Beeman 4x32 Rifle Scope with 2-piece mounts
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Helpful resources:
- Learn how to pick the right scope
- Tips for picking scope mounts
- Rifle scope
- 4x magnification
- 32mm objective lens
- 2 piece mounts for 11mm dovetail scope rails
- Dimensions: 2.7"W x 2.6"H x 14"L
Overall Rating
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10 of 11 Beeman 4x32 Rifle Scope with Reviews
Great value since the scope was part of my original purchase on my Beeman Commander combo. I received the air rifle but not the scope until about 4 months later and probably would not have gotten it if I didn't complain.
Things I Would Have ChangedDelivery of the whole Commander combo.
What Others Should KnowAlways double check your order.
Bought this scope for my Beeman AR2078 CO2 Air Rifle and one for my Grand-Daughter and her Beeman QB78 CO2 Air Rifle because it was just what we needed for back yard target shooting. Just a basic Scope with mounts, nothing fancy. No need for multi power or objective adjustments for the distance we shoot. The price was right too. They even came with lens caps.
Things I Would Have ChangedNOTHING
Scope improved my accuracy. If you know how to zero a scope its a easy install it did come loose until I put lock tight on mounting screws solved problem
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAgain use lock tight on mounting screws
Adjustable paralax works good; normally this isn't available on a budget priced scope. Was quick & easy to dial in after mounted to my gun. I like the adjustment knobs, you don't need a screwdriver or coin which is convenient.
Things I Would Have ChangedReticle could have mil dots, but is satisfactory as is.
What Others Should KnowThe first scope shipped to me would not hold zero. I saw the good reviews this scope has and decided to ask for a replacement. So far I have shot about 200 rounds and is still holding zero.
Great Beeman scope & rings for the price but, UPS sure did a good job of destroying both boxes (outside & scope box) yet the scope came out unscathed?
Things I Would Have ChangedLabel scope boxes with "FRAGILE" BEFORE SHIPPING...
cost: I could not buy rings at the price I paid for it with them, target turrets are vary nice .Installed or a diana stormrider .
Things I Would Have Changedcross hairs are heavy good for hunting a bit thick for accuracy testing still hitting a mouse at 25 yards all day. as a other rating said should have the beeman blue stripe ,
Inexpensive solid clear investment. Way more than what I paid for remembering how scopes in the 70s were.
Things I Would Have ChangedPut a Blue Ring on like the original Beeman scopes in the 80s. It deserves the blue ring.
What Others Should KnowAnother review commented how the scope can be the best back up for any gun in case. True. I don't know shock proofing on it but if you have a PCP there is no need to worry about clear, bright, wide field of view lenses and duplex cross hair. The clearness of the image is absolutely astounding and I am minimizing. Have thought about buying 5 or so!
clear glass, pretty good mounts. got it on my benji 392. 2'' by2'' out to 20 yards no problem
Things I Would Have Changedmil dot reticle
What Others Should Knowbeeman it came with, was a crapper
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Apr 29, 2022
By Harold
Let's remember this is a $50 scope it is a perfect entry level scope we are learning a lot and having a ton of fun we'll use this scope for a long time but our next scope we're going to spend a few more bucks and really zoom in we are having so much fun we have our own firing range the only drawback is my wife is hitting a bull's-eye and that is hard to live with
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing