Tanfoglio Witness 1911 CO2 BB Pistol Kit
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- Tanfoglio Witness 1911 pistol
- Uses 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- Semiauto
- 18rd removable BB magazine (also holds the CO2 cartridge)
- Fixed front and rear sights
- Blowback
- Single-action
- Metal construction
- Checkered grips
- Single-action only
- Includes Tanfoglio Witness 1911 pistol, extra mag, 5 CO2 cartridges and 1500 steel BBs
The box states that this gun comes with Hop-Up (spin), but it does not.
The owner's manual states that this gun is double-action and single-action. That is incorrect. It's single-action only.
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 20 Tanfoglio 1911 Kit Reviews
Great weight, blowback,and action. I think the bb loading procedure could be made better, but not a game changer. Great indoor practice pistol, fun target shooter Win Win all around . . . . . Get a pair of wood grips and dremal out the bottom raised section and the package is a really nice pistol !
Things I Would Have ChangedJust the loading port ,tough to hold charging spring and tab back and load bb's at the same time . . . Make a stop and enlarge the loading port ?
What Others Should KnowYou will love it LOL
Very smooth finish, no casting flashes. Feels very similar to an actual 1911A1 (arched and textured main spring ) all the moving parts function like they should, very nice replica!
Things I Would Have ChangedLock back the magazine loader, takes a little to figure the easiest way to load it. Would like to have adjustable sight. Would also like more specific maintenance instructions
What Others Should KnowThe gun came bone dry, first mag load had some misfires. I field stripped and lubed some seals and pivot parts, then some synthetic slide lube and function was flawless!!
The look and feel . Like the real thing.blow back it heavy like the real gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Liked the look and feel. The blowback is great a pleasure to shoot. I get about 40-45 good shots per mag using 2 mags and uses a warming pad while switching between mags.I have never had a bb jam and I have ran about 50 co2 carts through it. Air Venturi bbs shoot the best at 15-20 feet out of mine.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowReal full size 1911 grips fit these guns with minimal dremal work.
Great blowback action. Fairly accurate. I'm happy with it.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing really. A really cool gun
What Others Should KnowIf you are looking for a great blowback plinker, this is one of the best for the money.
After looking at a lot of reviews from several "experts" across the web, I decided on this 1911. An outstanding example of this fine firearm. It breaks down almost exactly as the one I used in Desert Storm. It is a great trainer for my children on gun safety. The kick on this is realistic enough that they understand the Weaver grip a lot better. Accuracy at 20 feet is good, my 13 year old consistently is within a 2 inch group.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. This is a great airgun just as it is.
What Others Should KnowThe first hundred or so rounds were disappointing. Random jams in breech. BBs everywhere downrange. After a good cleaning of the slides and barrel, it is right on. No jams. No stuck bb. Just loads of fun in the backyard. Get one!
Good realistic looking gun for the price.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore FPS would be better.
What Others Should KnowTruly amazing fast delivery...I rcvd my order within 3 days.
Look and feel is great. shoots very well. I have 3 of them all work fine, had a few jamming issues but I fould a good cleaning and oiling took care of that.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should Knowget extra mag's to much fun!
Everything about this gun is a real 1911,one of the best bb pistols I have bought for training.take down is even spot on.I would buy another.
Things I Would Have ChangedYou only get about two mags per co2, so that could be better.
What Others Should KnowIf your looking for a real functional and looking bb pistol, this is it. Other than the air consumption it's as good as it gets.
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Dec 02, 2018
By Jacob
I love 1911s really good replica with the functionality of the pistol and a powerful blowback action
Things I Would Have ChangedA notch on the magazine to hold the spring down while loading it, really tough spring.
What Others Should KnowMay need to oil the slide a little bit every now and then, but this gun is really cool and you wont be upset with the quality. Only crappy thing about the gun is the annoying spring on the magazine.