Gamo Hunter .177 Cal, 7.56 Grains, Domed, 250ct
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- .177 caliber
- 7.56 grains
- Domed
- 250 per tin
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10 of 50 Gamo Hunter .177 Cal, 7.56 Reviews
I've tried roughly 29 different pellets in my Sig MCX. These are by far the most accurate. Lov'em
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowTry them in your Sig.
Good quality hard hitters
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much they performed as expected
What Others Should KnowI'll be buying some more they were good
Things I Would Have Changeddiscard and re-manufacture for better quality
What Others Should KnowDO NOT BUY - absolute junk
I tested Crosman HPs and Pointeds, Daisy Wadcutters and these - all 7.X g - with my Daisy 880 benched at 50ft and these stood out for consistently making the best groups and the most coming in under an inch. PyramidAir by far had best price for these. Even got one free for buying three (4 total). Wasn't sure if that was some Gamo promo but i didn't ask any questions - a very nice surprise. Even w/o that, PA still had best price and had them in stock. Shipped fast, too.
Things I Would Have ChangedNo complaints at all
Great product
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Very accurate, Good target pattern Turned out to be A very bad day for pests in my garden!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGood for hunting if you are looking for deep penetration into wood and sheet metal go with the Gamo Master point pellets
Excellent quality and consistent shooting with these Hunter Gamo pellets
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowWorks well in break barrel guns and under barrel cocking guns. I use both to hunt turtles and squirrels.
GAMO Hunter seems to be the best pellet I've tried in the Beeman R9 .177. Pyramid included an extra can of pellets even though I missed requesting the sale/special they were having - Thanks!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI'm shooting a Beeman R9 .177 air rifle sighting in at 20 yards. I've experimented with many pellet shapes and weights. For my gun the domed shape pellet exceeds performance of pointed pellets, hollow points or wad cutters. I do not get flyers with domed. The Gamo Hunter at 7.56 grain gives me flat shooting and consistency to 25-30 yards. I estimate the pellet is flying 900 fps according to writeups about the R9 and pellet weight. Pointed Gamo Masterpoints of the exact weight seem to penetrate 7-10 pages farther when shot into an old book. The pointed pellet does expand but it's more like point deformation not mushrooming. For pest control I reccomend the Hunters, the channel the dome makes seems it would produce a quicker kill and assures I can hit my intended target. I can hit a quarter at 25 yards pretty easily - not shooting from a rest but prone or from a chair. I stick with one ammo as switching can mean fussing with the scope and refiguring hold-over at longer yardages.
Well-made pellets, consistent shape uniformity. The domed pellets perform well for the type of target shooting I do, primarily metal cans and pendulum targets. May seem insignificant to some, but I like the small tins that contain the pellets. I find them aesthetically appealing and the smaller tins are easier to open and close than the large ones.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowReceiving 4 tins for the price of 3 is a good thing.
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Mar 26, 2024
By Russell Bakke
Cost, weight, accuracy. These shoot great with my Gamo Silent Cat. Most accurate grouping and hit with a wallop.
What Others Should KnowMight be something better out there if you’re in competition, but for everyday use and knock down power, can’t go wrong.