Dan Wesson CO2 BB Revolver, Silver, 8"
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The Dan & Wesson with 8" barrel in nickel finish is finally available! The shells look like loaded firearm cartridges. Instead of primer, powder and a bullet, just load each one with a steel BB. The speedloader is a great tool that'll help you load fast so you can spend more time shooting and less time loading the shells.
This Dan Wesson CO2 BB revolver has an 8" barrel and textured grips. It's a great piece if you enjoy shooting firearms but don't want to go to the range for every session.
When shooting a BB gun, everyone in the vicinity should wear safety glasses. Never shoot at hard objects. Steel BBs easily ricochet, so everyone in the area must wear safety glasses. Remember to remove all pets before commencing to shoot.
- Dan Wesson BB revolver
- 12-gram CO2 cartridge
- 6-rd BB cylinder
- Fixed front sight
- Adjustable rear sight
- Textured grips
- Double-/single-action
- Manual safety*
- Working ejector rod
- Includes detachable Weaver rail, speedloader and 6 shells**
*If the gun is cocked, the manual safety will not engage. For the safety to engage, the gun must be uncocked. If you cock the gun and then try to engage the safety, you will still be able to pull the trigger...and the gun will shoot the projectile!
**Each shell should be loaded with one steel BB and then loaded into the gun's cylinder.
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10 of 25 Dan Wesson 8" Silver Reviews
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter quality on this item
What Others Should KnowI had to return 2 guns because the safety would not release
The polished finish. The accurate weight.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the grips fit more snugly.
What Others Should KnowThis revolver is absolutely gorgeous. Very impressive in size, weight, and finish. Being a smooth bore barrel BB version, it is surprisingly good at staying on target as well.
Very nice Co2 replica, love the nickle finish. Has enough velocity to shoot accurately at 50 feet(as far as can go in back yard) shooting at cans.
Things I Would Have ChangedGrip looks great but is a little loose compared to Dan Wesson 715 Co2 replica, but caused no issues in use.
Appears to be very well made. It's the most accurate BB pistol I own. Fun to shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing at the moment.
What Others Should KnowThe Wesson is a big, beautiful hunk of gun. Although it looks (and is) big, I have no trouble gripping it and shooting with one hand. (I don't have large hands - I use a cadet medium golf glove.) In terms of accuracy, I have compared it to the SNR357 and I do shoot more accurately with the Wesson. I attribute this to the longer barrel (8") of the Wesson compared to the SNR357 (3.5") The Wesson comes with 6 shells for holding BBs. The shells for the SNR357 are the same as the Wesson shells and they are available, which is not the case for the Wesson shells. I should mention that I have only shot both guns in the single action mode (more accurate than the double action mode). In summary, I love the Wesson. It is fun to shoot and I am looking forward to warm weather so I can go outside and shoot soda cans. Note: I have not shot the Wesson or SNR357 from bench rest. All shots were made with one-hand hold at about 5 meters.
I have a real Dan Wesson 357 stainless. I can see way people could get in trouble with it. It looks so real.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be nice to interchange shells. To be able to shoot pellets.
What Others Should KnowIt is clearly listed for $209. When I got my bill statement I was charged $227.
I could have bought it from another source for less. It is what it is.
Nice Pistol for the price. Looks like the real thing.
Things I Would Have ChangedWish this pistol had more velocity.
I like the weight, and accuracy of this gun. I did mount the tactical rail but it was missing a set screw. I contacted Pyramyd air to see if I could get another rail or the set screw and was told they didn't carry those parts, so I just used to one set screw and so far it is holding the red-green dot site. I would have hoped they ( Pyramyd ) would have sent me another rail or the screw. Oh well. I will keep the gun instead of sending the whole package back to them.
Things I Would Have ChangedCovered this in the above statement.
What Others Should KnowKnowing this is probably their busy season don't expect any fast answers to your concerns. The sales dept. was quick to get things done and get it shipped. Don't expect any help with parts unless you ship the entire order back to them.
Build quality. Realistic weight. High accuracy.
Things I Would Have ChangedJust the hand grips, but not a big objection. A little more solid grips would be good.
What Others Should KnowI just received a refurbished Dan Wesson 8" Revolver from Pyramid Air and was able to put a few rounds (112) through it right away.
I was very impressed. This is my second Dan Wesson (I also own the 2.5"model) and my second purchase of a 'refurbished' item. The 2.5" model of this revolver so impressed me in build quality that I jumped at the opportunity to by the 8" version when it showed up as
a refurbished item at a savings of about $50.00. I was not disappointed. The appearance was almost like new except for some signs of
wear on the handle, but the performance was excellent. Just a fast test of the revolver hand-held allowed me to put six rounds in a 1" center and all but 12 rounds into the 6" black portion of the target at 20".. I can't say enough for both the Dan Wesson revolvers or for the refurbishment service offered by Pyramid Air. I am looking forward to adding the 4" and 6" models of this revolver to my collection. They are real shooters feel like the real thing.
awesome gun the dan wesson 8'' co2 bb gun, came in today , just like a little boy with a new toy at Christmas, I been shooting it all day , I always wanted one ,they said it would shoot boy are they right !!!.
Things I Would Have Changedmaybe a better looking grip, wood or rubber
What Others Should Knowget you a couple extra speed loaders, great gun , goodlooking gun 2, I'm glad I purchased it, u won't go wrong with this gun.
thinking on purchasing a dan Wesson 8 '' pellet gun here next.
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Dec 25, 2022
By Travis
Everything else.
Things I Would Have ChangedDefinitely the grip, the sliding co2 compartment mechanism sucks used it 4 times it used to be smooth now one side of the grip falls of the tracks and makes the grip feel loose and does not want to close anymore really disappointing it happened after only 4 times might try fixing it with a new grip on this website.