H&N Excite Spike Pellets, .177 Cal, 8.64 Grains, Pointed, 400ct
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- .177 caliber
- 8.64 grains
- Pointed
- 400 pellets
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8 of 8 H&N Excite Spike Pellets, .177 Reviews
These pellets deliver the best terminal performance on rabbits, resulting in quick, humane kills. I have a cottontail rabbit problem in my yard and have killed 24 of them in the last 9 months with my .22 caliber Beeman R9 (equipped with a Meopta Optika6 Scope) at a distance averaging 15 yards and a muzzle velocity @ 700 fps. The rabbit overpopulation has allowed me to experiment and collect a trove of data about what works and what does not, including shot placement (e.g., only take head shots when the rabbit is perfectly broadside and NOT quartering; otherwise deflection will occur), pellet penetration, lethality, and pellet brand. I started out using Crossman Premier pellets and JSB Hades pellets, but I ultimately switched to Excites because so many rabbits (approximately 50% of the rabbits I shot, in fact) ran into my neighbor's yard to die. Since switching to Excites, I haven't lost a single rabbit into my neighbor's yard. The terminal performance is unparalleled.
What Others Should KnowTerminal performance refers to lethality, which in the case of air rifles usually results from a pellet penetrating an animal's vitals rather than hydrostatic shock (which can only occur when a bullet hits at thousands of feet per second). From my autopsies of rabbits, I've discovered that Excites penetrate deeper than other brands, sometimes resulting in pass-throughs. When they hit, they "ball up" rather than "pancake", which creates more sectional density at the front of the pellet and enables deeper penetration to the vitals. Hitting the vitals results in a faster, more humane death. I conclude from my data, collected from 24 kills over 9 months, that .22 caliber Excites provide the best terminal performance of any pellet on cottontail rabbits and probably other medium-sized rodents.
Good penetration pellet shoots smooth and accurate out of a beeman p17 pistol and others.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNothing
I love these pellets. They are definitely worth every penny. I shot a free tin from PYRAMID air, my Gamo varmit loves them. Very accurate. Dont hunt just plink with them. Will be getting more, I ordered 4 more tins got one free gotta love that. The price was great 6.99 a tin, love them. Will be getting more again. Cant say enough. Straight flying pellets hit mark every time. Got scope set just right at 50 feet. 8.64 gr, good weight.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would not change anything about them for me, they are perfect for my gun, no problem no residue and no powder on fingers. Very clean pellets.
What Others Should KnowYou will like these pellets, clean, heavy enough for the travel from gun to target. Not real snug , but with the pellet seater I use, it makes sure that each pellet is a good fit. Would recommend this for others who would like to shoot accurate and at a great price, 6.99 dollars a tin. Clean pellets.
Nothing to complain about !
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
great pellet for the price I have a Webley& scott stingray VERRY PELLET PICKY hates anything but pointed pellets & I"v tried them all heavy light short hollow pt domed etc pointed is the only thing it eats with any accuracy at all dime sized groups at 30 yrds rested with a 3x9 scope
Things I Would Have ChangedMake them in 10.6 or 10.9 grains for the more powerful air guns that would make for a great hunting round ????in Alaska we got some thick skinned critters
What Others Should KnowIf you can keep these under 1100 to 1000 fps youl have a great pellet tried them in my 460 mag and they were allover the place it shoots crosman 10.5 with pinpoint accuracy
These are great pellets and are very accurate out of my custom 1377 .177 ,very clean and well made , I will be using these in my other airguns as well.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot one thing
What Others Should KnowThese are made by H&N sport in Germany, no seems visible.
A pointed pellet.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowI picked these up to try in my two favorite springers: a new HW30 and a 1980s vintage FWB124. They did just OK in the HW30, giving accuracy in the bottom half of all pellets I've tried in that gun (#19 out of 27). They performed very poorly in the '124. Pointed pellets are not known for their accuracy, so this was not a surprise. Still I wanted to try a pointed pellet and these seemed a good choice to try. They fit well in the bores of both guns and seemed to be sized consistently. They're worth a try if you're interested in shooting a pointed pellet.
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Aug 16, 2024
By Steve
Great finished product for the price you cannot beat these!
Things I Would Have ChangedPlease make lid a true twist on/off lol
What Others Should KnowThese have worked for me just fine no jams in my Sig p226 and my Ruger 10/22LR.