Benjamin Marauder Field, Image 1
Benjamin Marauder Field, Image 1

Benjamin Marauder Field And Target Air Rifle

4.591 reviews
46 answered questions


Upgrades:Crosman Barrel

Crosman Barrel
Lothar Walther Match Barrel


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Marauder Field and Target—Benjamin’s Definitive M-Rod

Hundreds of PCP guns have come and gone, but one name remains nearly immortal in this rapidly changing industry: the Benjamin Marauder.  Creating PCP fans worldwide with their groundbreaking platform, Benjamin refused to remain complacent about the Marauder’s place in airgun history. Their answer to the continued demand for this popular rifle? The Marauder Field and Target, the first fully-regulated Marauder, an airgun that gives shooters everything they loved about the Marauder with more shots than ever before.

Using an all-new regulated system, the Field and Target delivers 80+ shots —more than double the shot strings of the original Marauder.  These shots hit speeds up to 850fps in .22.  Its 3000 psi tank incorporates a quick-disconnect so you'll never have a problem finding a way to fill your gun.  Load up the cylinder and your 10rd rotary mag, and blast away at targets with the precision of a field target rifle. The Field and Target keeps the excellent 2-stage adjustable metal trigger of the original Marauder.

Cosmetically little has changed, but there are some very important and exciting differences, mainly the addition of a Weaver/Picatinny optics rail instead of the old variant’s 11mm Dovetail for more choices in optics.  The craftsmanship that went into this gun resulted in a rifle that shoots as good as it looks. The checkered walnut stock with adjustable comb has all the quality you'd normally see in a high-end European airgun without a premium price, all while honoring the traditional original hardwood design.  

With a balance of historic Marauder quality, regulated power and timeless accuracy, the Marauder Field and Target Edition delivers a premium shooting experience and is the definitive version of the Marauder to date.

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Benjamin Marauder Field And Target PCP Air Rifle

  • 10-shot bolt action repeater
  • Uses compressed air: Up to 3000 psi
  • On Board Regulator provides long and consistent shot strings
  • Features a new, redesigned barrel
  • 2-stage adjustable match trigger...and the trigger blade is metal!
  • Raised aluminum breech for easier loading of circular magazine
  • Weaver/Picatinny scope mounting rail
  • Turkish Walnut stock with adjustable comb and checkered forearm 
  • Reversible bolt -- switch from right to left side (with our special service)
  • Built-in air pressure gauge (manometer)
  • Full length barrel shroud for quiet shooting
  • Air reservoir ends with a male quick-disconnect Foster fitting for fast refills
  • Includes one magazine and sling swivel studs
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.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
830 fps
Muzzle Energy
24 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
8.2 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
215 cc
Fixed/adj. power
Multiple settings
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
10 round(s)
Body Type
Soft rubber recoil pad
Operating Pressure
3000 PSI / 206 BAR

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

PCP Fill Options

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10 of 91 Benjamin Marauder Field & Target Reviews

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This is my first real pellet gun, so I'm learning but I have been shooting high end rifles for over 20 years. I have to say, I'm thoroughly impressed with this rifle out of the box. After mounting my scope and leveling everything out, I used my steel scuba tank (3450 psi) to fill it up and immediately start putting JSB 15.89 Exact through the same hole at 25 yards, 1/2" at 50 yards and about 1"-1.5" at 75 yards but I'm sure the wind played a role. I was impressed to say the least with this level of accuracy. So far the only thing I've done to the rifle is turn up the pressure another 1/2 turn, it was originally set at 4 turns and I went to 4 1/2. This brought the velocity from 808 fps at sea level to 828 fps with an ES of 7 over 5 shots. Fit and finish is very nice and it has a classic feel to it.

After owning it a few weeks and about 700 pellets through it, you start seeing it's performance limitations compared to some of the other expensive air rifles. Accuracy is phenomenal but a few fps more would have been nice.

Even though the energy is a bit lower than what I would have liked for my needs, I would still buy it. I think it's a great value and being regulated, makes it very consistent.

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Build. Accuracy. Large regulated shot count. Lother Walther barrel. Stippling....

Take a pound or two off the weight. Its not extremely necessary, but would be nice.

If you like to shoot for accuracy at targets like me, and you like a long strong shot count before refilling, this is the best rifle in this price point by far. No cheapness here. Real pretty wood. Extremely
well built. No cheap hollow plastic stock. It'll do you good for small game hunting no doubt. The accuracy is so good it's boring.... in a good way.

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Accurate. Tight groups. Nice trigger. Feels well made and looks nice. A joy to shoot from tripod or bench rest. Cleanly taking pocket gophers from my garden at 25 yards.

Quality control from the factory >>> The barrel band was really tweaked off center when it arrived.

You might need to fiddle with the barrel a bit to get it seated properly so it floats like it is supposed to. I was having a shifting point of impact that seemed to correlate to ambient temperature until I completely took the barrel off, reinstalled it, and made sure that it wasn't touching the barrel band. Tight groups now and no longer having a shifting point of impact. Some folks use tape or foam under the barrel band to stabilize the barrel, but then it doesn't float. I found that actually made the shifting point of impact more erratic. My two cents.

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Accuracy the most, its outstanding.

The advertisement about80 shots per fill is a bit miss leading. The Field and Target is a Pyramidair thing not a Benjamin product as it is a Regulated Maurader. Either way it should state the differences in intended use, target or field stating the amount of shots for each intended use. After shooting this rifle the first time I shot two and a half magazines 25 Shots!! Quite disappointed to say the least. Tried to get in touch with Pyramidair service or customer support, left a message but no return call. Ok, so I called Benjamin, outstandin service from Kevin!! He explained that target shooting and hunting will make difference in the amount of shots due to regulator setting or air allowed thru valve. Being I am hunting more with this rifle the regulator seams to be set up quite high from the factory which is good for me but if youre going to use this for target s only you may have to send it back to Benjamin so they can adjust the regulator. I now shoot 5 mags thru it before fillin

Not at all mad in anyway at Pyramidair just know that the regulator in this rifle my need to be adjusted by the factory. Which is NOT a big deal other than sending it in for a few weeks.

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Excellent fit, finish, and accuracy on the marauder field and target with Lothar barrel.

The Benjamin hand pump is horrible. The pump failed halfway through the first fill, following directions exactly, as I had read previous nightmare stories on the pump. Of no fault to pyramid. Benjamin, do better, we want quality.

The Benjamin hand pump is essentially a paper weight.

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Stole this Marauder Field and Target with a 20% Off Benjamin sale from PA. Free hand pump as well. The LW barrel upgrade added nominal $. An authentic target rifle, beautiful with a modern classical look. Amazingly small groups (sub half-inch) 5-shots @ 50 yards (see photo). This is as good as it gets for ANY $ airgun in this power range. Included a very detailed factory test target- something I’d expect from a small-batch custom manufacturer. Exceptional trigger even though heavy for me at 1.4lbs. Amazing beautiful stock! As nice as a vintage walnut Walther or better! Love the cheekpiece!). All is so well done! 72 hr. Leak Test! Totally adjustable power plant! Easy to work on (WARNING: Dismantling will void your warranty!!). Nearly silent! Regulator: NO velocity curve!! Best precision accuracy airgun bargain- period! Thanks, Crosman/Benjamin, and PA!!

Nothing really. Include a degasser tool + single shot tray? I would pay extra for these. “Blocky” shape of the trigger guard on the Gen II? Upon observation- it really begs to be like this given the very long trigger blade within. That latter gives you confidence taking shots with its sureness of feel. Bold angular lines on the trigger guard go perfectly with the beefy, rugged raw American look of the stock and everything else- how great is that?!! It’s good to remember that some of the finest iconic target air rifles of all time including the Walther LGR and Feinwerkbau 300s Olympic match rifles had plastic guards. They appear like new unlike most metal ones after decades of regular use. It’s our country’s turn to make such a superior yet classic air rifle with a similar feature.

Obey all instructions! Try different pellets to determine best. If you use a hand pump, elevate your gun so water builds up in hose and not air tank (Don’t create a squirt gun). Go slow, and take breaks- not just for you, but your pump- don’t heat it up. Learn how to overhaul your pump as well (Same WARNING as above). Better yet, charge with dry air or Nitrogen. All PCPs WILL eventually leak. Unlike many PCPs, this one is easy to overhaul. Prepare to learn. Use only pure high-pressure silicone grease- no petroleum!! Fixed my old Gen I .177 with O rings from hardware store. Common leak areas for Marauders seem to include the front inlet check valve as well as the pressure gauge fitting. Plumber’s Teflon tape seals threads well.

Aurelius Jan 13, 2025

A year + later and many shots. This past summer, I had to replace one of the O rings near the pressure gauge after noticing a very slow leak that I could faintly hear when placing my ear close to the gauge. Now, I have zero air leakage, and the hand pump still works perfectly to boot (I still haven't sprung for a compressor nor a scuba tank). If you give your pump cooling breaks, it hold up much longer before you need to overhaul it. Gun continues to be a tack driver- sub 1/2" groups at 50 yards with benchrest in zero wind are always possible for me using inexpensive 14.3 grain Crosman Premier standard dome pellets. This American target rifle is truly beautiful, balanced, economical and it just plain works-splendidly!- It doesn't get better than this.

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Love this rifle, it just feels great the first time I picked it up, I just know it’s what was exactly what I wanted. From mounting the scope to attaching the bipod,everything just fell into place. And I couldn’t be happier with how accurate it is.

It’s a beautiful wooden stock, but it could use a couple more coats of finish.

Go to YouTube and watch the video of how to load the magazine, instruction manual just don’t quite do it for me.

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Extremely accurate - tack driver. Solid build quality.


Nice air rifle, just heavy for me - being an elderly gentleman. Definitely a bench rest target shooting rifle for me, or use of a shooting stick or a near by tree branch (which I did) when out hunting.

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This was my first PCP air rifle and it met and/or exceeded my expectations. I find this a great alternative to my rimfire rifles.

Wish the magazine quality was a bit better.

A great way to get more out of my scuba tank investment.

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Good customer service. Very nice gun


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