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Optics Benjamin Maximus: Part 5

Benjamin Maximus: Part 5

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Benjamin Maximus
The Benjamin Maximus.

This report covers:

  • Another Meopta test coming
  • The test
  • Group 1 Crosman Premier 7.9-grains
  • Group 2 Crosman Premier Copper Magnums
  • Baracuda Match 4.53mm head
  • One final group
  • Air Venturi G6 hand pump
  • Am I done?

Today I take the Benjamin Maximus out to 50 yards. This is the test people have been waiting for, so let’s get right to it!

This test actually stretched over two range days, as I was kicked off the range on the first day after shooting the first group. The lawn had to be mowed. That takes 2 hours on the range I was on, so I left and took my target. The next range day came a week later, and I was able to complete today’s test.

I went to the 50-yard range on day two That range ios easier to mow — in case I got caught again.

Another Meopta test coming

This 50-yard range at my club has high berms on both sides of the range, so the daylight doesn’t get on the range as early as it does on the 200-yard range (with 50- and 100-yards berms) I usually use. The lack of bright sunlight seemed to make a huge difference when I used the smart phone with the MeoPro 80 HD spotting scope. I got better results than before, and they will be reported next week.

The test

I shot the rifle from the bench with the stock resting in a long sandbag. I filled the rifle to 2000 psi after each 10-shot group except the final one. That one I shot following another 10-shot group (they were shots 11 through 20) — just to see if the rifle would still group.

Benjamin Maximus on bench
Benjamin Maximus on the bench at the 50-yard range.

Group 1 Crosman Premier 7.9-grains

First up were 10 7.9-grain Crosman Premiers. They went into a group that measures 1.643-inches between centers. The group is centered nicely on the bull, but just a little low. I cranked up the elevation a few clicks and then the day ended, as the lawn had to be mowed.

Yes, there are 11 holes in this group. There is a technical reason for this. I can’t count to 10.

Benjamin Maximus Premier lite Group 1
Eleven Crosman Premier lite pellets went into 1.643-inches at 50 yards.

Group 2 Crosman Premier Copper Magnums

On the second day at the range, the first pellet I tested was the new 10.6-grain Crosman Premier Copper Magnum. This is the first time I’ve tested this pellet at 50 yards. Ten of them went into 2.105-inches. This group was also well-centered but it was still below the bull, despite the elevation adjustment after the previous group.

Benjamin Maximus Premier Copper Magnum Group
Ten 10.6-grain Crosman Premier Copper Magnum pellets went into 2.105-inches at 50 yards.

Group 3 Baracuda Match 4.53mm

The tightest group at 25 yards came with the H&N Baracuda Match with 4.53mm heads, so I expected the best from them at 50 yards, as well. Unfortunately Pyramyd AIR is out of that head size right now, so I had to link to the pellets with the 4.52mm heads, instead. I was not disappointed by their performance.

Ten pellets went into 1.852-inches at 50 yards. While that is not the best 10-shot group of this test, 9 of those pellets are in a smaller group that measures 0.946-inches between centers. Since most airgunners only shoot 5-shot groups, I think that says a lot about the accuracy potential of the Maximus.

Benjamin Maximus Baracuda 4.53mm Group
Ten H&N Baracuda Match pellets with 4.53mm heads went into 1.852-inches between centers at 50 yards. Nine of them are in 0.946-inches.

A couple things occur to me from this target. First, I wonder if I had sorted the pellets by head size what the group might have looked like. That one pellet on the right is pretty far from the others. It looks like it doesn’t belong.

Next, I must admit that the hard creepy trigger probably did open the groups a little. I can normally adapt to most triggers, but the Maximus is a light rifle, and a crisper lighter trigger just might make a difference. If the rifle was mine, I would probably modify the trigger. I don’t think a Marauder trigger is needed — just a trigger that releases at 4 lbs. or less and has little creep.

One final group

I was curious about one more thing. If you remember, I had shot all these groups on fresh fills to 2000 psi. So each group is from a fully charged gun. But in the velocity test in Part 2, we learned that the Maximus has about 20 good shots. The velocity spread for those 20 shots is 100 f.p.s., so we had to try the rifle at 50 yards to see whether that makes a difference.

Also remember that I adjusted the scope to shoot higher after the first group was shot. So, what you are about to see is the same Crosman Premier lite pellet, but shot as the second 10 shots after the fill. These 10 shots went into 1.895-inches at 50 yards.

Benjamin Maximus Premier lite Group 2
On the second 10 shots after the fill, 10 pellets went into a group that measures 1.895-inches at 50 yards.

Air Venturi G6 hand pump

Perhaps you remember that I was unable to attach the Air Venturi G6 hand pump to the Maximus for testing. No matter — I filled the gun with the Benjamin hand pump which worked fine. But I got another female Foster filling for the G6 from Pyramyd Air and now I can fill with that pump. It was simply a matter of tolerances at the couplings. I note that both pumps take approximately the same number of pump strokes, but the G6 seems a lot smoother. It also bleeds faster, which is helpful with some PCPs.

Am I done?

This rifle has to go back to Crosman, so I need to know if I am done with it. In my opinion, the Maximus is a best buy for the price. I believe it is just as accurate as the Benjamin Discovery, and the savings can get a lot more shooters into precharged guns.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

57 thoughts on “Benjamin Maximus: Part 5”

  1. BB
    What kind of wind did you have for the 50 yard shots on both days? Just curious.

    And yes light makes a big difference when I do video’s with the Iscope adapter and my cell phone on the Marauder and Talon SS. And what I have noticed with the video’s that when I replay them to watch them they always seem to look like they are brighter than it is outside. The camera or the scope seem to light up the video. And it actually looks that way when I’m filming looking at the phone screen.

    Oh and just a reminder and asking at the same time. Did you try taking a picture in the HDR mode? You don’t have to tell about it till your report. Just wondering if you remembered.

    • Siraniko,

      There is another well known air rifle retailer in the SW USA that sells an adjustable sear for the Discovery. You can also go online and search for a trigger mod for the Discovery.

      • Thanks RidgeRunner for the information.

        Unfortunately I am +8,000 miles away from that retailer. I was able to finally get a Discovery in .22 on our shores. Importation of gun related items including scopes are scrutinized and subject to a very high tariff which is why imported pellets cost twice to thrice as much compared to buying it there. I may make arrangements to get the part here eventually but that is going to be in terms of a year or so.

        So far it performs well with JSB Match Diabolo Exact Jumbo Heavy .22 Cal, 18.13 Grains. Fortunately our local pellets have improved in quality that I can use them more than half the time. I bring out the JSB when it is time to get serious.

        I am wary of making placing the third screw which will alter the sear engagement. I have read about polishing the rough edges of the trigger parts, of which I am also leery to do. If I have to choose between the two which would be safest in your opinion? If I ever do polish I plan to use polishing compound only on a felt polishing disc attached to a Dremel. No stones or sandpaper comtemplated. Am I planning this correctly?

        • Siraniko,

          You have messed with air guns enough to know that with a hardened part, that hardness is only on the surface, or very shallow. That is what I would be the most leery of when considering a Dremel and polishing compound. Better than a stone or sandpaper for sure, as you noted.

          Best of luck with your project.

          • Thanks for the heads up Chris USA.

            Placing the third screw which will decrease the sear engagement seems less invasive than polishing the metal. I think this will not decrease the trigger weight too much and has the advantage of being reversible. I will just shoot this Discovery until the parts polish themselves. It worked on my father’s Hatsan before, just took a couple of thousand pellets though.

            • Siraniko
              I have the Discovery trigger on my 1377/Discovery conversion.

              I have added the two set screws to mine. It doesn’t change the way the trigger feels as the shots about to go off. It only allowed me to get it to have less movement before the shot does go off. And it allowed me to be able to adjust the trigger stop basically after the shot goes off.

              It no kind of way makes the trigger feel better at the time the shot does go off. Or should say when the trigger or shot breaks.

              You can only do so much with the components that are in that trigger from the factory and even with the two screws added. The piece that I was talking to BB about that RidgeRunner has also mentioned from that place in Arizona will help the Discovery/Maximus trigger. It turns it into a true 2 stage fully adjustable trigger for length of 1st stage pull and 2nd stage break.

              That would be the best bet for the Discovery/Maximus trigger.

        • Siraniko,

          Your concerns about polishing trigger parts in these guns is valid. Those parts are nearly always hardened by case hardening, which is just the thin shell of hard metal. Break through that with a stone and the soft metal underneath will give you no end of problems.


    • Siraniko,

      When Crosman designed the trigger that’s in the Maximus, they put places where the spring could be attached to reduce the pull weight. They have never published this, but the engineer who designed that trigger told me what to do.

      As for the creepiness, that is something I will have to research. But since I’m not going to do this one, it’s moot.


      • BB
        Even if you lessen spring pressure it will still be a creeping trigger.

        The part that can be ordered that RidgeRunner talks about from the place out west will probably give the best results.

        The place is in direct competition to PA so I won’t say the name unless you want me to.

        • GF1,

          I know who you are referring to. They may have a nice fix — I haven’t researched it yet. I remember back when the Discovery first came out there were several places that sold kits to fix the trigger pull.

          Like I said though, this Maximus is going back to Crosman soon. I might test it at 50 yards one more time to see of head-sorted pellets make a difference. But I can’t modify the trigger if the gun is not mine.


          • Different head sizes as a factor for accuracy is something that has been mentioned in this blog but as of yet not been fully investigated. Fortunately the Pelletgage should give a definite answer regarding the utility of selecting by head size and not by weight.

          • BB
            I keep forgetting that it has to go back.

            But just thought it should be mentioned for people who would like the option of a better trigger. Maybe make the gun more appealing to get if they know that option is available.

      • I don’t mind the heavy trigger. It’s the creep that spoils my aim. Affirmative on the spring. Too much and you lose tension on the safety. Probably just have to polish it by using it.

        • Siraniko,

          As others have pointed out, any polishing of the trigger parts must be approached with caution. Perhaps a little touch of moly grease may help with the creep.

          I have a very heavy trigger on my 1906 BSA, but it has no creep whatsoever and is such a clean break that I do not mind it that much.

  2. BB,

    The more I look at this thing, the more I like it. I guess I have been shooting my BSA too much. I enjoy the simplicity of this rifle. Like you said, with just a little bit of trigger work this could be a real sweet little plinker and small game hunter. Because it lacks suppression it may not be suitable for urban/suburban backyard shooting, but that environment is not suitable for one such as me anyway. 😉

    Perhaps one day Crosman will come out with a Gen 2 trigger on this and the Discovery.

  3. B.B.,

    First, Thank You for the 50 yard testing. That is always a treat. I looked at the last test. Those groups were 3/8″ for the most part @ 25 yards. I was hoping for better at 50 yards.

    ” I need to know if I am done with it “,…? I don’t know the answer to that. Are you? I kind of get the sense that you are wishing that it would have done better at 50 too. I am kind of sensing that if you had more time, you would like to hang onto it and modify/change the trigger too. You said as much above. I also think that you like the looks and the fact that it has that new proprietary rifled barrel. And the light weight. I also think that given the low price,… you are thinking,.. maybe?,… just maybe?.

    The only thing that I can pull out of my pocket for you to do is to try some pellets at the (heavy) end of the .177 scale. If you have done that, I apologize,.. without going back and looking.

    If I were you, (and I am not), I would get it, or another one, explore your trigger options, send it off and have it done. In a month or two,…. you should have something real nice in your hands. Consider it an early Christmas present to yourself. 🙂

    Just my 2 cents, since you did pose the question. Thanks again for the 50.


      • B.B.,

        Well, I did go back and look at pellet weights. 10.63, 7.33, 7.90, 10.60 and even chronied a 15.00. So I guess already tried the “heavy” end of .177 pellets. That’s all I got (had) for another suggestion.


      • B.B.

        I see this rifle as a plinker/small game hunter which would be best served in .22 caliber.

        It would be nice to see reports of how well the .22 version would do.


        • Vana2,

          I would second that. There is close to 200 reviews on the P.A. site. Bad thing is,.. it is the (same) reviews for both the .177 and .22. So, you would have to read through all of them and hopefully the reviewer will have mentioned what caliber they got. That would be a good change,… separate the reviews by caliber. So many things change when changing calibers.

          • Chris USA and Hank
            Had a .22 Discovery and it performed just as well as my .177 Discovery did. Pretty well equal to other pcp guns I had in those two calibers.

            I bet the .22 Maximus will perform pretty much like the .177 Maximus.

            But agree a test on the .22 Maximus would be nice. Heck look and see all the reports BB did on all the different Marauder calibers.

      • BB
        I didn’t look back at the other parts of the Maximus reports. So you might of tryed these pellets.

        But I thought I should mention some of the pellets I tryed in my Discovery’s I had. I know that it’s not Maximus results but I’m betting both guns give similar results.

        And this was in the .177 Discovery. RWS Superdomes actually did pretty good. And of course the JSB 8.4 exact and the JSB 10.34’s. And believe it or not I actually had pretty good luck with the Gamo Rockets that have that little steel bb in the head of the pellet.

        But best performance in multiple conditions was the JSB 10.34’s.

  4. On optics and sunlight,… if I go out early, the sun is behind the woods and the sight picture is quite clear, just not super bright. Go out a little later, the sun is above the trees but still low. The 0~30 is lit up quite bright and the sight picture becomes (hazy and washed out). Awful. Wait a little more and the sight picture is crystal clear again and the targets are lit better as well.

    Me, my scope and gun are never in direct sunlight regardless of the time of day.

    I can say that a front sun shade seems to do nothing. The eye cup/bellows on the other hand is a HUGE help. It is quite amazing what happens when that ambient light is blocked from your eye to the scope.

    • Chris USA
      Your house seems to be much the way my old house was set. Pretty much same results as you see.

      But my best time was a jour or two before the sun went down. The sun was behind me and I was well shaded out to about 20 yards in front of me. From there out it was lit up as bright as could be. Even out past 50 yards and up into the woods. I could see a green walnut lit up on the floor of the brown ground out at 80 yards plain as day.

      Where you are at and where the light shines makes all kinds of difference.

      • Suppose to say a (hour) or two before the sun went down.

        And when I have my phone on my scope it is important to stay in the shade. I can’t see any thing on the screen but gray. And thats even if I’m out in the sun light using the phone as normal. I have to go indoors or find shade to see the screen.

        • GF1,

          A bit off topic…

          I picked up a .177 TX200. It has a 12 fpe V-max spring kit in it right now but I have the original spring as well.

          Do you have and suggestions on which pellet to use, what hold your TX likes and the kind of performance to expect from a TX?

          I’d appreciate any advice.


          • Hank
            My Tx has a very good tune on it. By me. 🙂

            So it may be hard to say about how sensitive your gun is on holds. But mine I can verily hold it or hold it tight and it shoots the same groups. My Tx is probably the least hold sensitive gun that I have owned. Probably the only guns that will give it a run for its money as for as holding the gun goes is the Diana 54 Air King and FWB 300’s that I had. And the only reason they were as good was because of the slide system they use for the actions.

            But my Tx will shoot the JSB exact 8.4’s good. But for all different types of shooting conditions the JSB 10.34’s win hands down.

            Groups average at about .650″ at 50 yards. That’s when I had it scoped with my Hawke sidewinder scope. And I think you know I have a Tasco red dot on it for sometime now. I can hit my 1-1/2″ spinners and my kill zones on the two sqerrial field targets I have out to 50 yards and in with no problem. And they are set at 1-1/2″ too. That’s with the red dot me sitting on a 5 gallon bucket turned up side down with my shooting stick/bi-pod.

            So that’s the best I can say from what I kind of results I have got from my gun. Just like all guns you’ll have to see what your particular gun likes for the type of shooting you do. Don’t know what else to say. 🙂

            • GF1,

              Thanks for the comments!

              Knowing you your rifle is NOT in factory configuration 🙂

              My rifle came with a custom rosewood FT stock (and the regular beech one) a couple of 12 fpe Vortec kits, a spare spring and the original (full power) spring, metal guide, button and washers. Its shooting 8.44s at 750ish fps.

              I am thinking of installing the regular spring. Do you have any tweaks or adjustments that you would recommend to apply while I have the rifle apart?


              • Hank
                I have o-rings and washers stacked in front of the factory spring at the piston head side of the spring. A washer next to the spring then a o-ring then a washer then a o-ring. The o-rings and washers fit a little loose to the inside diameter of where the spring rides in the piston. Then I cut coils off the spring till I have almost zero preload. When the gun is not cocked the spring might move a 1/8″ back in forth of total free play.

                I use the factory piston seal and spring guide. I think it lets the spring and piston move more freely than the plastic Vortek spring guide and piston seal I tryed. Basically more fps that way. Then I lubed the spring and guide and piston latch rod with white silicone grease like what Pyramyd AIR sells that is made for the Hill hand pumps. I found it to stay in place pretty good and is slick to the touch if you rub it between your finger and thumb. And I use a few drops of RWS silicone oil on the piston seal and smear it around the seal with my finger. Thats just so I don’t assemble the piston in the cylinder dry.

                I think that’s about it other than a few drops of RWS silicone oil in the trigger in a few spots.

                  • Hank
                    No problem. Let me know if you get into the Tx this weekend. I would like to know how it goes.

                    And I bet that 124 stock will be nice if your making it. If it’s anything like the other ones I seen you made. You should post some pictures on the blog one time.

  5. I’ve had the chance to buy a Disco and Benjamin hand pump at a give away price. However I find the pump way too hard to use. By the time the gauge reaches the Co2 green, the pump is very difficult. While a little older than B.B. I’m in half way decent shape and fairly strong.
    I have noticed that the pump cylinder is in good condition but does not seem to have the lube I seen mentioned in a couple of articles.
    Most tests seem to indicate that the pump should not be too hard to pump. Are there things I could check to see if it is the pump or me?.

    • TJKing,

      I don’t think it’s you. My wife once demonstrated pumping a PCP to 3000 psi at an airgun show and she was no bodybuilder. If there is no lubricant on the shaft someone has wiped it off and that is the problem. I would contact the Pyramyd AIR tech department and ask them what lubricant you should use on the shaft.

      When we were designing the Discovery we had Crosman’s female lawyer pump the gun with their pump. She was under 5 feet tall and did not like to do physical labor, but she was able to do it. I think something is wrong with your pump.


      • B.B.,

        Could the moisture filter on the Hill pump make it much harder to pump than other hand pumps? I have a Hill pump (2nd Gen. I think, bought new a few years ago from P.A. and barely used) that has always offered considerable resistance starting at about 1700 psi. I make a point to put a bit of HIll grease on the tube before every use. I am 6 feet tall and 340 pounds, but even the downstroke takes quite a lot of effort.


        • Michael,

          I don’t think that’s the case. That filter has a lot of surface area inside and while it does make a noise when the pump operates. I doubt it adds much to the effort.

          Pumping from 2500 to 3000 psi takes about 180 lbs. of downward force with most pumps.


  6. Long time reader first time posting. I have a Maximus in .22 and I like the rifle and it is good deal for the price. I did change a few things on it. I replace the trigger with one from the Challenger and put a TKO on it now the rifle is perfect for the roll that I want plinking and small game hunting.

  7. Frankly, I was disappointed with Maximus and its 50-yard test. My underlever will shoot tighter groups than that on a calm day at 50 yards. I wonder how pellets like the JSB Exact 8.4, the H&N Field Target 8.64 ( Stoeger also markets these under their name) and the RWS Superdome 8.3 would do in a 50-yard test. They’re more common pellets and more accessible to the average user. Discovery definitely did better in its initial test at 50 yards.

    • Brent,

      About the only thing I will say to that is,…. for the same fps,….. the PCP “should” win out over a springer any day. Just my opinion.

      As for “common” pellets,….. P.A. is it and what more could you want? Wally’s is Crosman and that is it. Maybe some Benjamin’s. Nothing else exist,.. around here anyways.

  8. I just think BB should try more pellets because those are not very good groups compared to what he got with the Discovery when he first tested it. Try the most widely used pellets so as to not leave any bases untouched.

  9. Brent and Chris USA

    That’s the problem with BB testing a gun and us testing guns we get. He usually has to give them back and he doesn’t have the time we can spend testing.

    So overall he gets in the ball park of what a gun can do.

    Heck look at the Brodax. It was suppose to be a bb shooter. I tryed the metal Python clips that accept pellets in it. When I shot steel bb’s in it I was lucky to hit a 12oz can at 10 yards let alone 15-20 yards. Then came the Python clips and pellets. Totally a different pistol and I mean totally different. I could now hit a 12oz can out to 15 yards no problem. And 20 yards once I practiced with it more.

    So what I’m saying is once you get a gun and it’s yours then you can spend the time with it and try to get it to do what you want.

    I probably shouldn’t of stepped in and spoke about BB’s reviews. But what I’m try to point out is we have more time to spend than what he does most of the times. I think the 4 or 5 different pellets he tests gives a fair idea about a gun. Heck you don’t even want to know how long it’s taken me to find my favorite pellets for my guns. A long time is all I can say. A lot of trying and testing. It does not happen overnight that’s for sure.

    And really I’m not griping if it sounds that way. I’m just saying their is more involved than meets the eye once you really start looking for accuracy in a gun.

  10. GF1,

    True, true,…… I hinted real hard about him keeping it. 😉 If this thing was a repeater,…. I would probably have already had it,….. no joke.

    And yes,…. B.B. does an awesome job.

    • Chris USA
      Yes BB does do good.

      And you know if you search Discovery mods you will find aftermarket stuff out there to make a Discovery a repeater with a magazine if I remember right. I believe even .25 caliber barrels and breeches. And even shrouds and baffles like the Marauder.

      They will probably bolt right on to the Maximus. But without ever having a Maximus in my hand I can’t say that to be a 100% true. And by time you get done buying all that stuff and a Maximus or a Discovery you might as well buy the Marauder and have it all in one package with a good trigger included.

      So there probably is options to up grade a Maximus if a person wants. And overall a not bad priced package to start with. Definitely a gun that can grow with a person’s want’s as time goes on.

      Get you a Maximus Chris. I like to see one modded. And you know you would if ya got one. 😉

  11. I finally pulled the trigger and purchased the Maximus .177 based on your 25 yard test – thanks.
    I was also disappointed with the accuracy at 50 yards since I would have expected 3/4″ groups based on the 25 yard test but you did say you used a different size pellet. Also the trigger is TOO heavy.
    With 20 fpe with heavy pellets I wouldn’t shoot anything under 10gr. In fact I was getting good results with the JSB 13.34-grain pellets shooting at an average of 850fps but haven’t tested at anything over 16 yards yet.
    Hopefully I can get to the range this weekend and test H&N Barracuda Match 10.6-grain, CP Heavies 10.5-grain, JSB 10.34 and 13.34-grain pellets at 50 yards.
    Will post my results as soon as I can. Fortunately I can do a trigger mod on mine before testing.

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