by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
This report covers:
- JSB Exact Heavy
- H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads
- Decision time
- Crosman Premier 10.5-grain heavies
- Another decision
- JSB Exact Heavies
- H&N Baracuda Match
- Summary of this test
- Bug Buster scope and P.O.I. mounts
Today we start looking at the accuracy of the new .177 caliber Umarex Gauntlet. I think this report will be interesting to many of you. Let’s get started.
JSB Exact Heavy
The rifle was already sighted-in from the last report, so I loaded 10 JSB Exact Heavy pellets into the magazine and started shooting from 25 yards. Yes — I said 10 pellets. I forgot about skipping pellet number 2 and loaded the entire magazine. Shot one went fine but the mag jammed on shot 2. I didn’t force it. I just pushed it out and resumed shooting. This target has 9 pellets instead of 10, and they made a very vertical group at 25 yards that measures 0.704 inches between centers.
Nine JSB Exact Heavy pellets fired from the Gauntlet magazine made this vertical 0.704-inch group at 25 yards.
H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads
Next up were H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50 mm heads. Once again I loaded 10 into the magazine. This time it was out of pure stubborness. I just wanted to see if this pellet would feed through the mag. Pellet number 2 fed fine, but pellet 5 or 6 jammed and had to be removed. Once more this is a 9-shot group.
Notice how far to the left these pellets impacted. The scope setting wasn’t changed for the entire test, because I also wanted to see where the other pellets would hit the target.
Nine H&N Baracuda Match pellets went into this 0.726-inch group. Notice how far to the left it landed.
Decision time
At this point I decided that the magazine that came with this Gauntlet is defective and I didn’t want to waste any more time with it. If I owned this rifle I would be contacting the seller for a return of just the magazine — not the rifle that I now have adjusted very well. From what I read this problem is not common, so I don’t think you need to worry about it.
Fortunately a single-shot tray came with the rifle, so I installed it and continued the test. Loading it is a little fiddly, because there isn’t a lot of room in the trough. I use two hands to load each pellet, to keep from flipping them end-for-end.
Crosman Premier 10.5-grain heavies
I decided to give the Crosman Premier Heavy pellet a try for no special reason. These were all fired single-shot and I shot 10 this time.
Ten Premier heavies went into 0.456-inches at 25 yards. Now we are getting somewhere! Notice this group is not just the smallest one so far, it’s also quite round, which means there are no adverse affects on the pellets as they leave the muzzle.
Ten Crosman Premier heavy pellets went into this very round 0.456-inch group at 25 yards.
Another decision
At this time I really wanted to try different pellets, but something told me I needed to give the first two pellets a retest with the single shot tray. Target shooters know that single-shot loading is the absolute best way to get the lest measure of accuracy, because no matter how good a magazine is, it always compromises somewhere. I still want to try different pellets in the Gauntlet, but today I will retest both of the first pellets.
JSB Exact Heavies
Next up were 10 JSB Exact Heavies. This time all 10 were loaded singly. The group they made is still vertical and it landed in the same place, but it measures 0.501-inches between centers. That’s two-tenths tighter than the first 9 shots (0.704-inches to 0.501-inches). While that difference is small, and may be even smaller because of measuring errors, it is a smaller group than the first one that has one additional shot. I think that’s significant.
Fired single-shot, 10 JSB Exact Heavy pellets went into 0.501-inches at 25 yards. The group is still vertical, but visibly smaller.
H&N Baracuda Match
If I was going to retest one pellet with the single shot tray I had to retest both, so the H&N Baracuda Match pellets were next and also last. This time 10 pellets made a 0.566-inch group. Like the JSBs, this group is smaller than the first one and also has one additional pellet.
In the single-shot mode, 10 H&N Baracuda Match pellets went into 0.566-inches at 25 yards. Seven of the pellets are in 0.204-inches.
This time I thought I was going to use the trime for the picture, because the first 7 pellets went into about 0.204-inches. But shots 8, 9 and 10 all landed outside the central group. They are the holes at 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock and 12. I watched them fly through the UTG 3-12X32 Bug Buster scope.
Summary of this test
I believe this test demonstrates the accuracy of the Gauntlet rifle. Have I found the most accurate pellet? Probably not, but notice that when I shot them single shot, all the pellets did well. That speaks well for the rifle.
The trigger is adjusted perfectly for me. I have a positive 2-stage pull that is not supposed to be possible, but with careful adjustment of the overtravel screw I made it happen.
I shot this entire test — 48 shots — on a single fill of air. That tells you the Gauntlet has enough air for many shots in the field. But it does raise a question. Were my second groups of JSBs and Baracudas better just because they were single shot, or does less pressure in the reservoir have anything to do with it? I plan to conduct another test at 25 yards to find out.
Some people have said that the shots will walk as the pressure changes, but I don’t see that today. So that’s something else I want to test at 25 yards.
People have also said if the shroud is bumped the point of impact will shift. That’s another test. So, there are a lot more things to learn about the Gauntlet before we go to 50 yards.
Bug Buster scope and P.O.I. mounts
Some readers thought the Bug Buster wasn’t the scope to use on the Gauntlet. I think it’s doing quite well so far, and the P.O.I. scope rings are superb!
I will say that the image of the target is not as sharp and crisp through the Bug Buster as it would be through a larger UTG scope. And the reticles are heavier, to give a hunter faster acquisition in the deep woods. So, on a brightly lit target, they look heavy. But the groups I got speak for themselves. The Bug Buster works well — despite all I had to do to mount it.
Good test so far, and there is still a lot to come.
Hi B.B.
What scope might be your next choice, after the Bugbuster, on the Gauntlet?
I mean if you were after something better or more user friendly, but intended for similar use of the Gauntlet..
I do not know what BB will recommend, but I have one of these and they are absolutely awesome.
The Bubble Leveler 4-16.
With the bottle regulated you shouldn’t see a velocity drop or poi drop. Not until the bottle falls off the regulator.
And yep I still think the Bugbuster is the wrong scope for the gun. Only because it makes it more difficult to get located right. Now the rings. Well that’s another story. Yep I don’t think that is correct to have to use shims to get the rings to clamp properly on the dovetail.
What I want to know is if other guns have the same clamping issue with those rings as you had on the Gauntlet. That would be one step closer to determine if the rings may be a problem with their clamping or if certian guns won’t accept the rings the way the clamping tolerance is made compared to the guns added tolerances. That’s called tolerance stacking and that never usually ends up good.
And to me the Gauntlet looks like it’s going to be one of those gun’s that shoots any pellet good. Well maybe at least it will shoot more pellets without being fussy compared to other guns. It makes me wonder who supplies the barrel for the Gauntlet. That’s another thing I would like to find out.
When I had my Gamo CFX, I had to have PA machine down my one piece scope mount so that it would clamp tightly to the slots.
I believe you said you did not have such an issue with yours. Maybe this one was made right before or right after the Chinese New Year.
Ordered a pair of those sports match rings last night with my pellet order so I could take advantage of the sale at PA. I got the adjustable for elevation only rings as they are much more reasonable in price. I’m not sure why a person would need the lateral adjustment unless their barrel was misaligned, or they live in an area that has constant wind. I will say that the price at PA is far and away better than any other sources I saw online.
Per your e-mail,.. you asked what the “mirror method” meant in my notes. I found the link, but as I said, I think that it is no longer done among top shooters. At least it will make some interesting reading and raise some questions among the readers. It has been a few years since I have even been on the page.
Have fun,….. 😉
Did you see the email about autocollimation I just sent?
I did not, but will check out tomorrow,… maybe. Like you pointed out once upon a time,… “I think that Chris crashes early”,… and such is the case. 🙂 But,.. I will also be up at 3 AM posting! Ok,… maybe 3:15 AM. If I post before 1 cup of coffee,… things can get a bit ugly and confusing,.. just sayin’.
By the way,…. it does me a world of happiness that you are delving into all the notes and targets.
🙂 x 10!
Like I said only way to know for sure about the precision rings is try them on other guns to see. Or for that fact like your referring to with the Gauntlet. That is to try the precision rings on multiple Gauntlet’s and see what happens.
And just for I’m formation purposes I have had two different scopes on my Gauntlet with two different brand scope rings and had no clamping issues with either set of scope rings. The first was a UTG 3-9 power front AO regular legnth scope. And now a Hawke 3-9 power sidewinder varmint scope.
So saying that I do believe the precision rings need to be checked on other guns before assuming.
Looking at the enlarged picture of the Gauntlet’s receiver leads to believe there is enough metal there that can be removed safely to allow easier access for fingers when using a single shot tray. Whether making those cuts will still allow the use of the magazine is another thing though.
PS Section: Summary of this test Last Paragraph, Third sentence: So, there are a lot more thangs (things) to learn about the Gauntlet before we go to 50 yards.
Going gangsta?
That’s not gangsta, that’s southern drawl.
My HM1000X has those cuts as you describe. They help, but it still takes practice. With this smaller caliber and smaller slot, it will always be fiddly.
Siraniko and RR,
“It don’t mean a thang if it ain’t got that twang.”
“……, no matter how good a magazine is, it always compromises somewhere”. That is an interesting statement.
Does that mean that it compromises accuracy? Always? Why? How? If the pellet undergoes no change prior to be loaded into the breech, then I fail to see…..
If you are saying that it insures there will be no change in the pellet by single loading,.. then I can see that.
Nice testing. Looking forwards to see how it does with more testing.
Good Day to you and to all,….. Chris
p.s.,… maybe P.A. can send you some more mags. to try before/during the next test?
Remember the Gamo Swarm that produced tight groups except for one outlier on every target? And the outlier always came from one of the shots in the middle.
In the words of Rosanne Rosannadanna, “It’s always something.”
Of course you know this. But look at a magazine. Especially like what the Gauntlet, Marauders and Urban use.
It’s more places that the pellet has to pass through before it makes it into the barrel. As well as when the pellet is loading in the barrel. So that means it’s more places the pellet can clip when it passes through and even cock the pellet to the side as it’s moving to the barrel.
The single shot tray eliminates most of those problems. Notice I say most. You still have to watch for the pellet to get cocked as it passes forward to the barrel with a single shot tray.
And on the note about PA sending more mags to test. Remember I’m using 2 .177 Marauder magazines along with the Gauntlet mag and having no loading or accuracy issues. But it would be nice to see what a few other Gauntlet mags would do.
And I have found something on the Gauntlet mag that sets it apart from the Marauder mags. The Gauntlet uses a bigger flat head screw that holds the front clear piece on than the Marauder. So the Gauntlet mag is it’s own mag. They didn’t get Marauder mags from Crosman to supply with the Gauntlets.
Like I said, if there is no issue, then I fail to see the downside to a magazine. If there is one, then (maybe) there is an issue. If you want to remove all possibility of issues, then a shot tray is the way to go. Things would have to off pretty bad to damage a pellet. I would venture to say that they suffer more rough handling and bouncing around on the way to your door step. How bad can a head get damaged? The skirt will blow out any imperfections when the pressure blast occurs.
Quick cycling of the bolt would increase the chance of damage. The pellet needs a bit of easing to let it go nicely into the breech,.. to make correction for any less than ideal/perfect alignment. I did the tray in the M-rod and could find no difference. I have 3 mags. and cycle them all the time.
I would say the skirt wouldn’t be the issue. But the head of the pellet that’s another story.
You know how it’s been found that pellet head diameter is what seems to contribute to accuracy. I think if the head was to get sheared or shaved off that could cause a accuracy problem. And I do believe there is more possibility for that to happen with a mag verses a single shot tray.
And something else to think about. We use a lot more force cycling the bolt to load a pellet than you think. And this is a perfect time to mention this. About 3 Mondays ago I fell at work and sprained my right wrist. Couldn’t hardly move it fully until this last weekend. But I could tell every bit of pressure I was using on that hand when loading a pellet when cycling the bolt. And that was with the Condor SS, Maximus and Gauntlet using the mags. I’ll have to say the Gauntlet hurt my wrist the most when I was shooting it. So what I’m getting at we do use more force to load a pellet than would be thought. And I believe by time we realize that the pellet isn’t quite loading right it’s done in the barrel. So what feels like a little shaving of the head diameter might be more damage than we think. I guess a person could test that by pulling the bolt back, removing the mag and pushing the pellet back out the breech end and seeing if there is any damage to the head diameter.
And yes I kept shooting everyday even with my wrist hurting. But it’s back pretty close to a hundred percent so happy about that.
This is really quite impressive, especially considering the price point. Though this is not the air rifle for me, I would not fear recommending this to others. Wang Po Industries has certainly improved their quality control.
The Bug Busters work if you need a compact scope, but do sacrifice light gathering capacity with that small objective and are also less forgiving to sight through. These comments are on an older version:
I now have three of these scopes and really like ’em. They are still compact compared to a full-sized scope, but the are a bit heavy:
Are those lens caps removable?
Hi John,
Yes, they are removable. The rear cap must be removed to adjust the objective. There are grooves on the scope and also in the cap, so the cap just slides on snugly. I really like these flip-up caps. They are very convenient to use verses the lens caps that are held on with a stretchy cord. I like to keep the lens covered when I’m not using the scope because I keep my rifle leaned in a corner for quick access when those pesky sparrows show up, and I don’t want any dust settling on the lens. Oh, and the flip-up lens covers are spring loaded so when they are flipped up, they stay up out of the way. I really like them a lot.
I purchased the UTG 3-12x44AO SWAT Compact scope for my Gamo Urban also, but I got the one with the etched glass reticle. It’s an awesome scope. Yes, it is a bit on the heavy side but that’s because it’s built like a tank. You have probably read my posts regarding my eye relief problem with the UTG 30mm rings for the dovetail. I didn’t want to use the picatinney / weaver mounts that came with the scope. I ended up returning those UTG rings and ordering some BKL 30mm offset rings. They worked like a charm.
I would also add that the sidewheel parallax adjustment with a 60mm wheel is much easier to focus verses the front AO adjustment on a longer scope. I had to pay a bit more for the etched glass reticle but it’s thinner than the wire reticle. This was suggested by Chris USA also. The illuminated reticle is nice for shooting in my basement range. Red on the black 1/2″ dot shows up nicely. I have a nice Hawke Sport HD 3-9x50mmAOIR on my RWS 34P. It’s a great scope as well, but I think I like the UTG compact better because of the SWAT feature and smaller size. I would highly recommend the UTG scopes too.
Like your Hawke scope being side focus. You don’t have to have a small scope like a Bugbuster scope to have the side where focus.
But even with a front focus Bugbuster scope it’s not bad on the right gun. Like I mentioned before. The Bugbuster scopes are nice on FWB 300’s or even Text 200’s or 54 Air Kings. Notice all those gun’s have slide open breeches right in front of where you load the pellet.
What I’m getting at is there is a proper place to use different legnth and types of scopes. I don’t have a personal preference on scopes. But I do want the one on a gun that fits. And I mentioned this before. And I know you said why in the past you don’t want to do it. And that was because you sent your gun to BB and he mounted your scope for you. But I think the Hawke scope would be more at home on the Urban and the Bugbuster on the 34. I know, I know not my gun but just trying to be open minded here.
My Hawke Sport HD scope is not side focus. It has the parallax adjustment on the front objective. It works fine, but I do a lot of shooting at shorter distance and have to adjust the focus from 10 yards to 25 yards. The RWS 34 is heavy and the scope is lengthy making it difficult to hold the rifle with one hand while focusing with the other. I have to bring the rifle down from my shoulder and adjust the focus then put the rifle back up to my shoulder to see if I made the correct adjustment. Not very handy.
I did send my RWS 34 to B.B. He did not want me to send the scope with it. He replaced my RWS droop compensating mount with the BKL adjustable droop compensating mount which I have the Hawke scope mounted in. The BKL compensates for more droop and keeps the rings in alignment with the scope tube. It also allows the scope to be more centered. It’s a nice mount.
My UTG scope is not the Bugbuster. It is a compact scope which is 11″ long but has a similar short tube length for movement. I didn’t want a huge 13″ or 15″ length scope on my Urban because I wanted to keep with the theme of light weight and compact size. Unlike my RWS 34, I can hold the Urban to my shoulder with one hand and easily adjust the sidewheel for focus with the other hand. Very nice.
Oh ok thought your Hawke was a sidewinder.
But you know you can get away from having to adjust your focus all the time. If you shoot down at around 4-6 magnification you should be able to set the focus around 20 yards and not have to keep changing it.
But I’m guessing your shooting at a higher magnification. If so then yep I guess you will have to focus at different distances.
Oh and what is the difference in weight of your two scopes? Maybe 8oz’s? If so that’s hardly enough to notice when holding the gun. And are you supporting the gun when you shoot it.?
Yeah, with my vision I really need some power. I keep my magnification at max most of the time. And you are probably right, there wouldn’t be a lot of difference in weight between the Hawke and the UTG. I didn’t weight either but the UTG weighs 22 oz. It’s a lot smaller than the Hawke though. I’m sure the Hawke would have worked fine on the Urban but I really like the sidewheel focus on the UTG.
I always try to find something to rest the rifle on, or against, such as a door casing or such. When I shoot I want to know that I will hit what I am aiming at. I could not do that shooting offhand. If I was just shooting cans or something I could do that offhand. But most of the time when I shoot it’s to dispatch a harassing sparrow or startling.
My whole point about this scope mounting thing is theres more thought than meets the eye literally when choosing a scope.
So to really shoot a gun the best when scoped it will pay off to check into different things you want from the scope and if it will fit you and the gun properly.
I have used what has worked on past set up’s and have compared them to what I am wanting to do on the next one. LOP, eye relief, etc.. That will usually get you in the ball park. Ring height choice and cheek weld is another matter and requires a bit more calculation,… at least if you want to make an “educated guess” anyways.
Of course,… if you stay with the hobby long enough,… you will have a surplus of scopes and rings and you can do all the testing and R+D ahead of ordering.
Yep once you had enough different guns and scoping them you learn what works the easiest. That’s usually what I stay with.
Thank you. Yes, by all means go for the etched glass reticles,.. ya’ all. You will regret it otherwise. Yes they cost a bit more, but 100% worth every extra penny. And yes,… the side focus/AO will flat out spoil you, especially with a side wheel. Glad that it all worked out for you and that you are happy.
My Hawke scopes are etched glass. But my two UTG scopes are wire reticle. Matter of fact one is on my FWB 300. It’s that slide recoil system that people say are hard on scopes. And yep it’s usually the more powerful guns like a 54 Air King. But my 300 is kicked up a bit in power. So same. And no scope problem at all with the wire reticle UTG.
Sorry,… never another wire for me. Period.
No need to be sorry. And a perfect time to give details why no wire reticle scope for you. What happened in your experience that makes you not want one?
Wire,… thick, clunky,….. etched glass,… thin, crisp, clear, fine,…. PERFECT! IMO
Well maybe so on the two different types you have had.
The wire reticle UTG’s I have now are actually pretty good on thickness.
But mostly what people usually don’t like about wire reticles is the wires will break depending on the type of guns you use them on. That is one of the benefits of the etched glass. They are stronger in that area.
And as it’s said. Sometimes a thicker reticle will help you compared to a thinner reticle. Definitely helps having the thicker retical if pesting and such. It let’s you see the reticle better on the pest. Sometimes the thinner ones are hard to see. Especially on a black bird or darker colored pest.
Anyway another one of those personal preference things I suppose.
You know how I love those P.O.I. rings, But might the Bugbuster have a bit more range of placement if you used a cantilever mount? Going with just one, extra deep (three screws per side) ring might help, too.
Looking at a number of photos of the UTG Pro rings I noticed yet another small design element that shows they paid a lot of attention to detail. The edges of the rings, where they come together on the scope, are beveled. By doing this, UTG made it virtually impossible to pinch your skin while you tighten the rings onto the scope.
Classy indeed.
And thanks, B.B., for repeating the first pellet tests using the single shot tray. That was the first thing that occurred to me as soon as I saw that Premier group.
Well, I think the accuracy question is being answered! This one’s a shooter. Everyone including me would like to see this pushed out to 50 yards, with a few more pellets. I’ve been seeing some amazing claims for this gun.
That’s the plan. But first I want to test some things people have been asking about this rifle.
I get contacts through my website every day, and so far I have answered them directly. But this one is overwhelming and I wanted to post it for everyone to read.
Hi Tom:
Big fan of your blog and videos! I have an strange and interesting questions for you, and I honestly don’t think you’ve been asked this before.
Imagine a spring piston rifle in .22 calibre. Now, if I were to switch its barrel to .177 calibre, or use the same make and model of rifle in .177 calibre, keeping everything else the same except for the breach and barrel, and shoot a pellet of the same weight as the .22, would I get a higher or lower velocity at the muzzel? What about down range?
This is a valid question because a simple barrel switch is easy, and in most modern springers the only difference between the .22 and .177 model is the barrel and breach assembly. Powerplant stays the same. As for the pellets, the JSB Exact Jumbo RS .22 and the JSB Exact Monster .177 have almost exactly the same weight at 13.4 grains, and both are made of the same type of lead.
I’m inclined to say muzzle velocity will be lower for .177, because the barrel has a smaller internal diameter therefore less room for the air to expand as it comes out of the compression chamber. BUT, since spring piston doesn’t work with a lot of air, maybe less room inside the barrel is better as the compressed air pushes the pellet a longer distance down the barrel? The .22 has more surface area on the pellet skirt for the compressed air to transfer its energy, but the .177 has a smaller circumference so there is less friction as the pellet passes through the rifling.
Down range I think the .177 will retain its energy better and shed velocity slower than the .22, as it almost certainly has a better ballistic coefficient than the .22. BUT, if the .177’s muzzle velocity turns out to be slower than the .22, at what distance down range does the .177 surpass the .22 in velocity and (since they’re of the same weight ) energy?
It’s a headscratcher to figure out simply on paper but can be solved with a simple experiment. Unfortunately I don’t have the equipment or the resources to pull it off, so I’m hoping you can help me out on this one.
I have already done part of this in my 11-part test called Accuracy versus velocity.
Read it here: /blog/2017/05/pellet-velocity-versus-accuracy-test-part-11-2/
The answer is the .177 goes faster with less muzzle energy than the .22.
Downrange is a tossup, which is my way of saying I don’t know what will happen. Haven’t really tested it.
On second thought this seems like the perfect opportunity to break out the Whiscombe which we haven’t seen for quite awhile. And as inaccurate as that Beeman is might save me a Chrony.
I have one of those cheap Beeman dual caliber rifles would running it through the Chrony at different yardage’s answer the question? I would have to order the pellets though but no problem as I’m a confirmed pellet hoarder anyways.
Interesting about the magazine being a possible source of accuracy issues. I have found that using the single shot tray instead of magazines in my Benjamin Marauder results in tighter groups. I even had to replace the stock single shot tray with a new one, because it was a bit off center, and resulted in occasional fliers.
I do like using magazines when I hunt, since it gives me quick follow-up if needed.
Thank you for doing such an in depth test of this Gauntlet for us. I am looking forward to your further testing of this PCP airgun and the various pellets you are testing to achieve the best groups. It seems that some pellets that group very well at 25 yards, don’t group well at 50 yards. So the best pellet would probably be the one that groups best at 50 yards?
Regarding the Gauntlet’s magazine issues, from what I have observed from disassembling my Urban’s magazine, I can not understand how only one bore could be misaligned. That would mean that the rotating wheel bores were not equally spaced. I suppose that’s possible, but not very probable. I believe all of these rotating magazines on the less expensive PCPs (the ones without mechanical indexing) operate the same. The stop is plastic molded into the side of the fixed bore and the pellet’s head comes to rest against it. Bore #1 in the rotating wheel is always going to align with the fixed bore in the mag because it is not under any spring tension and does not rest against the stop. Bore #2 thru #10, when a pellet is inserted comes to rest against the stop. So if one is off, they should all be off center. That is what I saw in my Urban’s mag.
After seeing how the mag functions, I now know why the pellets appear to be misaligned. The pellet’s head rests against the stop but the skirt does not. Therefore, the pellet’s skirt is slightly tipped clockwise from the force of the spring, making it appear to be misaligned to the fixed bore when viewed from the skirt side. But on the opposite side of the mag the head of the pellet is as well aligned as it could possible be. That’s the part that enters the chamber first and the skirt will follow along righting itself as it passes over the stop.
In the Gauntlet’s magazine, I would suspect that there may be a small amount of molded plastic on the side of bore #2 interfering with the pellet’s head to come against the stop. Being that the rotating wheel is molded, or extruded, I would assume all the magazines would be pretty much identical. So there has to be something specific to bore #2, maybe some flashing or something.
Load the magazine with pellets and then push them back out with a toothpick. Observe each bore as to how it’s centered. Would be interesting to see a photo of the problematic bore #2.
I am sure this information is not new to you, but it may be helpful to some of the readers of the blog.
I took several pictures of the misaligned chamber, but now I see that this isn’t the real problem. The whole mag is just bad.
Dirty spot, move down.
And your missing another important spot the pellet can hit.
That’s when the pellet is exiting the mag and finding it’s way to the barrel.
So after your test you described with the toothpick. Then it would be time to load a pellet into the barrel and push it back out the breech end and see what the pellet looks like. And from each position of the mag.
And I believe it would take at least 2 if not 3 mags done that way to see if you get repeat results.
If you want to dig that deep and try it. I will be interested in hearing what you find.
I think that pushing the pellet back out of the barrel with two or three mags is more than I would like to do at this point. If I was having an issue with accuracy I would probably try doing that.
You gave me one of the best suggestions when you suggested pushing the bolt forward slowly. Doing this seems to have resolved my issue with the pellets feeding through the mag. Haven’t had a problem since doing that. And, the pellets seem to feed very easily into the chamber as far as I can tell. I can feel no resistance as the pellet enters the chamber.
Well good it’s working out. So is the Urban going to be sparrow worthy?
If the weather ever cooperates and it warms up a little, maybe I can get outside and shoot some groups at 25 yards. So far from what I have seen at 15 yards the Urban is going to be very much sparrow worthy. You know what? The sparrows and the starlings have apparently heard that I have an Urban. I haven’t had a chance to ever get a scope on them with the Urban. The starlings come to the feeders but before I can get my rifle and sneak out into the garage to open the service door to take a shot, they leave. When it get’s warmer I will go out to the garage and setup and wait for them to come in to the feeders.
My bluebirds have been checking out all the nesting boxes out back. I cleaned all the boxes out on Sunday when it warmed up to 50º. So now I feel confident that I can protect them from the sparrows this season with the Urban.
Ain’t it funny how the word gets around the yard a new guns in town. 😉
And I know what you mean. The sparrows and starlings are so skittish it ain’t funny around here right now.
But man when they come in when the farmer plants it’s crazy. I can shoot my air guns at them and it’s like I don’t even exist. They just go about their noisy business. Just massive amounts of them.
Anyway glad you got something for this year. But you know you got to get on the ball and practice. No matter what the weather’s like. You got to be on the game when it comes time to know.
Off Topic. Is is true?? I was just told that the entire Daisy Avanti Line has been discontinued. Did I miss it here.
I would hate to think it is in fact true.
I don’t know, but if so it marks the beginning of the end. Daisy has long been a cornerstone of the youth marksmanship program in the United States.
Avanti is their target line. The 853 was dropped a few years ago, after it was outclassed by Crosman and AirForce. Now the rest of the Avanti line is gone? That means the 499 will no longer be available, and what will happen to the National BB gun championship?
Here’s what I’ve gleaned…”On July 5 2016 Brockman, Rosser, Sherrill & CO purchased Daisy. BRS is the parent company of Gamo Outdoors. BRS is a private equity firm”
Supposed last summer they discontinued the Avanti line.
If so…a sad day.
Cowboystar Dad,
That is sad, if true. I am glad I got a 499 when I did. People can argue about starting kids on open sights, but for me a 499 would be their first air gun. Red Ryders are a joke in comparison. Maybe someone else will pick up the line??? Why not?
And I will add,…. Gamo just lost ((any)) of my business,…. not like that they were already to high on my “go-to” list anyways. Way to go Gamo,…. keep up those low expectations,… yup,.. that will sell a bunch of air rifles. Off my soap box now,….. Grrrrrr!
If that’s so then Pyramyd AIR should know if they are getting anymore shipments from Daisy on that line of guns.
Maybe if you hear something let everyone know.
Nobody has indicated an interest. Do you want to buy one?
Maybe. Which gun are you talking about?
You were referring to the 499.
I actually was thinking more on the lines about if the Avanti line was still available.
But yep I would like to get a 499 at some point in time. And what gun I always have thought about was the 887. I actually wondered if that gun could be filled to like 1500 psi or so with high pressure air.
Anyway that’s another story about the 887. And the 499 yes but they show out of stock now at Pyramyd AIR.
Then the time may have passed, if what we have heard is correct.
Maybe so. But it does show a available date of 4/5/18. So maybe there are some left.
Well I’m going to watch and see if any come in. Might just well be the last chance to get a new 499. Hopefully we will at the least see some come in.
And then like you say. What will or are the kids shooting with in those competitions you were talking about.