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Ammo Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 3

Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord, The Godfather of Airguns™
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

1077 rifle
Crosman’s 1077 RepeatAir is a classic.

This report covers:

• Some old business — trigger-pull
• Today’s test
• First up — Crosman Premier lite pellets
• Air Arms Falcon pellets
• H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets
• Evaluation so far

Today we’ll look at the accuracy of Crosman’s 1077 CO2 rifle. Just as I said, it’s pretty impressive for an air rifle in this price range.

Some old business — trigger-pull
One of our readers asked me if the 1077 trigger-pull would be too heavy for a 9-year-old girl. I said it would on a new gun; but that I have an older gun whose magazine mechanism is broken-in, and I thought it would be okay.

I told you last time that the rifle I’m testing has a trigger-pull of 8 lbs. I guesstimated that the old rifle’s pull was about one pound lighter; but I wasn’t positive, so today I pulled out my old 1077 and measured the trigger-pull for you. Surprise, surprise! The old rifle’s pull measures 8.3 lbs.! Why did I believe it was so much lighter? I think it has to do with how smooth the worn-in mechanism has become. There’s no pause or hesitation when you pull this trigger like there is on the newer gun.

I also told you that the pull was mostly governed by the magazine mechanism that advances the pellet clip. Therefore, I installed the old magazine in the test rifle and tried the trigger. The pull did not change. So, shut my mouth — I was wrong! I’ve been telling people this for years, and perhaps there’s some truth to it if you compare a broken-in magazine to a brand-new one; but the gun also has to wear in for the trigger-pull to smooth out.

Oh, and for that reader who asked about the 9-year-old — yes, I think she could handle the broken-in trigger. It would seem heavy to her, but I think she could manage it.

Today’s test
I am shooting from 10 meters rested. Each target will get 10 shots with open sights. Since this is a gas gun and has virtually no recoil, there’s no special hold required, so I’m resting the rifle directly on the sandbag.

First up — Crosman Premier lite pellets
The first pellets I tried were the Crosman Premier lite domed pellets that weigh 7.9 grains. They put 10 into 0.761 inches at 10 meters. I think it looks more impressive than it sounds.

1077 rifle Premier lite group
When I saw this first 0.761-inch group of Crosman premier lites, I knew my 1077 was going to shoot just as I told you!

RWS Hobby pellets
Before I get to what the RWS Hobby pellets did, I want to tell you how I controlled the group to get only 10 shots. As you know, the 1077 has a 12-shot circular pellet clip. What I did was load all 12 chambers and then shot just 10 shots. After that, I removed the magazine, popped out the clip and removed the last 2 pellets with a ballpoint pen. I think that’s easier than trying to orient 2 empty chambers in the clip when you insert the magazine.

I’m telling you this because I forgot to stop shooting with Hobbys. It’s a 12-shot group instead of 10 shots. The 1077 is so easy to shoot that it reminds me of its firearm namesake — the Ruger 10/22.

Twelve Hobbys went into a 0.63-inch group at 10 meters. How about that? More shots, yet a smaller group!

1077 rifle Hobby group
Twelve RWS Hobbys went into this 0.63-inch group at 10 meters.

Air Arms Falcon pellets
Because I read the things I write and also believe them, I next tried Air Arms Falcon pellets. I’ve told you that Falcons are often accurate in lower-powered .177 airguns, and I couldn’t resist seeing if that was true for the 1077. Glory be — this time it was! Ten (I remembered to stop shooting at 10 this time) Falcons went into a 0.596 inch group that turned out to be the smallest one of this test.

1077 rifle Falcon group
Ten Falcon pellets went into this incredible 0.596-inch group at 10 meters!

H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets
The last pellet I tried was the H&N Finale Match Pistol pellet that sometimes surprises me with its accuracy. This time, they matched the RWS Hobbys with a 0.63-inch group. Of course, there must be small errors in measuring and one pellet might be fractionally better than the other.

The Finale Match group is vertical, which leads me to wonder if the gas is running out in the 88-gram CO2 cartridge that’s on the rifle. It’s been there for several years and for an undetermined number of shots.

1077 rifle H&N Finale Match Pistol group
Ten H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets made this vertical 0.63-inch group.

Evaluation so far
The 1077 is turning out exactly as I remembered, except for the trigger-pull issue mentioned above. It’s a very accurate rifle that deserves a longer accuracy test. So, I’ll mount the Tech Force 90 dot sight and back up to 25 yards next time.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

68 thoughts on “Crosman 1077 CO2 rifle: Part 3”

  1. Hi B.B.

    I love the New Look to this Blog. Everything is & looks much better. Its a pleasure to access the hallowed archives now & I’m loving it. THANK YOU SIR!! The header is in my favorite color & shade (woodland / jungle green). Sorry for the late comments.


  2. I had to put some “Transmission Stop Leak”, or whatever it is called, in my 1077. I had not shot it in a couple months and the first CO2 cart just fizzed away. The next one I put some stop leak on the tip of the cart to stop the leak. It did ok, I got to shoot some 2 clips before all gas was gone. I just love this rifle, I have a laser sight on it now, old eyes makes it hard to use the “iron” sights. I have been using Hobbys.

  3. Falcons swoop in and make another impressive appearance.

    For airgunners that shoot pellet guns with a maximum velocity of around 750 fps I would strongly encourage you to buy a tin of air arms falcon pellets and jsb rs pellets for your accuracy testing especially if your pellet gun is .177 caliber.


  4. The only disadvantage of this gun is that it will run you low and gas and pellets because it’s so much fun. Nice shooting B.B. Maybe I missed this but did all those hours of dry-firing the trigger on the 1077 while watching TV make a difference? This is definitely my idea of an appropriate gun for a 9 year old.


  5. B.B.

    When you are shooting from a bench rested position, how much does your rifle hold resemble the artillery hold? What breathing techniques do you use to steady your hold so that you can shoot such tight groups? I did some of my own 10 meter bench rested shooting tests with my 1077 this past weekend, but most of my groups were in the 1 to 1 1/2 inch range. One of the pellets I used was also the RWS Hobby, and I nearly did as well with it as you did. Using my little 6 inch ruler, I measured the center-to-center group at about 7/8 inch for a 12 shot group. If I treat one outside shot as a flier, the remaining group of 11 measured about 3/4 inch. As I shot I tried to maintain a relaxed and loose grip and hold my breath as I pulled the trigger. Is there a problem with this technique that I need to adjust?

    Here are some of my other 10 meter 12 shot groupings:
    Crosman Premier Super Match: 3/4″ (no fliers)
    RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle: 1 3/8″ (3/4″ minus 2 fliers)
    H&N Match Rifle: 7/8″ (no fliers)
    H&N Finale Match Rifle: 7/8″ (5/8″ minus 1 flier)

    Also is there a generally accepted rule that defines how far a flier must be away from the rest of the group to be called a flier? For example, 10 of 12 shots of H&N Field Target Trophy are about 3/4″. Of the other two shots, one is about 1/4″ away from the group, and the other is about 1/2″ inch away from the group. Which of these two should be called a flier?

    • Charles,

      There is a tradeoff. When the trigger is DAO, you cannot use the artillery hold. But the 1077 is a gas gun that doesn’t recoil, so it doesn’t matter as much.

      Fliers are generally pellets that you cannot explain. No distance requirement. If you know you moved when the shot went, that is called a pulled shot.


    • pa.oldman,

      You posted this earlier at 7:40 PM Eastern:
      A little off topic if I may.

      Had the day off with no one around, nice weather and a new air rifle (Browning Leverage in .177 caliber) so why not shoot.

      Then, at 7:41 PM, you posted it a second time. I moved the second posting to the trash since they were identical.

      Are you saying you posted a longer comment that disappeared?


  6. BB, so Happy Happy Happy. I was reading this report, thinking it would be the last and thinking I wish BB would go back to 25 yrds and give her a try. Poof, wish granted! Looking forward to it.

  7. BB

    Quick version of the lost portion of my post. Shot 130 rounds through the new .177 cal Browning Leverage today. Last 30 were all with the same pellet to season the barrel as Edith suggested to you a while back. The very last 10 the best group of the day. I don’t know if this was a fluke but it was interesting.


    • David,

      Thanks for the report on your new Browning Leverage in .177 caliber. What size 10 shot groups are you getting and at what distance?

      I wasn’t familiar with the Browning Leverage so went to the Pyramyd AIR site. The manual for this gun suggests shooting two felt cleaning pellets through it after a pellet jams! There’s even a comment in the Customer Reviews on this gun complaining that felt cleaning pellets are tough to load in the Browning Leverage! Hope you’re not shooting felt cleaning pellets in your gun.


      • Kevin,

        Yesterday shooting at 10 meters best group was a .493 today shooting at 22 meters my best group was .692 which is good for me. Cleaning pellets didn’t group very well in my Ruger Air Hawk and go super sonic in it, haven’t tried them in the Browning yet

  8. BB, When the 1077 jams, is it better to push the pellet back with a rod, or move the barrel forward (as per crosman instructions)? Will moving the barrel eventually cause enough wear at the breech end, to affect accuracy? Ed

  9. “So, I’ll mount the Tech Force 90 dot sight and back up to 25 yards next time.”
    Why not mount a 3-9×32 BugBuster or a 6×32 Bugbuster rather than a red-dot for accuracy testing at 25-yds.

    Is there anything … realistically … that can be done to reduce to trigger-pull?
    Or, is there a way to operate the trigger-mechanism in single-action mode … like a revolver.

  10. @B.B.
    Knowing that you can shoot a lot better than that I am guessing that your 1077 just does not do very well with those particular pellets?

    The best of those groups looks more like the worse I would expect from my Crosman 1077 at 15 yards with a 36 shot group. Wish I had a digital camera, I would post some pics of 36 shot groups shot with my Crosman 1077 using lubed 9.8 grain Winchester Round Nose pellets. For that matter today I did a 72 shot group, same size as the 36 shot groups.

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