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Ammo Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 4

Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 4

by Tom Gaylord, The Godfather of Airguns™
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

1077 rifle
Crosman’s 1077 RepeatAir is a classic.

This report covers:

• Crosman Premier Lite pellets
• Air Arms Falcon pellets
• Ran out of gas
• JSB Exact RS pellets
• RWS Superdome pellets
• Final evaluation

Today, I’ll back up to 25 yards and see what the Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle can do at that distance. I used a vintage Tasco Pro Point dot sight because, when I mounted the Tech Force 90 dot sight, it was angled too far to the right. So, the shots landed too far left. The Tasco was similarly skewed, but it wasn’t as pronounced, and I was able to adjust the impact point back to where I wanted it.

Crosman Premier Lite pellets
The first pellet up was the Crosman Premier lite domed pellet. Even after sight adjustments, it was still shooting too far to the left and was off the target paper. Ten shots made a group about 2 inches between centers, but I didn’t measure it. That’s just a guess. Premier lites are out for the 1077 at 25 yards.

Air Arms Falcon pellets
The next pellet I tried was the Air Arms Falcon that did so well at 10 meters. They landed in the bull a little below center, but I noticed they seemed to be going slower on every shot. The group was visibly strung out vertically.

Ran out of gas
I have had the 88-gram CO2 cartridge in the rifle for several years and shot it hundred times, so it was running out of gas. When I removed it, it didn’t have much gas remaining. A new cartridge was installed and the gun was back up to snuff.

I shot another 10 Falcon pellets. This time, the impact point was 3 inches above where it had been before the gas cartridge was changed and 1 inch to the left. But this group was very telling. Ten went into 1.391 inches, but 9 of those are in 0.803 inches — and there’s a cluster of 7 that are in 0.384 inches. This is phenomenal 25-yard accuracy for a rifle in this price range!

1077 rifle Falcon target 25 yards
Pretty good shooting for 25 yards. Ten Falcons are in 1.391 inches, but 7 are in just 0.384 inches.

This should answer the question of whether or not you can shoot well with a dot sight. Remember that this is a repeating air rifle, and I’m shooting out of a 12-shot clip. These pellets are being blown into the breech and are still capable of fine accuracy.

JSB Exact RS pellets
I didn’t want to shoot wadcutters because 25 yards is about where their accuracy fails, so I called up a couple pellets not yet tried. The first was the light JSB Exact RS. I adjusted the sight to strike the target lower, and these pellets hit about 2 inches below the center of the bull. They were also over to the right, but I did not adjust for that.

Ten RS pellets went into 1.585 inches, and 9 of them are in 1.071 inches. This time, there’s no smaller group within the large group, so I think the RS pellets aren’t as accurate as Falcons in my 1077.

1077 rifle JSB RS target 25 yards
Ten JSB Exact RS pellets in 1.585 inches at 25 yards, with 9 in 1.071 inches. Not quite as good as the Falcons.

RWS Superdome pellets
For the final pellet, I selected the RWS Superdome that often turns in remarkable results. I adjusted the dot sight up and to the right, and these pellets landed in the bullseye. Ten Superdomes went into 1.684 inches. As you can see, the group is fairly open. Nothing to make me think Superdomes might do better than this.

1077 rifle RWS Superdome target 25 yards
Ten RWS Superdome pellets in 1.684 inches at 25 yards.

Of course, I haven’t tested the 1077 with a lot of pellets that usually do well. There might be something even better than Falcons. But I think I’ve shown how well the rifle can shoot when fed pellets it likes.

Final evaluation
The Crosman 1077 is a tremendous value in a repeating air rifle. It’s rugged, accurate and needs nothing more than pellets and CO2 to get the job done. If you’ve been wondering whether or not this is a good buy, read this test to decide. I’ll never get rid of mine!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

57 thoughts on “Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 4”

      • BB
        That would be a guess but I don’t know if it would be a good guess to say the premier lights would be in the same class as the Superdomes.

        Just because 2 cookies look the same don’t mean they will taste the same.

    • I Know this thread goes back a ways. I don’t know about other readers, but I meander around this blog a lot, sometimes going way back in time as I do searches for various airguns or subjects. In this case, I wanted to read about Crosman’s 1077.

      One reader, I think in part 2 of this review, complained of CO2 leaks on his 1077, and he tried some radiator leak repair product. That reminded me of something that happened to me.

      I have two CO2 air rifles, and maybe 4 CO2 pistols. I had had a problem in both my 1077, and my Crosman Custom Shop 2400KT CO2 carbine in .177. Firts, in both guns, if I left the CO2 cartridge in the gun when I put it away, then, when I did go to remove the powerlet, it would stick in both guns. And, yes, I always used a drop of Pellgunoil on the tips of said powerlets. So, I started a policy of never storing the guns with the powerlet in them, which required, of course, that I empty the CO2 after every shooting session. Then, about two weeks ago, I broke out the 2400KT for a shooting session. I lubed, and popped in a powerlet, tightened down the piercing screw, and all the gas blew out. Took out the ow empty powerlet, and took a look. I realized that, the powerlet I used was not a Crosman, but one from a package I had bought somewhere, and the brand was “JT”. I decided to go to a Crosman powerlet. Lubed, loaded, pierced, and it worked fine. I took a close look at a JT powerlet, and compared it to a Crosman. They are different. The JT has an extra “shoulder” near the base of the tip that the Crosman does not have. I wondered if that shoulder must have held the powerlet away from the area where it seats in the gun, causing that leak. Then, I thought that maybe, the ones I had stick in past might have been this brand (JT). Now, after shooting the 2400KT, and sticking to Crosman powerlets, it seems that both the air leak, and the sticking powerlets may not be an issu using Crosman brand.

      Now, I bought these JT ones like two years ago, when I couldn’t find Crosman’s locally. When I used the JT’s in my pistols, I think they worked fine. Of course, in a pistol, if the powerlet gets kind of stuck, it’s not a problem getting it out, as the whole thing is out in the open when you remove the grips.

      I am back to being able to put away my 2400KT (haven’t tried the 1077 for a while) with a partially full CO2 can in it, and am able to grab the gun after a day or two (maybe more), and continue shooting.

      I am wondering if anyone else has had problems using other brands of CO2 powerlets in their airguns? I think I’ll just use up these JT ‘s in my pistols, and stick to Crosman only in my air rifles. I believe this extra shoulder on the JT units may cause that thing to stick, and, may sometimes prevent the unit from being able to seal in my air rifles.

      I can’t order CO2 cartridges online, because I live in Hawaii, and it seems you can’t ship them on an airplane. I am going to hit the stores and stock up ASAP.

      • I too am a meander and found this interesting in as much as a Remington 1911 would not hold CO2 in its magazine. Three cartridges pierced and three instantly exhausted in the magazine and never into the gun. They were Crosman cartridges, but I am convinced the issue was a defective new gun which was returned. And the same box of Crosmans worked well in a Umarex M712 and Umarex P.08.

        I researched CO2 cartridges online and physically looked at the cartridges and their boxes. Many statement of Crosmans being dirty inside have been posted. I cut Umarex, Daisy, and Crosman cartridges open and indeed found Crosmans to be somewhat dirty – the Umarex and Daisy which appear to be physically identical and from the same Taiwan factory and were very clean inside. The JTs (don’t have any) appear to be similar to the Umarex and Daisy in pictures. This is disturbing since Crosman is generally my overall favorite brand in air guns within lower priced models such as 2240, 1377, etc.

        Some serious paintball buffs insist on food grade 12 gram CO2 from Leland and Mosa.

  1. Yes, the Crosman 1077 belongs in every collection Mine has a green/grey stock ( ? ) and will never” leave my cold dead hands.” along with the Red Ryder and Crosman 760 (Vr.1)
    Thanks for an excellent report, Tom !

    • Bub

      I have a Winchester 4X32 rifle scope mounted on my 1077. It does alright at 10 meters indoors in my basement. Since I don’t have any place outdoors I can shoot, I haven’t tested it at longer distances. Here’s the Winchester link if you’re interested.


  2. I love my 1077, it is the closest to a rimfire rifle because its semi auto with no pumping or cocking.
    Its powerful enough to send a tin can flying off a box with a good sound as the pellet hits the can.

  3. My very first air rifle from PA. I had chosen it to do everything and be the only rifle I would ever need. It didn’t work out that way, but in a lot of ways I was right. I’m motivated now to get it out again. The only thing that keeps it from more general use is the expense and fuss of the CO2 powerlets.

    My copy of Hot Fuzz arrived the other night, and I can’t wait for the weekend!


  4. BB, My 1077 had developed a problem. It does not fire all of the pellets in the mag. cylinder. The skipped pellets are deformed and look like they were not lined up with the barrel. Do you know if the problem is in the trigger and hand, or do I need new clip magazine? Thanks , Ed PS I have 6 rotary mag.cylinders, and they all have this problem.

  5. Hello Airgunners
    I just finished watching a short review of Walther’s newest PCP, the Rotex R8. Looks quite nice, with a stock made by Minnelli. It bears an uncanny resemblance to the BSA R10. The receiver and bolt array is the same one used on the Hammerli 850 co2 rifle. It appears to be quite accurate, with a floating barrel, and a 232 bar, 200cc bottle, again similar to the R10. Finally, it supposedly comes in .177, and .22 calibers. No idea of the price, but it looks like a nice compact PCP. No idea of when it will be available in North America.

  6. B.B. I bought a 1077 two weeks ago and have been shooting after work almost every night and weekends, it’s the best $65.00 i have ever spent. I’m finding the Crosman premier pointed pellets to be very accurate at 10 yards and I can’t wait to pick up some Crosman dome pellets. I can’t believe I took so long to buy one…

    • Siraniko
      I should let BB greet you to the blog first. But I had to say something.

      First hello and you came to the right place. So much information.

      And I think if you keep reading you will be ready for more air guns.

      Did you use to have airguns or do you have some and haven’t shot in a long time?

      • Gunfun1,

        My family used to shoot airguns mainly CO2 but due to lack of information on maintenance they subsequently leaked. We also got tired of getting our bulk cylinders reloaded. We also had a pump-up Crosman 1400 and 760 whose seals also leaked. Most of our guns are gone now. I have not shot for quite a while (years). I am now taking it up by using a locally made airgun with 1930 technology, our local artisans refuse to progress because the cost of shifting production to PCP is so high. Made of brass and soldered together it is a foot pumped pneumatic. Still have to do tests on it. I usually get three or four consistent shots out of it before needing to pump it again (around 20 times).

        • Siraniko
          The Crosman 1400 and the 760 are fun guns.

          And I would definitely be interested in knowing more about the gun your talking about. Pictures would be great if you can post them. If not no problem with the pictures. But I would like to know more about the gun.

          • The technology I’m stuck in is that of the Benjamin Model 300. The main difference is that there is a stirrup for your foot to step on to allow you to use your arms and body to pump up the rifle. The barrel is soldered on and the sights are very primitive that I can hardly see with my poor eyesight. There are no allowances for it to have an alternative sighting arrangement (scope or peep). There are more expensive and advanced air rifles available in the market but this is what I have right now to work on for my personal enjoyment.

      • Yes I do indeed live in the Philippines and the members have given me a warm welcome just like I read in the blog posts. Catching up in the blog and comments slowly making my way to the present. Seven years of practically daily posts with comments sure beats the Game of Thrones. Currently laughing at the conversations regarding a pink 760 and a bear.

  7. Hi bb , i was looking for a more power co2 rifle , i have the crosman 1077, good rifle. Looking now for the hamerli 850, the only down side is the 88 gr co2, i know is an adapter for the 12 gr. but is a bit high price, so my question is if the 88 gr can be use in 2 different days like a week apart.or that make some damage?

  8. I know this is an old one, though with my Crosman 1077 round-nose/domed pellets weighing between 9 and 10.5 grains (that fit in the clip correctly) do the best at longer ranges, producing very respectable groups of under an inch at 25 meters (close enough to 25 yards). Of course as long as they are pellets my Crosman 1077 likes.

  9. could you please compare this rifle to a Beeman qb78s? is the accuracy similar and is the range similar? do you prefer shooting these types of rifles with a red dot or a scope?

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