ASG Ventilated Universal Fake Compensator, For Select ASG Pistols
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Usually, pistol shooters add a compensator to counter muzzle flip and/or recoil or to reduce the effect of gases that could cause turbulence as the projectile leaves the muzzle. Although this tube is fake, it does make your gun look 10x cooler!
Not suitable for airsoft guns.
- Fake compensator
- Fits select ASG CO2 BB pistols: ASG Steyr M9-A1, ASG CZ 75D Compact, ASG Bersa BP9CC, ASG Bersa Thunder 9 PRO, ASG CZ 75 P-07 Duty, ASG CZ P-09 Duty and ASG STI Duty One (does not fit airsoft guns)
- 12mm external threads
- Plastic
- Black
- 4.50"x0.88"
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9 of 9 ASG Ventilated Universal Fake Compensator Reviews
It's a nice straightforward faux suppressor
Things I Would Have ChangedI would make it a little bit more durable polymer if it was going to be plastic like fiber reinforced nylon or something like that
What Others Should KnowThis actually fits on a few different models that are not listed. You can actually thread this onto the pistol mode of the morph 3x if you go very slowly and line it up properly but do not over tighten as the threads tend to pop but since this is so inexpensive it should still just be fine
cheap price and the best way to make a leagel air gun suppresor
Things I Would Have Changedmad f plastic, like it in aluminum
What Others Should Knowno
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING...
This is built like a tank,It is very well made and if you have a Drozd Blackbird or standard model and have the original barrel then I would buy it.There isn't much you can do with it if you added a longer bbl.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing,This is one of those straight forward accessories that is so simple and strong and does what it is supposed to that there isn't any more I could add.
What Others Should KnowIf you changed your bbl.But still wanted to buy it,There
are a lot of projects one could find a use for it other
than what it was intended for.
It's a nice item to have when you are trying to give a gun a tatical look for a the low price it sells for.
Things I Would Have ChangedAt this price there isn't much that could be done or the cost would be as much as metal.It is a nice item to enhance an air gun at a very low cost.
What Others Should KnowIt's an item that one could keep on hand in case the need
to customize an old gun andf give it a new life.
This is a nice mock silencer if you want plastic or cannot afford the aluminum version, this fit all A.S.G. pistols that use the internal threaded barrell including the A.S.G. STI 4.5mm steel bb & the 6 mm. air soft version as well(same outer barrell dimensions and muzzle cap)
Things I Would Have ChangedMake this model available in aluminum also. but this is a nice plastic mock for the $sss.
What Others Should KnowAbsolutely remove this from your pistol if you store them in a case as it will(could) lead to thread snapage at the muzzle or at least mine did ( snapped of of my cz75p07)when i fired the first shot out of the storage case.
This is totally awesome on my sti duty-one pistol,I added a for-grip to the pistol and I'm tellin you it makes it the most accurate,meanest looking and sounding gun I own.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowGet it! you will love the looks and the sound your pistol gives
Quality is good. ASG OEM product. Tool included to remove the hex plug - no scratch up gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowDoes not fit the ASG Steer CO2 BB pistol. Please note!
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Aug 02, 2023
By David
It had a cool profile and looks nice but is made of plastic, PLASTIC!! Why would you thread a plastic male adapter to a metal female adapter it's just asking to be broke.
Things I Would Have ChangedAs dee Snyder says "Make it metal"!!
What Others Should KnowIt's plastic