H&N Excite Spike, Image 1
H&N Excite Spike, Image 1
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H&N Excite Spike Pellets, .22 Cal, 15.74 Grains, Pointed, 200ct

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H&N recommends these Excite pellets for distances up to 30 yards. Use for casual plinking.
  • .22 caliber
  • 15.74 grains
  • Pointed
  • 200 pellets
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10 of 30 H&N Excite Spike Pellets, .22 Reviews

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verry consistent size no flash or junk in the tins verry clean

more in the tin DUUUUH

my ruger air magnum loves these in 22 cal going to try them in 177 for my RWS 460 mag my rws 460 in 22 cal hates them they are a little light for the magnums but they group great 3/4 inch at 25 yrds from a sand bag Thay have a thicker skirt than other pointed pellets iv tried.

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max penetration on furry critters airborne ones too.


break in your springer with the pellets you'll use for hunting. if at all possible. the wear pattern is critical for accuracy. in the pressure chamber

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These pellets deliver the best terminal performance on rabbits, resulting in quick, humane kills. I have a cottontail rabbit problem in my yard and have killed 24 of them in the last 9 months with my .22 caliber Beeman R9 (equipped with a Meopta Optika6 Scope) at a distance averaging 15 yards and a muzzle velocity @ 700 fps. The rabbit overpopulation has allowed me to experiment and collect a trove of data about what works and what does not, including shot placement (e.g., only take head shots when the rabbit is perfectly broadside and NOT quartering; otherwise deflection will occur), pellet penetration, lethality, and pellet brand. I started out using Crossman Premier pellets and JSB Hades pellets, but I ultimately switched to Excites because so many rabbits (approximately 50% of the rabbits I shot, in fact) ran into my neighbor's yard to die. Since switching to Excites, I haven't lost a single rabbit into my neighbor's yard. The terminal performance is unparalleled.


Terminal performance refers to lethality, which in the case of air rifles usually results from a pellet penetrating an animal's vitals rather than hydrostatic shock (which can only occur when a bullet hits at thousands of feet per second). From my autopsies of rabbits, I've discovered that Excites penetrate deeper than other brands, sometimes resulting in pass-throughs. When they hit, they "ball up" rather than "pancake", which creates more sectional density at the front of the pellet and enables deeper penetration to the vitals. Hitting the vitals results in a faster, more humane death. I conclude from my data, collected from 24 kills over 9 months, that Excites provide the best terminal performance of any pellet on cottontail rabbits and probably other medium-sized rodents.

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pretty accurate in some of my guns not all of them. good penetration even in my pistols. the point doesn't seem to flatten out like a dome or round nose pellet. great for breaking in a new gun.

longer point & a thicker skirt for higher powered air guns. Skirts seem too soft. see below

rifling on skirt shot into ballistic jell with my 460 mag but not with my pumpers. (Skirt has rifling clear up to the neck) skirt was torn off one pellet and blowen into the face of the ballistic jell. NO I'm not dieseling them

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Accuracy. Price. Weight is right between 14.3 and Ruger 1.1 gram..more consistent than both. One hole at 30 yards and 30 foot pounds . As many shots as I can load.

Nothing to change. Cheap. Accurate. Fun.

If you drive them too fast ..the alloy " melts" and slip over the rifling..especially deep grooved fast twist brrl. Loss of accuracy result.

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OK for target use but for critters I use only non-lead pellets. For sighting in a rifle I want to use the same pellets at the range as I use for critters on my property.

Make a tin version.

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These were good quality only had one or two deformations otherwise very happy

Possibly take a look at the packaging

I I will be buying more I like the way they performed

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accurate, price point, very accurate in virtually all of my break barrels very glad to have found these

zero, always complaints about tins without screw on top, no big deal just transfer to empty screw on tin from another, im sure we all have empty tins for this-- no problem, just put on tape and write whats inside, i do it all the time

.22 octane, np2, valiant, npxl, diamondback, hatsan 1000, gamo whisper-- dont know guys, shot pellet guns for 47 yrs and have dozens and dozens of varying pellet types and these are such a great performing pellet in so many different rifles for such a great price, if had to pick one pellet for all my shooting, you guessed it--this one, it is an equal to the h and n baracuda in my opinion yet in lower powered breakers like the np2 along with the price it comes out on top. by the way my third choice would be polys that is how good these are. so you know i only shoot at 23 yds since that is all i have in backyard, so at longer ranges i dont know but pretty sure they would be good to at least 35 yds in appx.750 fps guns enough blabbering--- good shooting fellow air gunners and remember family is the most important thing on this earth-- for all of us...

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Using a regulated PCP turn down low these are excellent for up to 30 yards but the energy will be quite minimal at that range and I recommend not going the past 20 or 25 yards so if you're shooting birds out of the tree in the backyard they're great but if you have a raccoon you need a lot more power and the weight is insufficient for that kind of kill. I can shoot rats in the barn and not worry about the cows with the power down low and my LDC on the thrac of hitting a rat makes more noise than the clank of the hammer hitting the valve.

These are basically darts and you really can't do much except keep them down around 850 ft per second so get a chronograph

Get some cleaning pellets. Put some hops or rim oil on the first one but not real wet. Loaded up in the break followed by three or four dry ones and shoot it into a bucket of rags. Look at the cleanest ones and put two or three of the cleanest ones down the barrel one more time and then shoot 10 shots of whatever ammo that you're testing. This way your seasoning the barrel for this particular ammo by removing any effects done by any other ammo. If you're going to tune to shoot 16 grain pellets or larger you must reduce the power otherwise you won't get no accuracy because these will tumble madly out of control because of the high muzzle velocity 800 to 875 is just fine

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Good pellet for my air rifle.


It may not do as good as it does in my air rifle as yours, but worth a try.

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