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Gamo Magnum GR, Image 1
Gamo Magnum GR, Image 1

Gamo Magnum GR Break Barrel Air Rifle

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The Gamo Magnum GR Breakbarrel Air Rifle includes updated technology that results in more power, in addition to features that make it easy to use. It is capable of velocities up to 1000 FPS with alloy pellets for affordable and effective pest control, small-game hunting, and target practice.

This air rifle features an all-weather nylon thumbhole stock filled with automotive-grade glass, as well as texturing on the grip and forearm for a slip-free hold even in the presence of moisture. In addition, it has a metal-jacketed rifled steel barrel which combines with the huge 33mm cylinder in the large spring piston powerplant to provide accurate power.

The Gamo Magnum GR uses a two-stage Custom Action Trigger that shooters can adjust independently for travel on both the first and second stages to get a customized crisp break. It also has a manual safety and an automatic cocking safety system that engages when cocking to prevent accidental discharge and then disengages when the air rifle is fully in position.

The air rifle utilizes an 11mm dovetail Recoil Reducing Rail that comes close to eliminating the recoil transferred to the scope, and a Shock Wave Absorber recoil pad that lessens felt recoil nearly 75% to provide a comfortable shooting experience. The package also includes a Gamo 3-9x40 scope and rings, as well as a fiber optic front sight and an adjustable rear sight.

To get an airgun at a reasonable price that has the performance and features needed for small-game hunting, pest control, and target practice, buy the Gamo Magnum GR Breakbarrel Air Rifle at Pyramyd Air now.

Gamo Magnum GR Breakbarrel Air Rifle

  • Single shot
  • Breakbarrel
  • .25 caliber
  • Max. velocity (alloy): 1000 FPS
  • 33mm cylinder spring piston powerplant
  • Metal jacketed rifled steel barrel
  • 2-stage independently-adjustable Custom Action Trigger (CAT)
  • 11mm dovetail Recoil Reducing Rail (RRR)
  • Automotive-grade glass-filled nylon all-weather thumbhole stock
  • Shock Wave Absorber (SWA) recoil pad
  • Textured grip and forearm
  • Manual safety, automatic cocking safety system
  • Fiber optic front sight
  • Adjustable rear sight
  • Barrel length: 19.7"
  • Length of pull: 15"
  • Overall length: 49.2"
  • Trigger pull: 3.2/2.6 lbs.
  • Cocking effort: 41 lbs.
  • Weight: 11.23 lbs.
  • 5-year limited warranty

Scope Features:

  • 3-9x magnification
  • 40mm objective lens
  • 1" tube
  • 30/30 reticle with fine crosshairs to facilitate target acquisition
  • 40 ft to 12 ft field of view
  • 3.5" eye relief
  • 21.6 oz
  • 13.5" long
  • Fogproof
  • Shockproof
  • Waterproof
  • Includes lens caps
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GAMO 3-9×40 Scope & Rings


.25 (6.35mm)
Max Velocity
1000 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
11.23 lbs
Break barrel
Fixed/adj. power
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Fiber Optic
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull
3.2 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
Cocking Effort
41 lbs
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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9 of 9 Gamo Magnum GR Reviews

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I had gotten this rifle last year and wanted to wait at least 10 months before writing a review. So far I have put about 1000ish pellets through it and stills hits like a truck like the day I got it, with little maintenance. I like the open sights on this rifle, especially without the ever so fragile autoloader Gamo uses. I also like how there is no comically large faux suppressor on it, really cleans up the look! Over the past year the gun seems to be shooting more left but that might be a user/pellet issue, trajectory is still rather flat and tight. Overall, it is a great rifle with lots of stopping power, if you will!

I would change the high cheekrest on the stock. Other than that, I would not change anything else on this rifle.

Regarding the high cheekrest, It can be taken off but it will most definitely void the warranty. I know this because I had done it on another gamo rifle with the exact same stock. I believe I had used a hammer or file to pry off the seperate cheekrest and It worked. It is a separate piece only held onto the stock by a few clips.

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power, accuracy. iron sights.

fix the stupid ckeekpiece. scope sucks

about 30 fpe with most pellets. 31-32 with some! killed a 26 pound bobcat at 15 yards he dropped. using .22 cal 18.13 baracuda domed . I got the .22 cal version for extra fps and its actually more powerful than the .25

Jackson Sep 22, 2024

follow up: shot a 2 in group at 100 yards with baracuda 18.13

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Hard hitting and dead on

The safety only engages manually and NOT when you break the barrel

Very accurate and hard hitting .25 caliber break barrel. I’m 6’ 250 lbs and it takes some strength to break the barrel; after a few breaks I got used to it; I have probably 100 airgun pistols, break barrels, PCP’s, and multi pump but continue to go back to this one when I need to take out a varmit; one of my favs

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Powerful, hard hitting, very accurate with a little help and i like the barrel without the big suppressor on the end and no auto loader!!

Better Scope and a better trigger. My trigger was six and a half pounds with there screw they installed, with a 10mm screw adjusted properly i shoot at two and a half pounds and get very good accuracy! The 41 pound spring gives it a very stiff wall even at the lower poundage. I also put on an Optima 3X12X50AO scope the Gamo scope wouldn't hold zero after about 250 shots.

Heavy Recoil

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This probably my favorite rifle to shoot. It looks great, it is fairly powerful but not the most. It is very well balanced with a really good feel.

You have to replace the scope with a high end scope. The one that comes with it will not stand up to it's very hard recoil. The trigger is a little tight but very doable.

This rifle is the most hold sensitive air rifle I have ever shot and takes a while to break in, so if you're expecting an accurate shooting rifle right out of the box you will be disappointed. The barrel comes full of grease and must be cleaned before you shoot it and again after about 500 shots. If you learn how to hold this rifle and find the right pellets that it likes you will end up falling in love with it, but if you don't have the patience to do all this don't waste your time and money. My Walther falcon is quite a bit more powerful but in my opinion not as fun to shoot.

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This is my total first air rifle at 30 years old. I gotta say I love it. I paid for the 20$ test and we'll worth it! Today was a VERY windy day is Waxhaw NC. Shot some tiny targets off amazon rated for .177mm bbs and got adjusted to wind change, curving to right with H&n hollows, hornets, and the crushing ball point types, nailed this targets and this things accurate if you got the eye. Feels like my Mosin without beating my shoulders in! I nailed the same targets all tiny circles 4x each, each shot overlapping the next. This things laser accurate. Keep her clean. Oiled. Read directions. This is NOT. A toy. I love it. And I will be venturing to more when money allows! Great way to send rounds down without cops coming BAHA

Add in a basic cleaning kit honestly

Don't leave this locked. Spring fatigue.

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The power is excellent! Break barrel easy to cock & load! Great feel!


The 20 shots test, scope mounting, & sighting in were totally worth it. It is very accurate, Pyramid Air did a great job!

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As advertised its a gamo break barrel so it's everything you would expect and in .25cal so it's got plenty of thump

No complaints so far n as long as it's maintained it should be serviceable for many years

Best accuracy so far come by way of JSB exact king 25.39gr and H&N field target trophy 20.06gr. Cocking is effort is similar to a gamo swarm gen3xi magnum

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Very good & powerful rifle Very accurate,But the scope that came with it broke after 100 rounds It didnt do well with this rifles hard recoil. Also the open sights on thia rifle suck very bad !!! I wish thos rifle was designed properly so I could keep it and shooting open sights since I dont have a scope for it now because it broke. I had to return the rifle due to the open sight issue. Another thing that GAMO must change on this rifle is the safety feature,This rifle does not have automatic safety and that is never good not even for experienced shooters/hunters. Once they re design thia rifle and put better & lower stock on it it'll be perfect for small & medium size game. I was dropping doves at about 60 yards. This rifle is very powerful and accurate, I was surprised and amazed with this rifle Too bad I had to return it due to the issues I just mentioned.

Back part of the rifle is too high and wont allow you to aim with open sights. Thia rifle is a beast but the open sight issue is sure a real problem. Also the safety on this rifle is not automatic I like my rifles to lock automatically when I cock them just for safety reasons. Also the scopw that came with this rifle is trash The scope broke internally after 100 rds and then it started shooting everywhere but where I was aiming. Before it broke I was dropping doves like a rock at 60 yards. I hope they fix those issues soon so I can buy at least 2 of those rifles.

Great rifle
Extremely powerful & accurate but needs some work to improve it.

PeterTopol Feb 03, 2024

I changed the scope over to a UTG 4-16x44 compact, I also added a dovetail to weaver adapter, and a cantilever scope mount. Zeroed in at 50yards, and cranked out 15 rounds in a row on a 1" spinner.

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