AirForce Self-Centering Tri-Rail, 11mm Dovetail
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- Self-centering Tri-rail base
- 8" 11mm dovetail on top for mounting optics
- Mounting surfaces on 3 sides
- Side rail length: 7.25"
- Height: .75"
- 6 hex screws secure the rail
- For AirForce Airguns Condor, Talon & Talon SS air rifles & TalonP air pistol
Full-length clamping guarantees a rock-solid foundation for your airgun accessories. Made for AirForce sporting air rifles and the TalonP air pistol, the Tri-rail lets you load up your air gun with lots of accessories that make hunting and shooting a lot more fun...and also increases accuracy.
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10 of 43 AirForce Self-Centering Tri-Rail, 11mm Reviews
It raises the scope height up to where you dont need to strain your neck to a 90 deg bend jus to see down the scope.
Things I Would Have ChangedHonestly all air force air guns need a little extra "lift" on the scope height . you already are paying a lot of money for their air guns and now once you get the gun you realize you need to spend more money on raising the scope up to a realistic height to be relaxed enough and not get a shooters kink in your neck jus trying to look down the business end and make a clean accurate shot. my thought raise all the gun heights up with one of these and then the user can adjust with his or her scope ring heights to get the right "stance" for their shooting style.. balee balee thats all folks !! (for you younger folks that is from bugs bunny at the end of his shows in the good ole days}
What Others Should Knowscope height is for each person to choose their style of ring height and stand style..
It fit was about it
Things I Would Have ChangedThe price the shape the length
What Others Should KnowOnly needed if u got a Texan but there's better rails out there just hard to find
Puts the scope plane at the level it needs to be.
Things I Would Have ChangedCould be $10 cheaper, but it is better than the $10 knock off on eBay.
What Others Should Know100% must for AF Texan SS and probably all AF air guns.
Perfect fit permits proper stock weld.
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice a bit high still worth it.
What Others Should KnowAdd it to your Air Force air gun purchase.
it adds needed height
Things I Would Have Changedit doesnt mount level.
this is a great item, it fits perfectly on my air Force Texan .457, and aligns my scope perfectly as my cheek rest on the bottle.
Things I Would Have Changedit's a tad expensive, and that's the same price any where you buy it;
What Others Should Knowit looks great with your Texan, the angles line up exactly;
Rock solid mounting to Airforce 11mm rail
Things I Would Have ChangedIf Airforce made the rifles riser rail a 1/2" taller there would be no need for this accessory. But hey that's marketing.
What Others Should KnowMy Airforce Condor SS is a fantastic gun all around. This riser rail gives just a little more comfort to eye-scope alignment
Very high quality with firm mounting hardware.
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice seems a little steep
What Others Should KnowAirForce should include it with the Texan rifles.
Rock solid.
Things I Would Have ChangedLower the price.
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Jun 12, 2021
By Jay
I bought this because I mistakenly thought it was a Dove tail to Picatinny. Instead it's a dovetail to dovetail so I don't see the purpose.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would have ordered a different item had I paid more attention. I have since ordered the right parts.
What Others Should KnowIt doesn't seem to serve a purpose other than adding height.