Air Venturi AV-46M Match Air Pistol
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The Air Venturi AV-46M Match Air Pistol breathes life back into a legendary airgun from the past that features Russian technology just like its predecessor. Produced by well known Russian barrel manufacturer, Alfa Precision, shooters can rest assured that both overall quality and accuracy is still at the heart of this match air pistol. With velocities up to 480 FPS and a light pumping effort of about 18 lbs., this is an excellent entry level match pistol for those new to 10-meter competition or looking for a good target airgun.
This air pistol has many of the features competitive shooters look for, including a fully-adjustable 2-stage trigger that adjusts for the length of the first and second stage pull, as well as pull weight and blade position. In addition, the airgun allows for dry-firing, so that users can practice shooting skills such as breathing, grip, trigger control and follow-through without using up pellets or pumping the lever.
The AV-46M includes high-quality target sights, with a rear sight that fully adjusts for windage and elevation, and a fixed front post sight. Additionally, the attractive red and black laminate grip offers an adjustable palm shelf that can also be completely removed if desired. Along with the trigger, these various adjustments are responsible for the extreme accuracy capabilities of this air pistol.
For a competition-quality single-stroke pneumatic airgun with astounding precision and capabilities competitive shooters need, get an Air Venturi AV-46M Match Air Pistol today at Pyramyd AIR.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
Air Venturi AV-46M Match Air Pistol
- Single-stroke pneumatic
- Single shot
- .177 caliber
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- Light 18 lbs. pumping effort
- Dry-fire capability
- 480 FPS
- Red and black laminate grip
- Post front sight
- Windage and elevation adjustable rear sight
- Adjustable/removable palm shelf
- Barrel length: 11"
- Overall length: 16.5"
- Weight: 2.6 lbs.
Please note: The trigger upgrade adds a fully adjustable blade to the pistol for further customization.
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10 of 35 Air Venturi AV-46 Reviews
This gun is beautiful and accurate beyond words. Incredibly helpful developing good shooting habit!! I absolutely love this gun!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing
This air pistol is pretty accurate at 10 m distance with some adjustment with rear sight.
Things I Would Have ChangedPalm rest on the bottom (wooden piece) seems pretty weak. A piece of wood fell off on the first day I tried this air pistol.
Firstly - I have the IZH46M which is pretty much identical without the laminated grips. As other have said, it's more accurate than I can shoot. I had a red dot on it, but couldn't stand the top-heavy weight, so I shoot with open sights. So enjoyable to be able shoot inside my house. There's a trigger option for purchase, but I like the original. Certainly there are finer pistols, but I think this is a good value for the money.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe grips are large and bias a right hander. I'm a woodworker and enjoyed making the grip absolutely glove-like.
What Others Should KnowGet some extra o-rings. It's probably me, but I've blown a few out.
Accuracy. This is an accurate pistol. Ease of cocking, While it does require some effort it isn't hard enough to be an issue when shooting forty or more pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedGrip quality. A piece of the moving grip plate broke off immediately. I glued it back on and it wasn't a part that affected anything.
What Others Should KnowThis is a heavy pistol and if you are not used to shooting match type pistols will take a while to get used to.
Finally - got one of the first ones to get here, but I was also one of the ones who got one of the modified power guns - I had to take it apart (not hard) and adjust the piston to get it to it's rated fps.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt's a very basic, very mechanical, device. Maybe some different finishes?
What Others Should KnowApparently, Pyramyd Air can no longer get the breech seals, so we need another source, since those are so important to the operation of this gun.
Exact copy of the IZH46M, and may have been made there when you start comparing the internals and inspection marks to an original 46 or 46m. Laminated grip is an upgrade to the original but will still run on the large side and will need fitted to each individual hand. This isn't a pellet picky pistol and can handle light to medium weight pellets easily.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much its accurate but a bit on the heavy side when compared to modern PCP 10 meter pistols.
What Others Should KnowStore the breech in the unlocked position so your breech seals stay nice.
This gun is accurate and fun to shoot. It is a single stroke so there is no air tank or periodic tank refilling needed. My Hammerli AP20 Pro is an exceptional pistol but the main drawback is the whole air tank system. The grip is nice but has a few issues which I will get to, the same with the sights. I am pleased with the pistol and feel it is a great buy.
Things I Would Have ChangedGet rid of the laminated grip and go back to solid wood. It looks cheap and parts of it are fragile. Focus on quality control. The instruction manual needs more info on the sights and how to service them to replace and adjust the blades.
What Others Should KnowQuality control is an issue. My first pistol had wear marks on the barrel bluing. The palm support broke after a few shots and the sights were way off to the right, so much so that when I did get them centered there was no more left adjustment. I sent it back for a replacement. Quality is much better though the palm rest broke again. I blame this on two things, I have large hands and the piece that keeps breaking off is directly under the trigger guard. The sights were again off to the right but this time I realized that the rear sight blade is replaceable and slides left and right on the mount point. Loosening the screws and manually adjusting to center brought everything into alignment. (Note: to loosen the screws turn them clockwise not counter-clockwise) You get 2 blades for a total of 4 sight notches with the pistol, As one reviewer mentioned my middle finger rides a ridge carved into the grip right at the trigger guard, a fine file will correct this.
The design, ease of use, ergonomics, and of course, the grip itself. This is an easy gun to use and to shoot accurately.
Things I Would Have ChangedIn my opinion, the cocking level is obtrusive. As such, I shortened mine, and it works just as well but looks much better. The gun has typical blemishes and mars that one often sees on Russian weapons, but overall is finished fairly well.
Extremely accurate - excellent practice for your aim and steady hold. Very nicely constructed and blued. The set of sight blades, tool and cleaning rod, and a spare seal kit is a nice extra. Within a very short time I was punching ragged single holes in targets. The trigger is excellent and the 2nd stage breaks like an icicle. The rifling on the barrel is beautifully machined and polished including the breech and muzzle. No fill bottles or CO2 so it'll work anywhere as long as you have ammo. Yup, it is a bit pricey, but compared to high-end German PCP target pistols (admittedly the pinnacle of accuracy to get you that last 5% of perfection), it's a bargain. Awesome pistol overall and mechanically brilliant, yet simple. It's become a go-to shooter!
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger guard has a hard edge where my index finger rests. I will smooth that with a Swiss file and re-finish it. I will probably also whittle down the grip a bit for a better fit -- it's close but needs a little work. There is no provision for mounting other sights, i.e. flats w/mounting holes, dovetails, etc. without add-ons (see below).
What Others Should KnowAs others mention, the trigger pull is VERY light out of the box. To avoid mishaps I recommend adjusting it higher until you get the feel of it. This pistol isn't very picky about pellets -- Meisterkugeln, Qiang Yuan, and RWS R 10/R10+ group tightest, but even RWS hobby and Excite wadcutters group reasonably well. Last, if you want to mount a red-dot or scope, the B-Square barrel-mount picatinny rail for the Baikal IZH-46 (if you can find one) fits perfectly without modifications. Note that this rail has narrow recoil grooves that might not fit some models of sight cross-pins without a bit of filing, but once it's fitted, it's solid and doesn't move.
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May 08, 2023
By John
The accuracy is on a level with the top notch olymipc guns, just not as many adjustable features. The clear advantage, you don't have air flasks to pump up or no scuba tank or an electrical pump. As a single stroke pneumatic it is very rasy to use. Also VERY reliable. I gave my son the gun I've used for 8 years and it works like new.
Things I Would Have ChangedI wish they offered grips in different sizes. I have a small hand and will need to take the dremel tool to it. The only size tgey offer is large. They need more complete directions on trigger adjustments.
What Others Should KnowThe gun I got was dry. Make sure you order some SPERCIAL CHAMBER LUBE. Try pellets of different weights to see which does best with your gun. In all these are accurate, reliable well made guns. And the single stroke pneumatic is the best option if you don't want to buy a hand pump, scuba bottle or compressor. Also Pyramyd air may be the best overall air gun dealer to deal with. While they do not carry most expensive Olympic guns, they have everything else you can want in casual, competition and hunting air guns. AND they stand behind their products. Great company.