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Ammo Hatsan AT P1 PCP air pistol: Part 5

Hatsan AT P1 PCP air pistol: Part 5

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Hatsan AT-P1 air pistol
Hatsan AT P1 air pistol

It’s taken me awhile to get back to this pistol because I injured my hand, so I couldn’t fill the Hatsan AT P1 PCP air pistol from the hand pump for a couple of weeks, but last Friday I was at it again — probably for the last time. You may remember that I discovered that the AT P1 likes a fill pressure of 3,200 psi — which is sort of ironic in light of several recent reports I’ve done. This time, I used the Hill pump to fill the gun to that pressure to see if there are 10 good shots on a fill. That was the problem before — the circular clip holds 10 pellets, but the gun didn’t seem to want to shoot more than 7 of them on a single fill of air.

I decided that instead of wasting time with a lot of different pellets, I would concentrate on the one good pellet that I knew gave the best accuracy. That’s the Beeman Kodiak. First, I filled the gun to 3,200 psi, then loaded the clip and inserted it into the gun. Someone asked me how I held the gun to shoot it, given that it’s scoped with a Leapers UTG 3-9X40 AO rifle scope. The eyepiece has to be held within 2-3 inches of the eye in order to see the image. There’s a way to hold the gun that uses the scope as one of the handles, and that’s what I did. I photographed it for you, so you can see it as I describe the hold.

Hatsan AT P1 air pistol held on bag
This is how I held the pistol on the bag. My hand is holding the back of the scope and positioning it close to my sighting eye.

I hold the back of the scope at the eyepiece and let my hand separate the rear of the scope from my sighting eye by the required distance. My hand is pressed against my safety glasses to maintain the separation. The weight of the pistol rests directly on the bag, so all my other hand does is keep the pistol steady. With this hold, I can squeeze the trigger without moving the gun.

This hold is one I learned while shooting the LD Mark I pistol from Tim McMurray. That’s a Crosman Mark I Target pistol that Tim converts to add a longer bafrrel, a CO2 tank hanging down from the grip and a rifle scope mounted on top — just like this one. With the LD, I rested the external tank on my chest and held the scope like you see here. That gave me near-rifle accuracy.

The result is a steady hold — especially when you consider I’m shooting only 25 yards. I don’t recommend holding a recoiling firearm pistol this way, but you can get away with it on a PCP.

First target
All targets were shot at 25 yards. The first target looked very good until the final shot. I could see that the pistol was grouping low and to the left, but all I was interested in was the size of the group. It could always be moved later with a simple scope adjustment. The group that formed looked very encouraging until the last shot, as I said. I could clearly see that one go high and into the center of the bull, ironically enough. But when I walked downrange to examine the target more closely, it wasn’t as good as it had seemed. A line of four shots appears to the right of the main group, and they’re strung vertically up to the center of the bull. The last one is the highest one. I never saw the other 3 shots in the string, so they could have been any of the preceding 9 shots. All I could see through the scope was the large group that formed at 7 o’clock on the edge of the bull.

Hatsan AT P1 air pistol 25 yards Kodiak target 1
Ten Beeman Kodiak pellets went into this 0.699-inch group at 25 yards.

I guess this first target took the wind from my sails. It was no better than any of the previous targets shot with this pistol. My idea that a higher fill pressure would keep 10 shots in a tighter group was bogus. But I still had time on the range, so I thought something else was in order. I adjusted the scope higher and to the right just a little, to correct for where the Beeman Kodiaks had grouped. Then, I loaded the gun with 10 JSB Exact Monster pellets. The Monster pellet weighs 25.4 grains, making it even heavier than the .22-caliber Beeman Kodiak. And it’s a JSB. I wondered if this might be the pellet that turns things around for the AT-P1 pistol.

Target 2
Alas, it wasn’t. It turned things around, all right, but not for the better. The pellets were all over the place! In the end, 10 of them printed a group measuring 1.933 inches at 25 yards. It’s more of a full-choke shotgun pattern than a group shot from a rifled barrel!

Hatsan AT P1 air pistol 25 yards JSB Monster target
Ten JSB Exact Monster pellets went into this 1.933-inch group at 25 yards. Obviously, not the right pellet for this pistol.

Final target
Now, I was really downhearted. I switched back to the Kodiaks and give them one final try. The gun was, again, filled to 3,200 psi, and 10 more pellets went downrange. This time, the results were not as good as the first time. Ten pellets made a group that measured 1.211 inches between centers. It was higher on the target and also centered better, which proves my earlier statement that the group can always be moved by adjusting the scope, but things were not getting better.

Hatsan AT P1 air pistol 25 yards Kodiak target 2
Ten Beeman Kodiak pellets went into this 1.211-inch group at 25 yards. Though they are positioned better on the bull, this group is almost twice the size of the first one.

Outcome and final evaluation
I put a lot of time and energy into testing the Hatsan AT-P1 pistol. The reward was not worth the effort, in my opinion. While I agree that Hatsan does know how to make a fine precharged air rifle, the AT-P1 pistol is not as refined as the rifles they make. It’s too large and too coarse for what it delivers. I wanted it to succeed because there aren’t that many nice PCP pistols to choose from, but the test results do not live up to the hope.

I think that if you’re interested in an airgun like thi,s you should look at the AT-P2 pistol, which comes with a shoulder stock. That way, you won’t have to learn how to hold the gun like I did here. As long as you know how few shots you’re going to get on a fill of air (7) — and you manage that, you’ll be fine.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

46 thoughts on “Hatsan AT P1 PCP air pistol: Part 5”

  1. B.B.

    How disappointing! I think its a well built gun & should have performed better. Maybe it will do better with a different pellet? Its no good with this accuracy and price.


  2. I must have missed the report on the fine PCP air rifle made by Hatsan. I have been laboring under the impression that Hatsan has a long way to go for me to consider owning one of their air guns. Did I also miss a report on their Dominator?

    • Look for the Hammerli Pneuma and AirVenturi Halestorm to see how the AT44 performs, it’s the same rifles under a different name.
      I get sub .25 inch groups rested at 10M with .22 Crosman Premiers all day long and not because I’m a good shot, the rifle just shoots well. Far from that piece of poop pistol with it’s ridiculous 7 shots per fill.

      What are you supposed to do with that thing?
      We have a detuned sub 500fps version available here, wonder if it wasn’t made to be lower velocity from the start and the higher velocity you guys are getting is not an after tought and part of what makes it perform so poorly…


  3. Well at least you gave it another chance. And I agree with what Errol said.

    Maybe you can come back to this gun later on and do a test on pellets with a picky gun.

    I didn’t check but is this gun offered in different calibers? Maybe for some reason a different caliber may perform better.

    Look at the results of the gun you built for Mac that RidgeRunner has. Its shooting the Eun Jins.
    I know that’s 2 different guns that shouldn’t be compared but maybe pellets or caliber is the trick to this gun. And like you said BB already alot of effort put into the gun. But somethings are just that way sometimes.

  4. Well, sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don’t… I don’t think I’m consider either this or its brother the at-p2. I can get a Marauder or AF pistol for close to the same price and pretty much be assured that I will get a gun that I’m satisfied with. Thanks for wringing this one out though, BB. I wonder what the problem is. Why it’s not grouping well. Something loose? Raggedy barrel? Seems that even a shoddy pcp should do better than that…


  5. I was more admiring B.B.’s persistence at the end than this pistol. That one photo is an instance of Advanced Rested Pistol 501. All I know about resting a pistol is a long-ago blog about resting your wrists on the support, not the pistol itself. But I’m very leery of any resting of pistols. There was a period when I was doing great with the 1911 and shooting truly small groups. So, I thought I would move out to 50 yards and try some shots rested. I wasn’t doing it right and didn’t hit anything. Even worse, it messed up my technique which has never been the same since. I think maybe my confidence was cracked. On the other hand, maybe my earlier good shooting with the 1911 was exaggerated in memory or ephemeral.

    J-F and /Dave. Too kind. 🙂 When the book goes into print, you’ll be the first to know. Unfortunately, as I saw yesterday, the editor was kind of severe with my extensive acknowledgements, and I don’t think I can get away with thanking the PA blog for their indirect contributions.

    J-F, I believe you’re right about the Chinese prejudice towards Westerners. It has something to do with the truly awful depradations of the West especially the British colonizers in the 19th century who, among other things, tried to get large sections of the Chinese population addicted to opium for the sake of profits. This was the basis of the Opium Wars. That was pretty bad. And probably mixed in there is a consciousness of the Middle Kingdom as the superior society that is going to assert itself sooner or later. But I also think the Chinese treat each other almost as badly. You may recall the viral video of some little girl who got run over by a bus and was left to lie there while people passed by. My brother lived for a long time in Taiwan and China, and he said that in China, if you don’t have friends you are nothing. It goes back to their Confucian system which reorganized their society fundamentally a long time ago. Within the family group that is extended way beyond our nuclear family, you have enormous obligations that we would laugh at. Maybe there’s nothing left over for anybody else, or maybe they suppose someone else’s family will take care of them. Anyway, there is a heightened consciousness of a near radius of relationships and just about zero concern for society as a whole (aside from an abstract nationalism). It’s one reason for the stereotype of bad Asian drivers that you see on the bike paths in my town. Large groups of Chinese on bikes and on foot will straggle all over the line lanes. Othera will get annoyed. But for the Chinese, I suspect they are being considerate of their own group, and everyone else just doesn’t exist. It makes me think that the social generosity that one sees in America like the way that Boston Marathon runners were taken in by strangers after the Boston bombing is one of the really fine and unique things about this country.

    And on the subject of prejudice, the Chinese attitude towards the Japanese is probably even worse than towards Westerners. After the tsunami in Japan, I asked a friend in China what the Chinese made of it, and she said they were exultant. They were just sorry that more Japanese hadn’t been taken out. It is kind of shocking and maybe not entirely representative, but if you think about the atrocities in the Second World War like the Rape of Nanking and similar things that go far back in their history, this gets a little more comprehensible.

    You’re right about the gross Chinese habits. I think that is just a standard they have come to accept and maybe has to do with their larger social indifference. You can read about this in a funny book called A Monk from Brooklyn or something like that. A Brooklynite goes to a Shaolin Monastery in China to learn Kung Fu. At one point, he can’t find the key to the bathroom so he asks for it. The next thing you know there were something like 40 people in the street asking him if he wanted to do Number 1 or Number 2 with accompanying noises and pantomimes. They were actually trying to help. And this guy was not your ideal American ambassador either. He said that by way of cultural exchange, he showed them some Brooklyn Kung Fu which included throwing your leather jacket over the head of the opponent and kneeing them in the groin. The monks and novices loved it. But the whole visit did not end well with the New Yorker demanding his certificate of achievement in a general uproar and then calling them a bunch of animals and leaving once he got it.

    And yet, there is also the case of a Chinese policewoman who you can see on YouTube. There is a hostage situation in some store and the woman appears–of rather large size–dressed all in white like the Lone Ranger. She talks to the hostage taker in soothing tones, inching closer to the storefront the whole time. Then in the blink of an eye, she darts forward, pulls her pistol and shoots the guy dead. Extraordinary. It’s said that true speed does not look fast, and that was the case with her. She was suddenly just there having covered two or three yards. Afterwards, she was very modest and dismissive about the whole thing. Most impressive.


    • You’re probably right about the Chinese.
      Personnaly I think it’s a shame for a nation with such history but when you went thru what they’ve been thru and make a 1/5 of the world population you probably get less respect for other nations and an infatuated opinion of yourself.
      There’s also been more and more reports of Chinese tourists leaving grafitis in other countries historical landmark.

      Only time will tell where we’ll all end up with all of this, maybe they’ll get tired of making cheap things for next to nothing and production or at least a part of it will comeback on our north american shores. Maybe the polution will eventually get them.
      Have you seen the level of death sentences and how they’re peformed?


      • J-F,

        I remember long ago when my father would complain about Japanese parts and products, calling them “Mickey Mouse”.

        If one thing is certain about humans, it’s that they are unpredictable. I worked with a buddy at JPL who was Vietnamese and had 5 PhD’s. Very smart and very proud. But some 5 years after knowing him, he came to me very disturbed about something. He was a sort of pillar of his community near Orange County, but was now struggling with the fact that Vietnamese youth were involved with very violent gangs, including young ladies. This phenomena even started to make the news when the first shooting at one CA university’s history was done by a Vietnamese gang during a Vietnamese function.

        I grew up poor parts of LA, including ghetto’s (projects) with long histories of gangs. Over time, the gang boundaries remained the same, but the cultural and national groups changed. There were German gangs, Irish gangs, Jewish gangs, Russian gangs, Black gangs, Mexican gangs, and later El Salvadorean gangs. Now we hear of totally new gangs, or the nature of gangs change.

        Every culture has its good points and bad points, including fallacies, superstitions, and prejudices. Eventually they all succumb to cultural shifts, good or bad. In the end, about the only true thing you can say is that people are people, and one way to easily point out a fool is by their inclination to judge a person purely according to their race, nationality, religion, or other thing.


        • What? No Canadian gang? 😉
          You’re absolutly right, you can’t judge a person purely according to their race, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation (because to quote Master Yoda) only a Sith deals in absolute plus it would dumb to put everyone in the same bag.

          I really wasn’t trying to put all Chinese people in the same bag, I hope it was clear in what I wrote and if it wasn’t I’m really sorry.


          • J-F,

            No, I didn’t take it as picking on one group. However, there is this illusion that some groups are inherently better than others. In my over 50 years, I still have yet to find a single case where this is true. Truth of the matter is that some people try to justify their racism towards certain groups by “acknowledging” that they are willing to accept that some other group, or groups, are superior to them. No matter how you slice it, it comes out stupid.

            But I will say this, ANYTIME a group is allowed to exclude others as a measure to “protect their own”, the entire organization suffers. I mentioned this before. I worked at a defense contractor that was sued for discriminating against anyone who was not of a particular religion. They got away with it for decades. Over time the company deteriorated because of gross incompetence, BUT they were protected because they lived in the “Black World”. For a very long time they could not be investigated, and they could not be audited. I was there just months when I stated to another new-hire like me that I could not imagine how anything of substance could ever get done at this place. Turns out, that’s why they hired people like me from out of state. Two years after my hire date the company was sold, even though it was given the absolute lowest rating of “Technically Inferior”. The new owners knew what they had, so they cut corners everywhere to save money.


    • Matt61,

      I had never heard this about Chinese and the importance of friends and family, and what it meant to be an outsider. That might shed some light on my own personal experiences, including the one situation with the group developing a missile defense system. You see, after I was able to prove that the project lead had clearly and deliberately attempted to sabotage my work, I reported him to the Director of Engineering. Well, the Director of Engineering happened to be from the exact same small village in China. And just to be clear, my point is not about race, but rather the fact that these were Chinese nationals working on a classified US defense system, and discriminating against all non Chinese. Anyways, after understanding my case (the proof), the Director said, “Well, you know how it is. They are only comfortable working with their own kind.” To which I responded with, “Oh, really! So even though the company, through the government, pays me my salary, I can pick and choose who I work with because of their race or nationality?”

      You see, I was at least the 8th non-Chinese to go through this group. People like me were brought in to solve problems that the group could not. After we did, we were railroaded out. The difference with me was that they failed to get me. I got them. But who wants to work in an environment where you have to be looking over your shoulder all the time. And besides, after my boss (the Director) made his comment I reported him to human resources. Suddenly I could pick and choose any project that I wanted. Trouble is, that Director was everyone’s boss, so it would have been dumb for me to stay.


      • this story reminds me of having to work with “the bosses son”. I’ve had a few jobs like this, were no matter what you do, or how hard you work, if the bosses son doesn’t get done what he’s supposed to you get in trouble for it regardless of any damning information.

        • John E.,

          I think that a lot of us have had similar, or equally shocking stories. Because of my particular position and role within many companies, I had a birds-eye view of a lot of really bad things. Let me summarize it like this. The failure rate for organizations, business, corporations, etc., is quite high. Every negative experience that we have captures a part of what’s wrong. it isn’t our imagination. I’ve even read books on software engineering or software architectures where the authors felt compelled to include a section, or even a whole chapter, on problems for which there is no solution, including EXACTLY the situation you describe (no kidding).

          For many years, the Software Engineering Institute would publish results, including the number of software engineering projects that resulted in failure. For many years (all the years that I knew of), the failure rate was identical, at about 85%. In the beginning, everyone in America was talking about the “Software Engineering Crises”. Scientific American did a good article on this, and provide a solid case study based on an airport upgrade done in Colorado that ran into major cost overruns that in the end could not be fixed without a complete redesign (and management).

          While at JPL, I was once called into a project that was originally priced at around $7,000,000, but ended up at near $40,000,000. Because I worked for a competing group (I was forced upon them by the then Director of JPL) that had created the prototype for this system at around $400,000, once I found the major design flaws (and how to fix them), I was given the option of either joining the team, or shown the door. That’s a whole story in itself.

          Bottom line. Life’s not fair, and the best don’t always win. My advice is always to be the absolute best you can be, treating every job with the up-most in respect, regardless of the circumstances. We have to rise above the noise (and there’s a lot of it), and continue to move forward. More specifically, I believe that it is critical to be able to honestly back up your resume.


  6. Thanks for the very comprehensive look at the Hatsan AT P1 PCP. I believe I have previously stated roughly the same concerns and disappointment that you addressed in this blog. Hatsan seems to have great ideas and unique designs concerning their airguns. And good example would be the quatro trigger.
    Based on observations, and your tests of Hatsan guns, the Quatro trigger looks to be a fairly decent design with plenty of adjustability. However, you have stated there isn’t much in the way of adjustments to be made. I am very pleased to see you evaluate an airgun using your head rather than you heart. I was as surprised as any that the Gamo Dynamax was made by Hatsan. After all, Gamo now owns BSA. To my eyes, it has an uncanny resemblance to the carbine version of the BSA Scorpion. Again, looks alone cannot tell the whole story.
    J-F and Matt61
    I enjoyed reading your comments on the Chinese people. It is very difficult to comment on a subject like this without being labeled a racist. I read no sign of racism in your respective comments. One of my old archery buddies is Chinese, and he would tell me the same thing you wrote concerning Chinese custom and habits. James Clavel delved quite deeply into this very topic when he was researching material for the books Taipan, and Noble House. These two books in particular give a good incite into Chinese philosophy, religion, and custom. For instance, when the British built Hong Kong, they received a 200 year lease from the Chinese ruler of the day. The Chinese where not concerned with this as they hold the belief that if it takes two or more generations to achieve a goal, so be it. After all, their ancestors have benefited immensely from this deal. Unlike us, they are concerned with the big picture. In 1997, Hong Kong reverted back to Chinese rule, and they obtained a world class city. I would hesitate to put a value figure on the worth of Hong Kong. The British had to leave with the shirts on their backs, so to speak.
    Caio Titus

  7. Feinwerk,B.B.,
    Made some progress with the P17:-
    Disengaged the auto safety
    installed a shim between the hammer spring and the bushing (around which the spring pivots).
    The shim lies in the south west quadrant(between the 6 & 9 o-clock position.
    this causes the hammer spring to sit lower on the hammer and prevents it from making contact with the sear. With the grip back on i have to depress the trigger slightly until i hear the click of the sear and the trigger lever engaging.
    will use it this way for a while and then go back in and tinker some more.
    Will let you know if and when I solve the problem completely.


  8. Wulfraed, I forgot to respond to your comment about bursting air tanks. I’m afraid that I got dropped on the threshold of revelation with your refrigerator comparison. If fewer air tanks fit in a refrigerator than firearms cartridges, but the cartridges potentially generate more pressure per square inch, then… It sounded from another comment whose author I am not recalling that the explosion of an air tank can be extremely destructive.

    That was quite a story about the oxygen bottle in high school. The destruction that can be carried out in a high school laboratory is frightening and probably not regulated as well as it should be. The only comparable story that I heard was that some students got carried away in a lab and began creating some chemical that released a purple vapor. The entire building had to be evacuated because the smallest spark would have ignited the purple cloud and caused the building to explode. Maybe apocryphal. But it is still support for on of my favorite lines from Mr. Spock spoken to an annoying man in 18th century attire, Trelane, who is actually a juvenile super-being playing with human beings for fun.

    Trelane: I don’t think I like your tone. It’s most challenging. Are you challenging me?

    Spock: I object to you, sir. I object to intellect without discipline. To power without constructive purpose.


    • Putting things into another framework… That 30000PSI cartridge has a surface area of [made up cartridge: .45″ diameter, say 3″ long, and ignore the ends… 4.25 sq. in.

      Refrigerator, empty, 24x24x36 inches; surface area 24×24*2, 24x36x4 => 4608 sq. in.

      4608/4.25 => 1084… 30000/1084 => 27PSI

      A 1 liter bottle, ~9×3.25″, and ignoring ends…

      92 sq. in. at 3000PSI.

      4608/92 => 50

      3000/50 => 60PSI

      {If you accept some of the books as canon — Trelane was a juvenile Q}

  9. The picture used to demonstrate how you held the pistol was interesting for two reasons. First, because it showed the technique. Secondly, it literally put the size of the pistol in perspective for me. I didn’t realize how massive it was. Can you buy a wheeled carriage and a team of draft horses to pull it as an accessory? 🙂

  10. Hello all, I have been a reader of the blog for almost a year now never commented before though. First off thanks to Mr. Gaylord and all of the “regulars” for the wonderful information each day, that has helped tremendously in my advancement in this wonderful hobby. Now on to my reason for posting, I just received a Air Venturi Bronco from PA last week for my son and I to enjoy together. I chose it based on info from this blog, and am VERY happy with my decision. My question concerns the stock, when researching this rifle I read that it was a “blonde” stock, not my first choice, but something I’d overlook if the rifle was as good as I had understood. Well the one I got has a very dark, beautiful stock. Its darker than my Titan, or my stepdads R1! This was unexpected but welcome for sure. Has anyone else gotten one like this or did I get a fluke gun. Just wondering, thanks in advance for any info, and for the great blog.

    • Bill in Indy,

      I’ve forwarded your comment to our tech department to see if they know if the spec for the stock stain has changed. If it has, our photographer will take new images. If it hasn’t, then I guess you got a one-off.

      Thanks for the heads up!


      • Thanks, we are having fun with it, I bought it cause I let him shoot my Titan and he outshot me, my stepdad and my uncle that day! May have a field target champ on my hands. When I can im going to upload some pics of the gun to a photo site, I’ll put the link info here when I do… unless thats against a blog rule i’m not aware of…( I am a new poster)

        • I would love to see some pics, and there is no prohibition against posting a link to photobucket or whatever.

          Now you are a full fledged poster, no more lurking allowed! 😉

  11. There’s a way to hold the gun that uses the scope as one of the handles, and that’s what I did. I photographed it for you, so you can see it as I describe the hold.

    What would you use if you had to shoot “free-hand”? Left-hand grabbing right shoulder, with trigger guard wedged into the crease of your elbow?

    That’s a Crosman Mark I Target pistol that Tim converts to add a longer bafrrel, a CO2 tank hanging down from the grip and a rifle scope mounted on top — just like this one.

    Is that some new term for a baffled barrel? <G>

  12. I was looking at crosman’s mtr77 today and I saw some very disturbing things about it. I saw the barrel is so cheaply made that the front sight swivels around the barrel, the trigger and sights are total junk. Somebody please tell me that Crosman isn’t settling for this very poor craftsmanship (for lack of a better word) and selling sub par chinese trash. I hate how airguns have gone down so much in quality that you can’t even get reliable sights on them so you can hit a target.

  13. B.B.,

    Should we be surprised by the fact that the pellets shot higher towards the end?
    In part 2, you provided the following numbers for the first 10 shots.

    Shot: 1____2____3____4____5____6____7____8____9____10
    Vel.: 702__714__725__737__750__761__769__773__776__773

    The velocity values steadily climbed for the first 10 shots, then dropped after that.
    At 25 yards, a difference of 71 fps from shot #1 to shot #10 seems large.
    I guess we should have seen this coming just from the velocity test results.


  14. BB
    I did look and the pistol is made in other caliber’s. (.177 /.22 /.25 cal.)
    Some of the reviews I read said some of the people thought the .25 was accurate and getting a fair amount of shots from the gun.

    While some people said they were having problems. Maybe you got a problem gun ??? And I guess if that’s the case then maybe they (are) having some kind of quality problem with there guns.

    I sure would like to know. Can you request (another gun) to try or a (different caliber)? Or maybe this gun just may be considered (done) as it is.

  15. So using a rifle scope can help in determining ultimate accuracy, but, in my mind, it would be difficult to use such a scope in the field. I know Crosman has at least one new pistol scope, and BSA has a new one, but they have not yet been tested in this blog (unless I missed it). Will there be any testing of pistol scopes? Is there any advange of a scope over a red/green dot?
    Michael in Georgia

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    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

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