by B.B. Pelletier
Crosman’s 2100B is a full-sized, multi-pump that hopefully delivers power and accuracy with a few economic concessions.
Today, we’ll look at the velocity of the Crosman 2100B multi-pump, and a strange thing occurred during the test. Actually it was two strange things — one an amazing coincidence and the other just weird. Both relate to oiling the gun, and both will be informative.
First, the coincidence. As I was writing this blog (last week, because I’m in Las Vegas at the SHOT Show this week), I got a question from a reader whose 2100 wasn’t pumping air. I asked him if he had oiled the pump piston head like he was supposed to, and I directed him to the online owner’s manual that tells how to do it and to a blog I wrote years ago that tells the same thing. A couple hours later, I get a thank you message that he’s oiled the gun and it seems to be holding air.
So, there I am in my office pumping the gun and shooting it for velocity and I ask myself about the state of the pump piston head of the particular gun I’m testing. Sure, it’s brand-new, but that doesn’t mean that it has enough oil. I look, and the pump head appears to be dry. For those who wonder what I’m talking about, please read the manual.
Then, I recalled that someone had guessed that this rifle would shoot in the low 600s with lead pellets, because someone he knew had tested it. Lo and behold, it was shooting only about 622 f.p.s. on 10 pumps (which is the maximum) with Crosman Premier 7.9-grain pellets. Wow! He was right!
But, wait! The pump head was dry, so I oiled it with some Gamo oil for CO2 guns. The velocity jumped to 658 f.p.s. with the same pellets and 10 pumps. But after about 10 shots the velocity started declining again.
So, I oiled the pump head again — this time with Crosman Pellgunoil. The velocity jumped to 690 f.p.s. before sliding backward to the 620s.
What did I learn?
First, I re-learned for the umpteenth time how important it is to oil a multi-pump gun. That was all it took to fix the reader’s rifle! Second, I saw that the test 2100 rifle responds to oiling immediately, but falls off again almost as fast.
So, the published velocity of 725 f.p.s. can probably be achieved with real-world lead pellets for a brief time, but this test gun won’t hold that velocity very long. Maybe the material the pump head is made of needs a break-in period? I don’t know. What I do know is that I can change the velocity of this gun by 70 f.p.s. simply by oiling it.
It doesn’t end there, however. While that story was unfolding I was also experimenting with the speed of my pump strokes. Since the pump head seemed somewhat hard, I figured that faster pump strokes would build more pressure. And they did! I could increase the velocity by 10 f.p.s. at least, just by changing the speed at which I pumped. I’ve tried the same thing in the past with other multi-pumps, but this one is particularly sensitive.
I think the most representative method of testing this rifle for velocity is to let it sink back to its lowest velocity and stabilize there. That way, the velocity test will also represent the velocity at which the accuracy test is conducted, because I’m certainly not going to oil the pump head after each and every group! Undoubtedly, there’s sufficient oil in the gun right now because of the two oilings I mentioned.
Crosman Premiers
The first pellet tested was the 7.9-grain Crosman Premier. Since the 2100 is a multi-pump, I decided to test each pellet and BB at 5 pumps and 10. That gives us a good picture of what the gun can do across the entire range.
On 5 pumps, Premier lites averaged 540 f.p.s. when the gun was pumped fast. They ranged from 537 to 543; and at that velocity, they produced 5.12 foot-pounds On 10 pumps, again with rapid pump strokes, this pellet averaged 630 f.p.s. The range went from 628 to 635 f.p.s., and the average muzzle velocity was 6.96 foot-pounds.
JSB Exact 8.4-grain dome
Next I tried the 8.4-grain JSB Exact dome. On 5 fast pumps they averaged 526 f.p.s., with a spread from 517 to 531 f.p.s. The muzzle energy averaged 5.16 foot-pounds. On 10 pumps, they averaged 608 f.p.s. with a spread from 595 to 611 f.p.s. The average muzzle energy was 6.9 foot-pounds.
JSB Exact RS
For a light pellet, I tested the JSB Exact RS. The name of this pellet includes the word Match, but they’re domes, not wadcutters, and cannot be used in formal match shooting. At 7.33 grains, they’re very light, yet I’ve had some good luck with them in other pellet rifles.
In the 2100, 5 pumps gave an average 559 f.p.s. The spread went from 555 to 563 f.p.s. The average energy was 5.09 foot-pounds. On 10 pumps, the average velocity was 646 f.p.s., and the range went from 635 to 654 f.p.s. At the average velocity, the muzzle energy was 6.79 foot-pounds.
So, the reader who said the 2100 wouldn’t get to 700 f.p.s. was right. As long as you don’t shoot it immediately after oiling with Pellgnoil, it won’t shoot that fast. But oil it, and it’ll probably top 700 f.p.s. with lighter pellets.
On to BBs
BBs were next, and with them things are much more standard. Though there are subtle differences in BB brands, they don’t vary as much as pellets. We’ll now see if the advertised velocity of 755 f.p.s is reasonable. Since this is a Crosman gun, I tested it with Crosman Copperhead BBs.
BBs are loaded into the large reservoir, then the gun is shaken and they fall into the smaller spring-loaded magazine. Once the magazine is empty, you can shoot pellets again, even though there BBs are still in the big reservoir; if they aren’t in the magazine, they won’t load automatically.
On 5 pumps, Copperheads averaged 570 f.p.s. They ranged from 564 to 578 f.p.s. At the average velocity, they generated 3.68 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. On 10 pumps, they averaged 678 f.p.s. and ranged from 672 to 682 f.p.s. That’s an average muzzle energy of 5.21 foot-pounds.
So the bottom line is that the test gun doesn’t meet its advertised spec for velocity. It falls at least 73 f.p.s. short. It does the same with lead pellets, so I’m withdrawing my remark that the gun is suitable for light hunting. Clearly, it’s below the safe margin. Yes, it will kill small animals, but I could not recommend it for that task based on these results.
I also note that the barrel is starting to loosen at the breech. It rotates slightly at this point, and I’ll keep an eye on it. And the pump lever hits the gun with a loud slap on every pump stroke — there’s no cushioning material to deaden the sound.
I hope these results don’t disturb owners of this gun, because they in no way condemn it. The accuracy test is still to come, and we might get a big surprise there.
WOW that sure is a lot of pumping! You should have yourself build a self pumping machine with adjustable “hands” kinda like what the guys from mythbusters build to handle firearms or swords.
Since the oiling seems to help seal it for quick period, would a type of grease (like silicone divers grease) be a good idea? I know you probably won’t be able to answer me right away but it may be worth a try (I know I would).
It does not sound like the quality of this thing is worth the effort of testing it, but I am glad you did because now I know for sure not to waste my money on it.
It does sound an awful lot like a kind of dieseling. Some oil must be vaporized and help build up higher pressure under the high temperature and pressure in the pressure chamber. If I am right I think you would see an increased effect (even higher fps) of this if you were to ad a drop of water to the piston head as it vaporizes much faster than the oil.
Pumpers do not get hot enough to diesel. There is some kind of sealing problem.
There is something wrong with this particular example, or perhaps with the entire line now? My Remington Airmaster does get into the high 600’s and low 700’s with only eight pumps and light pellets. Don’t know about bbs as I don’t shoot those in the rifled barrels. Doesn’t matter how fast you pump either. I use an even cadence with all my MSP and they do need a break in period. My Airmaster took about four tins of pellets to even out the trigger for example. The barrel housing becoming loose is a problem and only the one screw in the front of the receiver holding the halves together is the culprit. That’s why all the clam shell guns are inferior as to durability and accuracy, to the Benji, Sheridans, and older Crosman models like the 1400 series.I have found that a scope mounted gun receives help from the clamping force of the mount that stiffens the receiver. I have used a old Weaver V22 variable small tube scope with it’s stamped steel tip-off mounts on my gun for years . It has the 7/8″ tube and old fashioned but they used to be like five bucks at flea markets and they are what I used on my .22 RF back in the day.Mounts low and fits the gun. Throw the open rear sight and their too long sheet metal screws that hold them onto the barrel housing away. They maybe pressing on the skinny barrel thats inside the barrel shroud.
Robert, thanks for the tip on extra clamping force for the clamshell guns. I must try this if I ever actually shoot my 880 again (for now, its only duty is blasting basement cave crickets with air-only shots).
PS, I’m sure your even pumping cadence is dignified and all. But the Correct Way to pump an MSP, especially one like an 880 with the “nerd handle” or whatever flobert calls it, is to spastically slam the pump to and fro as quickly and maniacally as possible. If you’re not inflicting more G forces and vibrations than a magnum springer, you’re doing it wrong. Those tin cans don’t just sit and wait for follow-up shots, you know.
I understand your instructions completely. When I used a Sheridan Blue Streak to shoot 3 baby rats sunning themselves in a planter outside our front door when we lived in Maryland, high levels of adrenaline pumped into my blood stream. I found it easy to pump the gun quickly & maniacally, as you suggest. What a shooter needs is an incentive…that’ll get the adrenaline flowing. You’ll be able to lift a car with enough adrenaline coursing thru your veins, so pumping a gun will be a piece of cake 🙂
Edith : On the effects of enough adrenaline. I once witnessed my wife killing a large mouse that she spooked out of hiding while mowing with her tractor one day. She also hates rodents with a passion ,as they eat the flower bulbs in her gardens. All of a sudden the tractor speeds up, going back and forth, with the bucket on the loader smashing the ground spastically. I’m happy to report that she killed that particular mouse very dead.
Robert from Arcade,
Great story. Reminds me of my mother mowing the lawn in Orlando, Florida. We had all sorts of snakes in our yard (we lived across the street from a lake for a while). As she mowed the lawn, she didn’t pay attention to the chute spewing out the cuttings. As I watched in the dining room while she mowed the backyard, snake after snake was flying out the chute. When the snakes saw the lawnmower approaching, they’d get into the attack position. This made it easy for the mower to cut off their heads & throw their carcasses out the chute.
These were garter snakes, cottonmouths/water moccasins and coral snakes. She had no idea the snakes were there (and that some were poisonous or protected). I’d say between 5 and 10 snakes would get decapitated every time she mowed the lawn. When I first told her about it, she said I was ridiculous. However, she finally conceded that I might be right when she repeatedly found the carcasses in the yard after each mowing session 🙂
Snake confetti, I’d be OK with that.Personally I hate snakes they creep me out.
I like your wife’s style. My own wife can’t kill anything but bugs. She lets me do the dirty work on larger things….even if she hates them.
I brought a snake in the house once. Another time a possum. (both live) I let the snake go and snuffed the possum.
Have a big coon stopping for cat food once in a while, but not consistently. Sooner or later…..
I should clarify “bugs”….
Six or more legs. Not a cat we have named “Bugs” . He got the name because as a kitten, he had ’em. The big sabre toothed kind. But the name persists for a reason……
This cat is bugs…squirrel bait….not playing with a full deck…not wrapped too tight….wacko.
My wife won’t shoot anything and by that I mean any gun . But she will stomp a mouse or rat, or behead it with a hoe. She works in a machine shop along with the guys and sets up big CNC mills and lathes. I used to work with convicts that masquraded as construction workers so we are compatable. She loves her tractors and mowing . She mows six acres, our lawn is sort of big.
Man, that’s too much grass. I hated mowing at all long before the price of gas went bad.
My wife suggested getting a goat for “mowing” the back yard. No way. Not in this lifetime.
The hedge? Gets too big after a while and needs trimming back. Hedge clippers don’t work. I have used the chain saw a couple times. Works good, but looks really bad for a year. Freddy Krueger hedge.
We mow now with a MF Z-33, which is a hydro- static zero turn 33 hp diesel , six foot cut commercial mowing machine. Nice big comfy seat , big tires and nice suspension,quiet, and actually fun to drive. She does the whole thing in about 31/2 hours. Good on fuel too.
One neighbor had one of those big Kabotas or what ever it is. Zero turn rig. It was ridiculous for all the more lawn he had. He spent more time trimming up with a push mower and a weed eater than he spent mowing.
I don’t find bugs in my house. Only parts of bugs. All my casts were strays, one being at least 2nd generation feral. Due to this experience, all bugs are playthings until they stop moving. Once they stop moving, it is mealtime.
Which brings me to today’s topic. It should be noted that these MPPs are great for killing bugs using the blast of air with no ammo in it, as Jan stated. They are particularly effective on tomato horn worms. If you try and just pull them off of the plant, they clamp on to the stem like a beartrap and start making a disgusting clicking sound. With an MPP, they are blasted into goo before they have a chance to react.
Have killed many a bug with pumpers and CO2 only.
Used to get the hornworms with ammo. They pop and deflate real good. Good hunting practice. They are camo just right for on tomato plants. Hard to see.
I used to plant a lot of tomatos because the weather patterns ruin a lot of them. Had plenty of hornworms to plink. Just another seasonal target.
On the Daisy 880 there isn’t a problem with the front half of the gun becoming loose. As you say, pumping it is easy and the forces applied are mild compared to the 2100. Don’t over tighten the scope mount on a 880 style gun though. You WILL break off one half of the dovetail rail! Look closely at it and you will see how fragile of a design it really is. On the 2100 , the mounting rail is different and is a better/stronger design.
You are right about the scope dovetails on the 880’s. I broke one of mine the same way you did. Fortunately, the receiver halves are cheap and easily replaceable, and Daisy is quick on sending replacement parts.
The later production, Chinese-made 880’s have extra screws holding the receiver halves together. This improvement will not doubt clamp the barrel cover tighter, although I think the reason was to correct a potential weak spot where the stock attaches.
The 880 does make a nice invertebrate pest eliminator. When I was living in a small trailer in New Mexico, I discovered a very large, dangerous-looking black spider had built a web in the corner of my living room. The web was located behind a wall-mounted lamp. With it being in a corner, behind the light fixture, there was no way I could get to it to kill it by conventional means.
I put ten pumps in an 880 with no pellet. That did it! A few detached legs wound up in the remnants of the web. The rest of the spider and web vaporized. It was very satisfying!
PS: I’m looking forward to the Shot Show report.
There will be at least 2 SHOT Show reports. The first one will appear this coming Friday. I’m sure the second one will appear next week.
Always loved the look of Crosman multi pump rifles but never got one because it needed pumping up several times between each shot.
Sorry to say that I get pretty bored quite quickly.
Getting back to the look of this rifle though.
Streamline and not disimilar to a Ruger 22/10.
Why don’t they(if not already) using an underlever spring design,encase the under lever in a wood forestock to capture the look of the Crosman but with the convenience of a springer?
Just to say sorry for any past mishaps as far as my conduct on here is concerned Edith.
I want to say also that there have been a few times I’ve found some real interesting shooting stuff on youtube but couldn’t post it here,not because of the content but the unmoderated comments underneath.
Some quite flowery language is used sometimes.
Pump piston seal a little small?
That’s what I was thinking ,or maybe it was to hard and dried out .
Maybe storing it with a couple pumps for a few days ? Give it a little time to “form” under pressure ?
Might help, might not. Worth a try.
I do that with mine ,without cocking it, when I store it. You have to use them once in awhile too. I have also used Valvoline hydraulic oil(part #VU720) to rejuvenate dried out seals. I suspect that some of the secret sauces that are sold out there to oil MSPs are straight up mineral oil used in hydraulic equipment. I buy it by the 5 gallon bucket full from NAPA for my equipment. It works when Pellgun oil doesn’t, and works better on the older guns as a lube, IMO.
Have no idea how many kinds of plastic there are. Some are impervious to almost anything. Some will rot with the wrong thing. Or am I thinking about rubber?
Me neither , but I have brought a couple flea market finds back from the dead using the oil I mentioned above. One 1959 Blue Streak and an old 881 Daisy run best on the stuff. I put some on the pump head ,pump the gun a few times and let it set upright overnite . Then I shoot the crud out and leave a couple pumps in after.I do know that it is OK in the hydralic systems of my equipment and the pumps and motors on some of that stuff costs several thousand dollars to replace. I’m not afraid to risk it on a pellet gun that’s worth $100. Has a little more body than pellgun oil and seems to soak in . Pumpers need oil and use. Run it dry, store them in dusty areas and they die. The detergents in oil are what I think rots rubber and some plastics, but I’m not a chemist. Maybe someone who is could comment.
I’m not a chemist, but I think you must be right. The job of a detergent after all is to break things down.
I’ve read RidgeRunner’s story on his misadventure with gas ram in previous posting. Maybe I can write a short article on oiling and greasing springers and share my own experience and some info my gurus taught me? What would you say?
B.B. is having some tech issues with blog access while he’s at the SHOT Show. That’s why he hasn’t answered most of the blog comments. I’ve given him a workaround. Hopefully, he’ll use it & answer some comments. If not, he’ll do his best to catch up after he comes home on Sunday.
Thank you, I’ll be waiting for his opinion. I hope B.B. will bring some interesting items, good shots and some thrilling info on new and exotic stuff.
BTW, this time I’ve got the easiest captcha so far – 2+2 🙂
I would welcome a post on oiling and greasing springers. BB has done some posts on lubrication and has covered it in comments before but it’s nearly impossible for me to Search it out and I can’t seem to get enough learning for it to sink into my brain, either. I have spring piston guns, PCPs, multi-pumps, single pumps, air operated, CO2, pistols, rifles…I can’t keep them all straight. And it seems technique and technology changes to add to my confusion. I think I need to start a notebook on lubrication. I bookmark things but now I have a thousand bookmarks which is nearly as bad as doing a Google search and getting a thousand hits. I suppose I could be more organized but I won’t even organize my sock drawer.
For the very reasons you cite…searching difficulties, B.B. writes repeat subjects. Plus, he usually has new things to add that weren’t in previous reports.
As part of the Airgun Academy, it’s always been a plan to take related subjects from the blog and Tom’s online articles and combine them into short printed booklets: picking your first airgun, basic spring-gun maintenance, care & feeding of your CO2 gun, everything you ever needed to know about filling PCP guns, teaching a new shooter, how to select a scope & mount a scope, and how to select & install scope mounts are some of the first booklets I want to create.
It hasn’t happened, yet, but look how long Airgun Academy took to come to fruition from it’s birth in November 2006…3.5 years (May 2010).
I hope it won’t take that long to bring the booklets to fruition…but it might 🙂
Booklets sound useful. I like the sound of that.
As Edith said, I’m having problems communicating on the blog right now, but yes to your offer of a story on lubricating spring guns!
OT…well, the Gehmann sight arrived today.
All I can say is WOW.
At a tad over $200 it was not cheap(this included a peep and a shade)…but it truly makes the upgraded Daisy sight I’ve been using (the Gamo copy) look like a piece of…well…plastic.
I expect to be shooting 600’s within the week 😉
Truthfully the only downside is going to be that I’m really going to want to eventually put this on a better rifle than the 853c.
Some of those classic recoiless breakbarrels, or the new FWB 700 Basic just may be in my future.
The classic precision recoilless springers (e.g. the FWB 300 series) are side levers, not break barrels. And if you go for the FWB 700 Basic, you will almost immediately wish you had gone for the 700 Evolution or Evolution Top. Promise!
Good luck on getting your first 600! 😉
Ok I guess that I am done with my research into the 2100B. This gun costs nearly $60 and has accuracy problems and shoots a lot slower than the stock Crosman 664GT. The accuracy review in part three of this review series had me questioning if I wanted a Crosman 2100 as I already have a Crosman 664GT (or two).
After viewing and reading many reviews and contacting people that have both a Chrony and a Crosman 66, or Crosman 2100 I have found that with the same pellets the 2100 shoots about 20fps slower at 10 pumps. Then there is the fact that the Crosman 664GT is a lot easier to modify for accuracy and power.
I have also asked a few good shooters how the accuracy actually compares, and they are about equal out to about 50 yards, after which the Crosman 664 does better.
Even though the Crosman 2100 has a longer pump stroke than the 664, it appears that the 13xx style valve used in the 664 along with the pump stroke length about half way between the 13xx and 2100 gives it more power.
It is interesting that the 664GT keeps up with what it says on the box (the only AirGun that I have seen do this) when shooting 7.9 grain Pellets, and maintains above 600fps with some 10.5 grain pellets (apparently it does about 617fps with the Winchester pointed 9.63 grain) and this is all with 100% factory stock guns. Mine are a bit more powerful than factory stock though I do not have a chrony, so the results I obtained from people that only have 100% stock Crosman 664GT guns (I explicitly requested the test on the Winchester Pointed 9.63 grain as the gun loves it and it is mostly what I use in it).
A few things that others overlook, or misunderstand:
:: The plastic bolt will take way more wear than the metal bolt of the 2100 (look up the wear properties).
:: The simpler trigger+sear mech is a lot easier to redesign and replace.
:: The 664 is a lot lighter than the 2100 (this makes hitting your target significantly easier for any position other than prone or bench rest).
:: Unless you are 5 foot 10 inches tall or taller the Crosman 2100 is to big for any adult man.
I apologize I realized earlier today how my previous post must come off. I think that the 2100 appears to be a quite good gun, it just does not offer me anything more than what my Crosman 664GT already provides, that is small bird and squirrel take down accuracy and power as well as bragging rites when I out shoot the PCP AirGunners at the target range. I was a little frustrated by the discovery that the Crosman 2100 did not provide anything FOR ME so I ranted a bit.
I have my Crosman 664GT for plinking and small birds and squirrel.
I have my souped up Crosman 2289g for most hunting. I estimate that this gun is getting around 550fps (about 9.5 foot pounds with 14.3 grain pellets) on ten pumps right now, and I still have a few things yet to do that could improve on that. So this gun gives me a good strong 6.2 foot pounds of energy out to 45 yards, with Crosman Premier 14.3 Round nose pellets, which is pretty much the edge of my comfortable hunting range with that gun.
So for me it is more cost effective to get a 1322 for quicker follow up shots, and soup that to be equal to my 2289 in power. If I get a 1322 I can hunt with my 2289, and have my 1322 pumped up though unloaded and NOT cocked so I can take a quick follow up shots if needed (I always try for a clean kill on the first shot though). And this would be good for me as I already know my way around that gun quite well (a 2289 is just a 1322 with a shoulder stock and a slightly longer barrel, after all).
I am after all a die hard AirGun Modder now, so I what would I do with a 2100 🙂 .
So I do apologize for my rant from yesterday, I hope that it can be passed over. Or maybe some one can take the time to remove the negative statements and reword the information in a way that could be helpful to some one.
I need the following spare parts:
Please quote including shipping to 30310 Cartagena, Murcia – Spain
Best regards
This is a blog — not Crosman or Pyramyd AIR.
You can buy these parts direct from Crosman. Here’s their European email address:
Thank you very much for the information.