wondering the same thing myself about the criterion. But hold on. The 1MOA criterion is for 5 shot groups, not 10 shots right? If it is for 10 shots the FWB 300 wouldn’t qualify either at .139in. (Nice shooting B.B.) The conversion of .25 inches at 10 shots down to 5 shots is not obvious to me, but it would be something like .18 inches wouldn’t it? That’s not great. But on the other hand, how many air rifles outside of the Olympic target rifles are really 1 MOA at 5 shots? Can even the Marauder and Challenger do this? The FWB 300, scoring something like .7 or .8 inches for 5 shots by my estimate does get under the wire but not by much. It is my impression that airguns shoot into 1MOA at 10 meters less often than their rifle counterparts do at 100 yards until you get to the Olympic level.

      As for the PA claim, if you look at the wording, they were correct. They said that the rifle could shoot 10 into a quarter inch and it did (as long as you are willing to overlook the extra .014 inches). If you took them to mean that the rifle will do this consistently, that’s not the case. But they didn’t say that after all. The letter killeth but the spirit giveth life. 🙂

      Thanks for running this through, B.B. How surprising to see the RWS Hobby’s tank so badly. But maybe my rifle is different, or shooting at 5 yards covers a multitude of sins. So, you say the IZH 60 shoots about the same as you remember. Does that mean equivalent to a metal receiver? The final contrast with the FWB 300 rifle is pretty convincing. What they call “beautiful data.” I would propose just one possible qualifier to the apparently yawning difference to the two rifles. I don’t know that fatigue which you corrected for is the only factor in comparing the two. Whether because of its light weight or something else, I found after tens of thousands of shots that the IZH requires a more aggressive follow-through. You mentioned one pellet not recoiling as much and allowing the rifle to stay on target. That rings true. But I found that if you “force” the rifle on target, you get more accuracy. Of course you don’t really force; you stab the eyes into the target during the recoil. I can say that out of six to nine 10 shot groups that I might shoot with the IZH 61 in a session maybe two will look equivalent to the .284 target. Of course this isn’t a scientific comparison with the difference of 5 yards, the fact that I’m standing, and the Jaws of the Subconscious that are generally required. It’s not something that I can repeat consistently, but it’s too common to be random chance either. I would agree with PeteZ that the IZH 60/61 is good for spraying targets in terms of quantity which is good for practice. But the gun will reward you for correct technique or attempt at such.


      • Matt,
        Even 1 MOA rested probably doesn’t cut it for a real 10M rifle. I think a 10M shooter needs to shoot right around 1.8MOA c-t-c to get a perfect score — basically, because the 10 is so small and “breaks” count, a pellet diameter. Any “inaccuracy” in the rifle gets added (worst case) to any on the part of the shooter, so the “error” in the rifles needs to be as small as possible, esp. from the offhand position! E.g., if the rifle shoots 1MOA (0.1″ approx. @ 10M), the shooter needs to be accurate within 0.8MOA. That is beyond rigorous for those who are honest. If the rifle is capable of grouping 0.01″, however, the shooter essentially gets another MOA (well, 0.9, anyway) of slack. 1.8MOA is exceptionally good for offhand (in my experience), but not inconceivable. 2MOA is the realm of really good offhand shots, and some of us are more like 4 at best(I get worse every day 🙂 since I turned 40)!

  8. An comparison with the Daisy 953 equipped with target sights (at $130) would be interesting. At one time I was also interested in the MP 532 as it was a SSP match type rifle with a velocity low enough to not require a license in Canada but the importer said they had no intentions of importing any. This made me wonder why they listed it on their website (and it’s still there!). I then thought about one of the AirArms models or the Tau rifle and delayed making a purchase as I didn’t really want to either be buying CO2 or the support equipment for the PCP AirArms. While I was dithering someone on the Canadian airgun forum put a really nice FWB 602 (detuned for the Canadian market to 495fps) up for sale and I grabbed it. One of the few times in my life that my habit of procrastination and indecision actually worked in my favor!

  9. Most of you have probably already received the email by now but for those who didn’t Crosman has brung the Backpacker back. I’m not sure why the shorter barrel (it used to be 18 inches and it’s now 12 inches) but it’s still a nice rifle/pistol and the package that comes with it looks good with a backpack and a small first aid kit for 99$, the airgun alone would retail for 89$ here when it was still available.


  10. /Dave, good point about zombies as unprepared human beings after the apocalypse. I recall that meaning now. They serve the same purpose as the fantasy version in justifying unlimited violence; can’t object to wiping out people who want to eat you. And it’s a way of calling for people to be prepared.

    Incidentally, I’m reminded of how lucky you guys are who have your own backyard/indoor shooting ranges for firearms. There’s a guy in Hawaii who has set up his own private shooting range to practice survivalism and has had endless complaints and visits from law enforcement. Although legally he is within the law and in a fairly remote area, it’s not isolated either. And the neighbors are worried, with some justification, that his bullets might go astray and hit their house.

    I guess for a home shooting range, you really need to be way out in the country.


  11. PeteZ, you have to start shopping online for your shooting supplies like me, and distance will mean nothing.:-)

    Speaking of distance, perhaps you’ve heard the recent stories about the attempts to create a warp drive starship. I have a cousin who is a retired professor of physics who helps me with problems. He is an all-around great guy and really brilliant. Unfortunately, he hates Star Trek! 🙁 Well, we won’t hold that against him. He says that he got sick of people asking him how fast warp factor 5 is when this defies the basic tenets of physics. I say, take it easy, but I guess as a professional, he takes these ideas too seriously to do that. Anyway, here we have an invention that claims to be able to go 10 times the speed of light. And now, I am inhabited with the spirit of mischief in forwarding the story to him. Not the most tactful thing to do; perhaps even reckless and self-defeating, but I can’t help it.

    He he he he.

    Actually, the invention does not attempt to defy the light speed limit but work around it by changing the shape of space rather than moving faster through it. So there shouldn’t be any conflict. But it does look like direct repudiation. It gets even better! >:-) In the most recent Star Trek movie, they claim that Mr. Scott’s invention of the transporter is based on the principle that “space itself is moving…” That’s exactly how they describe the principle of the new warp drive: moving space instead of moving the ship. This is too perfect. I may not be able to contain myself.

    Bwa ha ha ha.

    Anyway, it’s very easy to dismiss this idea, but it seems to me a case of an irresistible force and an immovable object, namely the immutable laws of physics versus the Kurzweil exponential growth rate of technology. So where will it all end? What do you think? I’m coming down on the side of Kurzweil. Thomas Jefferson apparently didn’t believe that the American continent would be settled in 500 years. He was plenty smart in a variety of fields, almost genius, and he was way wrong about that. And the Kurzweil trends have picked up a lot since his time. We might find ourselves visiting the new earth like planet that is 50 light years away sooner than we think. And maybe even faring out into space in our lifetimes and with appropriately advanced airguns to go with us. By the way, the original idea for the warp drive was invented by a physicist from Mexico. How about that? I never thought of Mexico has a hotbed for physics innovation, but who cares if the idea is good. And they certainly have produced good airguns in the Mendoza series and the Bronco.

    I sympathize with your medical concerns. I’ve had an arthritic flare-up that has put me on a cane and then crutches and then gobbling vicodin throughout the day at work. When the very urge to shoot has been snuffed out, you know that you’re in a bad way. But maybe it’s because I’ve not been really capable of shooting anyway.


  12. Hi,
    We own an IZH 60, 20 years old rifle I bought my son for his 14 birthday.
    Lately the front sight, (old model) became loose and it moves from side to side on the barrel axis.
    Do you know how this sight is installed on the barrel?
    How to fix it back to place?
    Thank you,

  13. B.B.
    If there is one I missed it, and I’ll check again later today when I’ll back at home from work.
    I can’t add an image of the old style of the front sight.
    Thank you, I’ll get back with what I found.

  14. B.B.
    I found it! Thank you!
    I wasn’t aware of the fact that you have to screw off the the front sight insert and than you see the locking screw.
    I took it off, cleaned everything, screw it on again, zeroed it, and it shoots dead center again.
    Thank again for the help and the great blog! Non like it on the net!

      • B.B,
        I haven’t stop shooting.
        This actually my son’s rifle, I bought him the rifle for his 14 birthday 20 years ago. I own RWS Diana 34 with T06 trigger.
        It was legal at the time, now it’s not. Since 1995 Israeli citizens are not allowed to own air rifles, air pistol were hardly allowed if at all. Only registered Olympic and official target shooters are allowed to have a license or licenses for air guns. I’m and Olympic shooter, very active in 25 meters rimfire and centerfire disciplines. I used to shoot 10 meters air pistol, but now I do it only in my basement.
        I took the 3rd place in the Israeli nationals of standard pistol last Friday and a few weeks took the 2nd place in centerfire nationals. Shooting is a big part of my life since I was 10 years old.
        All and all there aren’t many non-Olympic owners of air rifles in Israel, once you were allowed to buy it to your son or daughter. Contrary to the general belief, there are only about 135000 owners of pistols for self defense in Israel these days.

        Thank you for your help,

        • Avi,

          I used to shoot 10-meter pistol in competition, though never at the national level. I was ranked as a good regional shooter, but would be way off the pace for our Olympic team.

          Good for you!

          It might interest you to know that I once trained armor officers at the U.A. Army Armor School in Ft. Knox. It was my pleasure to have Lt. Col. Tiger Maier of Six-Days War fame in one of my classes.


  15. B.B.

    I’m not familiar wit the name Tiger Maier, I believe it some kind of a nick name.
    I was 13 at the time of the 6 days war, I know the the Israeli military history, I served 4 years and did my reserve time in the IDF counter terror school till I was almost 50 years old, as a combat shooting instructor, I can’t recall the name.


  16. Hi BB, I realized this article is from 2012, but am not sure how to get an answer to my question. I have the IZH 61 and experienced the mistake of dry firing it on the sixth shot!! …..three times! Is the rifle ruined now? If so, is there anything I can do to fix it? Any help would be appreciated.


  17. Hi BB, thanks for such a prompt response! The rifle appears to be ok, so I will containue using it. However, could there be some breakage without me noticing? What are the signs of dry fire damage?


  18. Hi BB, it’s Peter again. Just received my IZH 60 in time for the weekend! My first aperture sight rifle (actually first for everything airgun)! The IZH 61 I purchased previously had iron sights which sighted in very quickly and shot very accurately. On the other hand, played with the IZH 60 all weekend, but could not get the dioptic sight sighted in properly. I recall your article regarding the misalignment of the front sights on the IZH 60. Although I managed to center the globe, the front sight is still just off the to the left. According to the article that doesn’t matter. So, I’m not sure if I am using the aperture sight correctly. I am adjusting the rear sight for windage and elevation using the knobs, but how do I aim the sights? Do I center the rear peep hole to the globe or to the front peep sight? Any tips and suggestions as how I should be doing this? Do you have or can recommend articles that talk about the proper usage of aperture diopter sights? Thanks so much for your insights!


    • Peter,

      Yes, I have not only a tip, but actually the whole reason peep sights are so wonderful. It’s why armies all over the world prefer them to open sights.

      You don’t have to line up anything! All you do is look through the peep sight and concentrate on the front sight element. Line it with your target, and I recommend a bullseye target to get started because it is the easiest to align with.

      The target should be out of focus. The front sight is the only thing in focus when you are doing this correctly.

      Rest the bottom of the bull on the top of the front post and squeeze off the shot. If there is a slight gap between the sight and the bull, that’s okay. Just get them as close as you can.

      Try this and see what happens.


      • Hi BB, thanks so much for this info! Pyramydair shipped what appear to be an Air Venturi or Daisy rear sight. It’s adjustable for windage and elevation. This is probably a dumb question 🙂 …do I adjust this for sighting in first? If so, where do I line up the rear peep hole; with the globe or front sight? I am really excited with this new sport! Thanks for all your help with this! 🙂


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