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Ammo Benjamin 310 BB gun: Part 7

Benjamin 310 BB gun: Part 7

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

A history of airguns

Benjamin 310
A Benjamin 310 multi-pump BB gun from 1952.

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Avanti Match Grade shot
  • Hornady Black Diamonds
  • 4.45mm balls
  • Beeman Perfect Rounds
  • Summary

Today we start looking at the accuracy of the vintage Benjamin 310 multi-pump BB gun. I want to remind you that this is a smoothbore and not to expect too much accuracy from it. That being said, I remember that the ancient Benjamin 700 repeater surprised me. Let’s see if that trend continues with this single shot 310.

The test

I shot the gun at 10 meters off a sandbag rest. I used the one-pump system I developed that stabilizes the velocity around 390-400 f.p.s., depending on the type of shot. I tested both steel BBs and lead round balls, and, knowing that the larger shot were more stable in the gun, I tried to test with them.

I only shot 5 shots per target because of the time the pumping took. But I did test 4 different projectiles to make up for it.

Avanti Match Grade shot

First to be tested were five Daisy Match Grade Shot. These are the largest steel BBs I know of (0.173-0.1735-inches in diameter), as well as the most uniform. If any steel BB will shoot well in the 310, these should be the ones. At 10 meters five of them went into a group that measures 1.873-inches between centers. They landed low and to the left. The 310 has no adjustment for height but the rear notch can be drifted left and right, so I lightly tapped it to the right after seeing this group.

Daisy Match Shot
The Benjamin 310 put 5 Daisy Match Grade shot into 1.873-inches at 10 meters.

That wasn’t as tight a group as I had hoped. But please remember, the 310 is a smoothbore BB gun that I would normally test at 5 meters. I’m only testing this one at 10 meters because I will also be testing the accuracy with pellets in the future.

Hornady Black Diamonds

Another larger steel BB that’s also very consistent in size is the Hornady Black Diamond. This time, though, they didn’t come through. Five went into 1.685-inches at 10 meters. It’s a little better than the Daisy Match Grade shot, but not that much. I had adjusted the rear sight to the right but the group was still to the left. It may have been a little higher on the target, but not that much.

Hornady Black Diamond
Five Hornady Black Diamonds went into 1.685-inches at 10 meters. The group is still low and to the left.

This time after looking at where the group landed I really moved the rear sight. I was able to see the sight move, and I thought this would bring demonstrable results.

Next up are two lead balls that are larger than either of the steel BBs I have tried thus far. These were both faster than steel BBs in the velocity test, which tells me that, while they may be considerably heavier than the steel BBs, they are also fitting the bore tighter. That can mean accuracy in a smoothbore. Let’s see.

4.45mm balls

First up are the 4.45mm lead balls from H&N that I bought for testing another BB gun. These are 0.175-inches in diameter, which is the size shot Daisy went to after they abandoned the original 0.180 lead BB just after the turn of the 20th century. I had to buy them on Ebay, as Pyramyd AIR doesn’t carry them. That made them expensive, but when you need them you get them.

Five of these lead balls went into 0.828-inches at 10 meters. Now, that is a good group for a round ball in a smoothbore! The best group the Benjamin 700 made was 0.867-inches, so these are right in there.

Hornady 4.45mm balls
Five 4.45mm lead balls went into 0.828-inches at 10 meters. The group is more centered but still low. However, if you consider that the aim point is 6 o’clock on the bull, these balls are actually hitting close to spot-on.

Beeman Perfect Rounds

The last round ball I tested was the 4.5mm Beeman Perfect Round. These are no longer available, but since H&N used to make them, you can buy an H&N 4.5mm ball that will be the same thing. Five of these balls went into 0.713-inches at 10 meters. That is the smallest group of this test.

Beeman Perfect Rounds
The Benjamin 310 put 5 Beeman Perfect Rounds into a 0.713-inch group at 10 meters. That was the smallest group of the test.


Well, I said I wanted to see how the 310 compared to the Benjamin 700 I tested earlier this year. This was a good test, and the 310 is clearly the more accurate BB gun.

The 310 did a little better than expected with lead balls and a little worse with steel BBs. But that’s not the last of the test. We still need to see how it does with darts and pellets. There is more to come from this old beauty.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

37 thoughts on “Benjamin 310 BB gun: Part 7”

            • Right, Gunfun1, I love those old .22s! My first shots were fired with a Winchester gallery gun firing .22 shorts at a fair…thanks for bringing back the good memories. =>

          • Thedavemyster
            My Dad bought a Winchester Model 12 the year I was born(1951). Before that, he had a 12 gauge side-by-side. He always used Winchester 7 1/2 shot, and I used 6’s. I have fond memories of “walking the coolies” around Drumheller, Alberta with him under a blue October sky. Our black labrador, Parky zigzagging through the thick patches of brush flushing pheasants, partridge, and the occasional prairie chicken. That dog lived for the hunt, and it amazed me how he always knew what was expected of him. My Dad took one side, and I with my Remington on the other, would try to bring down what he flushed. Some hunters would drive along the gravel roads towards evening to catch the birds as they munched on gravel to break up the wheat, and other grains they’d fed on during the day. My Dad believed we should at least let the birds eat in peace. Getting our limit was never his goal, and it never phased him if we got skunked. He was there to enjoy our time together, revel in the beauty of the prairies, and respect our incredible wild life.
            I was a rebel teenager, and we seldom agreed on much, but that was the one time we would have some deep conversations as we walked through the stubble fields, and coolies. I would give almost anything to have those times for one day. I would like to think I would pay closer attention to his words of advice, and wisdom, but probably not. It’s amazing what recollections a simple picture can spawn.
            Thanks for the memories, Dave.

        • Michael,

          That is the one part about it that I do like the looks of. I wish the newer Benjis had retained it.

          I guess what I need to keep in mind with this is they were trying to keep the cost as low as possible, but still have functionality. I have become spoiled with my other old gals who though have nothing but functionality about them are still graceful while doing such.

      • Dave,

        With a little facelift, it could look much better. I guess plain would have been a better word than ugly, but it did stir up a little conversation there.

        Check out my response to Michael below (or above, wherever it comes in).

  1. B.B.
    That’s a pretty nice group with the Perfect Rounds; plus it’s shooting right where you’re looking.
    As a kid, one of my friends had an all-metal Crosman 760 we used to shoot on his farm.
    BBs didn’t do so well in it; but even as a smoothbore, it was pretty accurate with pellets, way more so than BBs.
    I think somewhere out there there’s a diablo pellet with this gun’s name on it…at least I really hope so. =>
    Wishing a blessed weekend to one and all,

  2. B.B.,

    Have you any Marksman Premium Grade Steel BBs? I do not know if they are larger than the Avantis, but with my non-pro digital calipers, they are 1.74 – 1.75 mm. They make my Pioneer BB76 less inaccurate, and I know that they are too big to shoot in many current CO2 BB pistols.


    • B.B.,

      Well, I admitted I measured with my non-pro device. In his verified purchase review of the Marksman Premium Grade Steel BBs, Airgun Papa reports he “measured ten randomly selected BB’s . . . with a micrometer and they run .1765″ nominally. They are exceptionally uniform in diameter ranging from a low of .176″ to a large of .177″ with the bulk of them measuring .1765.”

      Additionally, I consider the speed-loader that they come with to be the absolute best BB one out there, no contest. Sometimes a slight reaming with a sharp pocket knife is necessary, but they last forever and with a bit of practice they are precise and very fast.


              • RR and Mike In ATL,

                Yep, that’s the one. Be careful with those BBs because they can jam in the barrel of some BB guns, but that speed-loader is absolute gold. All but one of those that I have needed just a little bit of reaming with a sharp pocket knife blade to enlarge the hole. I have four of them and have a piece of tape on each for the type of BBs I use in it. I really could use one more.

                I have a few thousand of the Marksman BBs in a labeled glass jar. The one downside is that a nice storage container is not provided for them

                • Michael,

                  Thanks for bringing this one to our attention.

                  I have one of these, but have found it to not be a very satisfactory loader.


                  I have added the one you are suggesting to my Wish List.

                    • Mike,

                      I have given much thought to this one in the past and I do believe it would work great for reloading my Daisy 99 and my Grandson’s Daisy Buck. Thanks.

  3. Best B.B. gun ever made? Also, the Beeman and 4.45 groups have nearly the same pattern of shot placement.
    If a smoothbore barrel spun about its own axis when a shot is fired, would it impart the spin onto the projectile?
    How fast would it need to spin to work? How do smoothbore tank rounds stabilise? They need some drag like pellets? Good shooting, R.

    • I would want to know if it would be subject to the Coriolis Effect!

      My vote for the greatest BB gun ever make would be the Daisy No. 25. Handy, durable, powerful, accurate, reliable, great looks.


      • Michael,

        My vote for the best bb gun is the 1959 Model 99. It was the first target bb gun that Daisy made, but held several hundred bbs. In 1960 they gave it the spring loaded setup of the 25 that only held 50. I have one. It is awesome!

  4. Styrofoam “peanuts”,…..

    What do you do with them? If you can find a place, you can recycle them. Awhile back, I learned that some newer “peanuts” are water soluble. Made from starch or something. At any rate, it works! These look something like a longer tater tot,.. as opposed to the S shape that we normally see.

    This (also) raises the possibility that they can be used for destructive targets,.. in the yard,.. or hanging from a tree limb,… or whatever else you can dream up. Rain will dissolve them.

    Just some FYI for anyone interested,…. Chris

    • Thanks for the tip Chris. I just got an order from Puritan’s Pride for supplements and they use these biodegradable packing peanuts. I just bagged a bunch and put them in the recycle herby. I’ll have to dig them back out and try using them for targets. What a great idea.

  5. “Buy it, buy it, buy it! The Crosman DPMS SBR is a best buy, both in a reliable full auto BB gun and also in one that’s accurate.”

    Hi Tom,

    Just wanted to let you know, based on your review, that right after reading it I ordered one.

    Thank you!

    JoeB, now back on Maui

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