Crosman Vantage Nitro Piston Air Rifle
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- Crosman Vantage
- Crosman Nitro Piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Ambidextrous stock
- 11mm dovetail grooves
- Fiber optic front sight
- Fiber optic rear sight (adj. for windage & elevation)
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- Up to 1,200 fps with lightweight, lead-free pellets
- Ideal for small rodent elimination, plinking, spinners & more
Benefits of the Nitro Piston over a metal mainspring:
- Smoother cocking
- Smoother shooting
- No spring torque
- No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
- Functions perfectly in cold weather
- Lasts longer than a metal spring

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 107 Crosman Vantage Reviews
Just bought the .22 caliber. Fit and finish. Low recoil, low noise. Performance per dollar spent. Solid lock up. Nice smooth trigger and i have not modified anything yet. Hits like a hammer on squirrels. Only took maybe 30 shots before it started shooting strait. Gamo match Training 15.42 gn works well so far. Sights are easy to use. For the dollar spent what more do you want from the least cost entry level air rifle..?
Things I Would Have ChangedWell, Install the rear sight in the correct position at the manufacture
What Others Should KnowMake sure all screws are tight. It is not a light weight rifle. Had to adjust the rear sight way off the centerline to hit the sight in target. With open sights you can hit a beer can every time at 40 yards. I believe it can do even better when broken in. A woman or younger person may have issues cocking this one... Good rifles like this will hook you on the sport...
Simplicity of use, all you need is the rifle and some ammo. As for the ammo, the Vantage doesn't seem to be overly picky about the ammo, although I have to sight-in the rifle for some pellets, but after that's done they fire true. It seems to like pellets that weigh around 18-19 gr., and it really seems to love the H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme, 18.52 gr. pellets the best so far. And oddly enough it didn't seem to care for the Crosman Premier Domed Ultra Heavy 19 gr. pellets. They were loose fitting and would occasionally fall out while returning the barrel to the locked position. It doesn't seem to care for the H&N Terminator pellets either. It liked the H&N Field, Target, Trophy pellets and even though I wasn't paying attention to the head diameter and thought that they were all the same size, due to my inexperience, I accidentally bought the 5.55 mm head size, but the rifle liked them anyway and fired them with authority and accuracy. So it seems to love pellets that fit snuggly.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe stock is a bit to long for me and can be difficult to shoulder quickly. It also won't take a scope without a scope-stop or it will throw the scope right off the back of the dove-tails. so a Picatinny/Weaver rails would be nice. Other than that, I can't think of anything else I'd change. Although, if you buy this rifle check for loose screws. The rear sight was loose and it took me a few shots and missed targets before I realized this, but after tightening the screws it fired like a champ.
What Others Should KnowCheck for loose screws and if you plan on using a scope you'll need a scope-stop.
This is so much quieter than my old Benjamin 1000 springer. The gas piston makes a huge difference in kick, and sound level. The wood stock is beautifully finished and the gun has a nice tight feel. d I purchased this model in .22 and the box and specifications say "Up to 950 fps with alloy pellets. " There is no way this is even close to a realistic number. I paid for the 10 for 10 service and repeated the testing with my own chronograph with a range of pellet weights after it was broken in. Results are listed below.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would prefer a more positive closure to improve accuracy and provide a tighter seal. A few of my shots were low and slow because the barrel did not fully close. I now take special care to make sure it is closed. I wish this were made in Bloomfield NY rather than in China and would gladly pay more for it.
What Others Should KnowAfter breaking in the gun with about 70 to 100 shots, I measured the velocity with about 6 to 10 shots at each of 7 different pellet weights. I also cleaned the barrel with 2 stacked cleaning pellets after each test string. No result is near the advertised 950 fps. (Maybe you will luck out and yours will.)
Pellet gr. Speed fps Energy (fpe)
11.9 778 16.0 Note: This is the 10 for $10 test result performed at Pyramyd Air
12.65 733 15.1
14.3 684 14.9
15.89 671 15.9
18.0 593 14.1
19.0 587 14.5
21.14 548 14.1
It's a .22 with pretty high velocity, so it's hard hitting for small game. The price of the gun is very reasonable for the features. It's the old adage of you get what you pay for.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger definitely needs work and the plastic sights are not all that great. It takes a strong person to cock the rifle and to hold it to shoot off hand.
What Others Should KnowThe accuracy of this rifle is greatly improved with the use of a scope, especially for my 80 year old eyes.
well balanced,not as heavy as i thought it would be. i plan on customize this rifle to my likings,
Things I Would Have Changedcolor of wood kinda bland, no big deal thou,i probably camo the stock with brushed camo paint
What Others Should Knowiam a crosman supporter this is a decent budget rifle
This gun is awesome beautiful and perfectly balanced for the artillery hold
Things I Would Have ChangedWish I would have gotten the scoped package
Price is not too bad for what it is, I like a wood stock although this one is no beauty queen, but for the price I can not complain. Gas piston is pretty smooth and although I do not a have a chrony it seems to have enough power. I have far better air rifles but I only bought this to try some mods with to see if it can be made to shoot like the higher end rifles. Trigger is long and heavy but I suppose one could learn to use it for plinking.
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger could be a lot better by using a much lighter return spring.
What Others Should KnowIn my opinion this gun is too powerful for a youngster to be turned loose with at lease until he/she is old enough to be responsible with it. The gas piston systems are really nice and smooth and quiet compared to even the high end factory springers although the springer can be tuned and made smooth and quiet like a gas piston gun. The chinese made guns are for the most part ok and will get you in the game, but I dont think anyone should expect any stellar performance from it. It will throw pellets with some hits and some close misses and the farther away you get the more you will see this. A good tuned Weihrauch 98 air rifle can hit 2 inch spinners at 100yds over and over again on a calm day. My RWS mod 54 will make about 1 1/4 inch group at 100yds. Over all I think this gun is of the quality one would give to a child, but with the power of an adult air rifle.
Very pleased with the quality of this air rifle . Would recommend just buy it I doubt you could do better for the price
The wooden stock and heavy weight gives it a nice sturdy feel when being held. Shoots very fast and when dieseled can make nearly any sub 20 grain pellet go supersonic. Shot right through a 1 inch wooden board and the iron sights are cool. Trigger feels nice. Very loud when it cracks the barrier but to be expected
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, for the money this gun is awesome. Would definitely recommend to buy quality pellets
What Others Should KnowBuy it, you won't be disappointed, it'll put a smile on your face
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Jan 17, 2025
By George
I like the fact that you can still get a very reasonably priced air rifle for under $130. This rifle isn't a rolls Royce by any means, but... It performs beautifully! I have the . 22 version and it does prefer done pellets over others, but in all it shoots very accurately, (1" -1/12" groups at 40 yards depending on pellet and wind conditions It's one of my favorite air rifles. And I have many top rated German rifles that are three to four times more expensive , - and don't perform much better than this vantage. My take is , that , if you're in the field and you need dependability and accuracy down range Then there is no other rifle for the money that equals the Crosman Vantage np. I am going to get the . 177 and test it to see if the quality , shootability and overall satisfaction is the same as my . 22 I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a winner!
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger pull and weight are pretty nice and smooth - but the trigger location is a bit too far forward. I have long fingers and I still need to stretch my trigger finger to make it comfortable to shoot. Other than that it's one of my faves.