SIG Sauer MCX, Image 1
SIG Sauer MCX, Image 1

SIG Sauer MCX Pellet Rifle, Black

4.0111 reviews
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.177 caliber velocities Our tech department provided this shot string, which was done with 5.25 grain match ballistic alloy pellets:

Shot 1: 428.11 fps Shot 2: 513.51 fps Shot 3: 493.59 fps Shot 4: 489.98 fps Shot 5: 499.75 fps Shot 6: 492.83 fps Shot 7: 497.49 fps Shot 8: 497.08 fps Shot 9: 474.27 fps High: 513.51 Low: 428.11 Average: 487.40 fps

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SIG Sauer MCX Pellet Rifle, Black

  • Semiauto
  • Rifled steel barrel
  • 30rd Roto Belt pellet magazine
  • Adjustable flip-up front sight
  • Adjustable flip-up rear sight
  • Synthetic stock
  • Metal housing
  • Weaver/Picatinny optics rail
  • Removable tactical foregrip
  • Manual safety
  • Life-tested with 15,000 shots
  • Available to US customers exclusively
  • PCP model includes Air Venturi 13 cubic inch air tank, tank adapter, and buttstock
  • CO2 model uses one 88- or 90-gram CO2 cylinder
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
600 fps
Suggested for
7.4 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Front Sights
Flip-up, adjustable
Rear Sights
Flip-up, adjustable
Trigger Pull
7.0 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
30 round(s)
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

PCP Fill Options

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10 of 111 SIG Sauer MCX Reviews

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I like you can pick either pcp or co2

I would change the hand guard I personally dislike the feel of the plastic and it makes the wait uneven

Idk if they gave me a refurbished gun but some of the paint in the metal parts paint were faded or went the same color

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Great all around pellet gun. Easy to assemble, sight in and fun for my 12 and 14 year old. Love the weight as well, because it gives the kids a sense of what a real rifle feels like minus the recoil. Great purchase.

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Great job with this pellet gun. Nice weight, great feel. Wish it came with two mags and had a pressure gauge, but so much fun to shoot.

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I've had one of these for five years now. Still shoots like a champ. We purchased numerous SIG MCX Air Rifles to teach rifle marksmanship to a youth program. The sights are adjustable and I can put shots in a tight group at 80 feet. We purchased through Pyramid Air because we know if problems ever do arise, PA will take care of it. We use a single sling mount just forward of the rear flip up sight and have EO Tech red dot sights but the flip up sights are just fine. I reccommend these, we have 20 of them for our youth group and they're great. You have to know what you're getting, know what it is, and what its not. The construction is incredible, solid built, heavy weight, rifle.

a 12 gram adapator would be great. A 88/90gram Co2 cartridge lasts about 180-200 shots and you don't always shoot that much in one sitting.

Read the manual. Adjust the sights, don't assume the rifle will shoot bullseyes straight out of the box. You have to zero it, just like any other firearm. Rapid fire (pulling the trigger as fast as possible) may cause the belt fed magazine to trip up. But its easily fixed by removing the magazine, realligning the belt, and you're good to go.

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The gun is way to heavy and there is no information on how to use or set the sights so it’s impossible to hit anything you aim at. The sights are way off

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I've purchased 2 and both lasted about 1 year each. After a year, they start to leak air and jam. After 2 or 3 successive shots, the rifle will leak the entire C02 cylinder.

John Nov 25, 2024

Exactly. Alot of people say the same thing, including me. Sig told me these cannot be repaired. The warranty lasts one year. They will give you a new air rifle. Mine lasted just over a year before the air started pouring out of it. At that point it was scrap.

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We really enjoy this rifle a lot. Not much to complain about this one. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 was because Sig Sauer doesn't sale an Adapter to save the CO2 cartridge when storing the rifle away. The last time we did that we had left it for a long time and it ruined the seals and the gun. We bought an adapter that wasn't Sig Sauer but its treads are not long enough to make contact with the rifle's needle. Please talk with your staff about manufacturing the CO2 Save Adapter so we don't have to waste a full cylinder all of the time. Having to replace a full one each time makes us NOT want to shot anymore.

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The Weight, and Feel

Make the Barrel so it can not be Unscrewed from the rest of it.

I Purchased from Amazon, but they Listed it as having 700 FPS, but when I got it, I noticed it says 545 FPS. Verify you are getting the correct Item you are Purchasing

Joe Jun 02, 2023

Does 150' per second really make that much difference for a plinker that was originally intended for live fire training? If you want to hunt buy a hunting airgun. Problem solved.

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It shoots good and nice weight,I put a bug buster on it

The fps claims is lower than advertised

They say 600 fps for gen 1 & 545 for gen 2.. they shoot the same I have both,so i basically bought the same gun but different barrel very unnecessary.. I still need a 600+ fps pellet machine gun what’s next

Joe Jun 02, 2023

Go get your ATF registration verifiable for a fully automatic M4. Problem solved.

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I'd heard this rifle had problems, but thought I was in the clear. Then it stopped firing, and there's a loose piece rattling around inside. Very frustrating. Otherwise, fun gun to shoot!

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