H&N Field Target Trophy Power Copper-Plated, .177 Cal, 8.80 Grains, Round Nose, 300ct
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- .177 caliber
- 8.80 grains
- Round nose
- 300 pellets
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10 of 31 H&N Field Target Trophy Power .177 (4.5mm) Cal Reviews
Heavy hitter.
Things I Would Have ChangedBelow average grouping.
See below
Things I Would Have ChangedNot accurate in my Beeman R7.
What Others Should KnowCareful with these, they will ricochet like a steel bb. I had one bounce off my 3/4" plywood backstop and land in my lap at 10 meters. Luckily, no damage, but a good reminder to always wear shooting glasses (any maybe a cup)!
Copper coated, excellent accuracy, and buy 3 get one free!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowRepeatable accuracy of every pellet!
Very accurate, great grouping. I like the copper plate, no lead mess.
Things I Would Have ChangedBigger tins - 400-500 at a higher price of course
What Others Should KnowIt's a great pellet for consistent shooting. Groups great. It was the best of 12 pellet types/brands that I tried.
Quality control is very good.
What Others Should KnowA bit pricey for the quantity.
I liked the fact that these were copper plated domed pellets. The weight was perfect at 8.80 grains. Accuracy with no fliers. Great for my mid-power/semi magnum breakbarrel air rifles. Only had one pellet out of 300 that had a flattened misshaped skirt. Screw on tin
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. Should be 500 count for this price, but it is worth it.
What Others Should KnowI conducted todays accuracy and chronograph test on my property, which is on slightly more than one acre with woods that begin 90 feet away. Altitude is listed at 400 ft above sea level. Temperature is 64 degrees, grey skies, with 89% humidity, calm wind. I used my .177 Crosman Nitro Venom NP with 3-9X32AO scope set on 5X power. Rifle was sighted yesterday. 3 inch target was stuck on a box approximately 12 x 12 inch box. The 3 inch had a 1and 1/2 inch circle, with 5/8 inch diamond bullseye. I shot 15 pellets at that target , with all shots from 80 feet away, consistently hitting inside the inner circle and diamond bullseye with no fliers. Chronograph, using my ProChrono Digital were: 876, 881, 870, 876, 874 fps, averaging 875.4 fps. I am very impressed with this pellet. Right now, as long as I have this pellet, this pellet is my go-to Pellet, until I run out. I highly recommend this pellet. Get a chronograph. Woodys World.
Great product.
These pellets shoot the best out of my Benjamin NP .177 . they are the most accurate for that rifle...
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING
What Others Should KnowCAN't beat the price an service.....
I went through about 10 different pellets for my BENJAMIN NP rifle till I found this one. Much better than the rest.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING
What Others Should KnowYour best buy is at PYRAMYD AIR
Can't beat buy 4 pay for 3
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Dec 25, 2021
By A
Pretty good product. I little light for me but gets the job done on smaller pest. Accurate enough too. Love the copper coating.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would say grains but H&N have them in a heavier weight. Copper coated too.
What Others Should KnowIf you like lighter gr pellets, I think you will be very satisfied with this product.