Diana Stormrider Gen2, Image 1
Diana Stormrider Gen2, Image 1

Diana Stormrider Gen2 Multi-shot PCP Air Rifle, Synthetic

4.574 reviews
34 answered questions


Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)


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With its amazing accuracy, sturdy build and repeating shots, the Stormrider is Diana’s answer to budget-friendly PCPs. The updated, Gen2 version has a longer muzzle brake and a quieter report. It also brings this black, synthetic-stock version for all-weather durability.

This tack driver will provide hours of entertainment with its repeating shots and air cylinder you can fill with a hand pump. You'll get approximately 30-40 shots per fill. The manufacturer reports maximum velocities of 1050 fps and 950 fps (in .177 and .22, respectively) and maximum muzzle energies of 20 fpe in .177 and 26 fpe in .22. So, despite its wallet-friendly price tag, this PCP is fully equipped to handle everything from plinking and target practice to pesting and small game hunting.

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Gen2 Diana Stormrider, Black Synthetic Stock

  • PCP
  • Bolt action
  • Synthetic Stock
  • Integrated muzzle brake moderator 
  • Max. fill pressure: 2900 psi
  • Air tube volume: 100cc
  • Max. reported muzzle velocity: 1050 fps (.177), 950fps (.22)
  • Max. reported muzzle energy: 20 fpe (.177), 26 fpe (.22)
  • Adjustable trigger
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • 11mm dovetail mount
feature icon
  • .177-cal Diana Stormrider PCP Rifle with Black Synthetic Stock
  • One 9-shot magazine
  • Owner's manual


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1050 fps
Muzzle Energy
20 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
4.6 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
100 cc
Fixed/adj. power
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
9 round(s)
Body Type
Operating Pressure
2900 PSI / 200 BAR

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

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10 of 74 Diana Stormrider Gen 2 Reviews

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Es un rifle muy preciso y liviano ideal para esos dia de cacerías

Su autonomía 100CC es muy poco

Comprar mas magazines

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I just received my Stormrider on 4/14/24. Happy to announce my Stormrider has the air pressure gauge on the Bottom of the rifle near the trigger and NOT at the end of the barrel, just like the wood version now. I really like this much better than my Avenger because its much lighter (1.5 lbs) and 2.5" shorter than my Avenger too. I added a barrel band to it from Ebay. The trigger is easy to adjust and got rid of a lot of creep. I find it no louder than my old Diana 24C break barrel and quieter than my Avenger.

STOP using red loctite to attach the moderator! It was a bear to remove the moderator and some of that red loctite leaked into the rear sight and had to use a heat gun and a chisel to take the rear sight off. Not much 11mm room available to add my Pinty red/green dot sight without touching the magazine. .

I dry fire 3 shots after a fill with my Air Venturi electric compressor. I then get about 15 very high (875 fps) accurate shots. Then I refill again. I get 1/2" -3/4" inch groups using a Pinty red/green dot sight at 25 yards. .This is now my go to PCP rifle and will sell off my Avenger (just too long and heavy for my tastes).

Gary Dec 18, 2024

I replaced the stock magazines with maple_custom_ products (on Ebay) .22 ten round larger magazines. While they wont work with iron sights, they work fine with dots and scopes. Much better designed than stock and at the same price too.

Gary Jun 24, 2024

The moderator can be removed by using a heat gun or hair dryer in combination with a lot of hand strength! Use thin rubber around the moderator for better grip. The rear sight can then be removed using a chisel and mallet. Good luck!

Gary May 19, 2024

I had been using FX .22 Cal, 15.89 Grains, Domed, 5.52mm pellets in my StormRider Gen2. When I got a new Chronograph I found while accurate (1/2" groups at 25 yds with red dot)) and feeding well, they were 90+ fps lower than the JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo Express .22 Cal, 14.3 Grains, Domed, 5.52 mm. These JSB feed even better, and got 1/4" groups at 25 yards! I can get 14 shots at 155 bar down to 115 bar @ 874 fps to 851 fps range. The FX's never got over 780 fps. I also tried H&N Field Target Trophy .22 Cal, 14.66 Grains, Round Nose, 5.55 mm and these by far the worse pellets for me. Very poor feeding, 3" groups, low fps etc.

Jose Apr 21, 2024

the moderator can be removed? and is a regulated gun? thanks in advance

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Accuracy is very very good. It is not pellet picky. Very lightweight. Nice wooden stock. The way the magazine slips in and is held by a magnet.

Trigger adjustment. I gave it an overall 4 rating because the trigger adjustment is worthless. Everything else on the gun is extremely good for the price.

The trigger adjustment is worthless. Yeah, the Gen 1 doesn't have an adjustment, but
the Gen 2 doesn't have an adjustment either... The screws BARELY hang on to the threads,
and if you do not keep an eye on the screws, they WILL fall out.

What I do, is forget the screw adjustments and finger tighten the two screws every now and then,
so that I will not lose them.

Jose Apr 21, 2024

the moderator can be removed? and is a regulated gun? thanks in advance

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I like that it's lightweight and moderated and multi-shot.

The first things I would like changed would be add barrel band a fill port cover of some type a removable moderator for easy Barrel cleaning and a Picatinny mount on the stock so you could add a bipod or flashlight is also nice feature that they didn't give and a second magazine should be standard.

Without the moderator being removable it is very hard to clean the barrel and the magazines are a little fiddly to load.

Moses Dec 09, 2023

Put a straw into the moderator, and then push your cleaning tool through. For me, this helps.

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As an entry level PCP it is an excellent tool to teach the grand kids about the rules of using a gun It has iron sights. Another marvelous side of the tool to teach the grand kids Put a red dot on it so they can learn to use 2 sides of the tool at the same time Magazine fed so it will shoot pellets that break action or single feed guns don't like It is slender, not boxy or heavy

I would have 3 magazines be present for each gun. Why 3? I have a small bag that will hold 3 magazines, single feed adapter, allen wrenches for the gun, air fill probe and a few other items that I keep with the gun. Maybe sling mounts molded into the stock

The Stormrider 177 cal PCP (synthetic stock) is an unusually thin rifle. Its shrouded end of the barrel does keep it quiet.

Its fixed front sight allows for no adjustment. The rear sight is fully adjustable. I took it to the dungeon and had the gun zeroed in at 20 yards in a matter of minutes. Currently, 10.34 gr pellets, average speed of 838'/sec, no hammer spring adjustments have been made at this time

The small air reservoir allows for quick filling via a compressor or, as others may like, via a hand pump. It does use a specific adapter to transfer compressed air. It would be a good thing to keep it with the magazines to locate it easily. The cheek rest, length of pull and looking through the sights is comfortable. I put a Hawk red dot on it and am able to use the iron sights for the 20-30 yard shots by looking through the Hawk. Turning on the red dot, I'm able to tag targets at 50 yards.

As my 177 caliber guns go, this one will be 1 of the go to 177 guns

Jose Apr 21, 2024

the moderator can be removed? and is a regulated gun? thanks in advance

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Light weight, good accuracy, decent trigger, quiet, good value. JSB 15.89 seem best. Not pellet picky. Easy to hand pump (2 pumps per shot). At 25 yards 5 shot group within 1/2" CTC.

Have not seen point of impact change from sitting around. Currently not planning to add barrel band. Point of impact does change some as you go through 30 shots. Just need to know how impact changes throughout the curve. Don't plan to add regulator. Barrel was dirty. Took 40 shots to break. Trigger came decently set, but could not make any adjustments with set screws. Plan to use for plinking in yard. Some occasional pest control.

Jose Apr 21, 2024

the moderator can be removed? and is a regulated gun? thanks in advance

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Extremely accurate! Using the manual pump does work. If I was 5 pounds lighter it wouldn’t work. Thanks for Pyramyd Air for the recommendation!

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It’s just a nice rifle that feels good with the synthetic stock, it’s lightweight and accurate, not really pellet picky so far and hand pumping it is a breeze. The price for what you get is a real deal I bought both calibers and happy with both of them.


Your getting a deal on a solid bargain pcp rifle.

Gary May 07, 2024

Yes the moderator can be removed by hand if you got the strength, just wrap thin rubber around it first. Makes it much easier to clean the barrel by removing the moderator. This is NOT a regulated gun.

Jose Apr 21, 2024

the moderator can be removed? and is a regulated gun? thanks in advance

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Great value and quality for a 200 dollar pcp rifle, bought both calibers and they shoot just about every pellet with good accuracy so far.

Nothing really unless to modify it into a buck rail conversion.

I did have to send back my .22 because of a gauge problem but pyramid air had no problem of getting my return and as I am writing this right now I am waiting for my replacement so hopefully all will be good because I really like this rifle.

Jose Apr 21, 2024

the moderator can be removed? and is a regulated gun? thanks in advance

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The feel and weight of the gun, it has a lite trigger pull which allows a smooth shot. Good accuracy out of the box and the price was right for an intro pcp air rifle.

Seems there should be a forward barrel support added to this gun which would improve its accuracy.

Overall seems like a good gun, I've shot probably around 150 or more pellets through this gun and it seems like a decent gun so far.

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