Crosman PFM16 Full Metal CO2 BB Pistol Kit
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Semiauto clones of firearms are a great way to stay proficient without spending time and money going to the range. Just set up an appropriate range in your basement, garage or backyard and shoot for hours for pennies a shot! The Crosman PFM16 BB pistol looks and feels realistic.
Crosman PFM16 Full Metal BB Pistol Kit
- CO2-powered
- Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- Grip slides back for easy loading of CO2
- Shoots steel BBs
- Compact design
- 20-shot spring-activated removable (dropout) BB mag
- Fixed front and rear sights
- Full metal construction
- Includes: 1500 Crosman copperhead BBs, 5 CO2 12 gram cartridges, and nylon belt holster
- Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects
Choose this full metal CO2 BB pistol for loads of shooting fun. The PFM16 features a convenient, compact design and a grip that slides back for loading of CO2 cartridges. The spring-activated 20 round BB magazine drops out for quick reloading at the push of a button, so you can get back to shooting faster.
Steel BBs can ricochet. The shooter and everyone in the shooting area should wear safety glasses when a gun is being handled (even if it's unloaded). Remember to remove all pets from the area, as rebounding ammo can hit them, too. Never shoot steel BBs at hard objects (including metal targets) or water, as that increases the chance of ricochet.
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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5 of 5 Crosman PFM16 Kit Reviews
Love my gun
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNo
The look and feel of the gun
Things I Would Have ChangedIt has a heavy trigger pull a lighter trigger pull
Well packaged fast delivery looks and works Awsome
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis is a great price
Purchased here on Pyramid and is my Go-To plinkin machine. Holds exactly 20 BBs and the Powerful Full Metal goes all the way down to the single magazine. I wish I could pick up a couple more of the metal magazines that come with the kit bur I think all the replacements are plastic from what I've read. This thing is dead on from a standing position, we;re not talking dime size patterns but a close spread. In my fathers indoor 'range' with a lot of family heirlooms I wasn't scared to knock out 20 at twenty with few falling out side of the red. Great pistol to keep this ole fart in true form. Thanks Pyramid. PS I get a true 60 out of a 12grm cartridge before I have to apply Kentucky wind-age and Mars gravity, Git R Dun!
Things I Would Have ChangedMake me Shoot Better, Dur?!
What Others Should KnowNew neighbors shouldn't ride bicycles down range during Live Fire... sorry Gary, Bethany, Sue-Ellen... and Allen (RIP) :(
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Oct 06, 2021
By Ronald
Good little gun. Not bad for power.
Things I Would Have ChangedShould have adjustable rear sight
What Others Should KnowHave grip down when removing clip. One BB is out of the clip if gun is not empty. Give it a little tap to make sure it comes out or clip will not reinsert. DO NOT use lead balls, they are too small and jam in the receiver and are a real pain to remove. (Thought I wrecked the gun because they are hard to see)