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Ammo Cometa Lynx V10 precharged repeating air rifle: Part 3

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged repeating air rifle: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle

The Cometas Lynx V10 is an exciting precharged repeater.

Part 1
Part 2

Today, we’ll look at the accuracy of the Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle for the first time. This test will be at 25 yards and will give me the opportunity to adjust the scope and to find one or two accurate pellets for this rifle. I also plan to shoot the Lynx at 50 yards, so today is preparation for that.

I used the single-shot adapter for all shooting in this test. I’ve used the magazine for this rifle and it works fine; but when I’m doing accuracy tests, I like to shoot them one at a time, if possible.

The test was 10 shots, rested, at 25 yards, unless otherwise stated. The first pellet I tried was the 15.9-grain JSB Exact pellet. I’d thought this might be the most accurate pellet in this rifle, as it often is in PCPs of this power. But this time was different, for 10 pellets made a group that measures 0.795 inches between centers! That’s not a good group for a PCP at 25 yards. It’s more of a magnum-springer group.

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle JSB Exact target
Ten 15.9-grain JSB Exacts made this group that measures 0.795 inches between centers.

That target surprised me, for I thought this pellet would be a slam-dunk, and it clearly wasn’t. That caused me to slow down and think about the test a little more.

The next pellet I tried was the Beeman Kodiak. I had played with Kodiaks earlier in this rifle, and they seemed to do well. This time, though, they didn’t group at all. I stopped shooting after 5 shots, and that very vertical group measures 0.879 inches between centers. I did notice that the pellets fit very tight in the breech, so that may be the problem.

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle Beeman Kodiak target
Just 5 Beeman Kodiak pellets went into this 0.879-inch group at 25 yards. Not a pellet for this rifle!

At this point, there was nothing to lose, so I tried the Predator Polymag pellet. It has never performed well for me in the past, but I thought this time might be different. Alas, that wasn’t the case. I lost the count and shot 6 Predators into a 0.731-inch group. That’s too bad, because if you can hit with this pellet it does perform. But with accuracy like the Lynx is giving, you’re taking too big a risk when shooting at any distance.

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle Predator Polymag target
Six Predator Polymags made this 0.731-inch group. Another pellet the Lynx doesn’t care for.

I switched to that old-time favorite, the Crosman Premier. These are usually good in PCPs. But in the Lynx, just 5 of them gave a horizontal group that measures 0.781 inches between centers. Another non-starter! And those who like to analyze things might consider how the rifle can string Kodiaks vertically and Premiers horizontally.

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle Crosman Premier target
Five Crosman Premiers went into this very linear group that measures 0.781 inches between centers.

Finally, the pellets were found!
I was very concerned at this point. The rifle wasn’t liking any of the pellets I usually select for accuracy. But there were a couple good choices remaining. The first of these was the 25.4-grain JSB Exact Jumbo Monster, a new domed pellet that delivers a huge punch in a precharged rifle. This was the first time I think I’ve tried this pellet in a test, though the tin was already open when I started. And they grouped well in the Lynx, too! Ten made a tight group that measures 0.492 inches, and that’s with a single straggler! Nine went into 0.464 inches!

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle JSB Jumbo Monster target
The JSB Exact Jumbo Monster shot well in the Lynx. Ten shots gave a very round group that measures 0.492 inches. This looked promising!

The next pellet I tried was the JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy — an 18.1-grain dome that some readers really admire! I haven’t gotten the best results from this pellet in the past, but this time I did. Ten went into a group measuring 0.362 inches. It was the best group of the session, and the one I will shoot first at 50 yards!

Cometa Lynx V10 precharged air rifle JSB Jumbo Heavy target
The JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy shot best. Ten shots gave a very round group that measures 0.362 inches. This is the pellet of choice for this Lynx.

So far
I learned a lot from this test. First, I learned that accuracy isn’t always a given. You have to try other pellets to find what works. And when you find it, the difference in accuracy can be startling.

Next, I learned that how the pellets feed into the breech may have a lot to do with the ultimate accuracy. I was certainly able to feel when the Kodiaks weren’t working.

Next stop is the 50-yard outdoor range, where the Lynx will be up against the odds. Ten shots at 50 yards is a pretty good acid test of accuracy for any airgun.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

30 thoughts on “Cometa Lynx V10 precharged repeating air rifle: Part 3”

  1. BB,

    You should have tried JSB & H&N pellets that have more than 1 head diameter. Like on the Mrod, it seems as if it prefers pellets larger than a certain head diameter. I think the last 2 have diameters of 5.52.


  2. Airgun pellet testing with all available pellets would require at least 30 segments (if vintage pellets were excluded) assuming the tester used appropriate weights which B.B. does. Not possible by a reviewer.

    For me,the value of these short(3-10 part series of airgun tests) is the indication of accuracy. Not the absolute. Perfecting hold, testing multiple pellets, adjusting the fps (in a pcp) to match the pellet weight, installing the ideal scope, etc. is the X factor in the end users mind for deciding if this gun is a buy.

    This regulated Cometa is interesting to me. In part 2 kodiaks were going to slow (825fps) to be accurate consistently. Nonetheless, I’ve seen barracuda match (rebadged kodiaks) in either 5.52 more often 5.53 or rarely 5.54 do well. Since the jsb 15.9gr were doing 912 fps (too fast) I’m assuming the jsb 18.1gr are doing an average of 885 fps which is ideal.

    Having stated this, fps with a certain pellet (weight) is generalizing. I’ve seen fast guns shoot light pellets best (a hot fwb 300 shot 7.33gr) andslow guns shoot heavy pellets best (HW35E shot AA Field 18.1 best. Didn’t shoot jsb 18.1gr worth a hoot)

    My point is that this article underscores the importance of shooting many pellets in your airgun before you label it an “inaccurate airgun”. My other suggestion is that no matter how smart you think you are about matching pellet weight to power plant don’t overlook extremely lightweight or extremely heavyweight pellets in your extended pellet testing sessions.


      • Wulfraed,

        Interesting question that I don’t have an answer for. I’ll give you my opinion.

        I shouldn’t have used the word “rebadged” so loosely.

        There are many pellets that look similar and have the same specs (weight, head size, etc.) sold under different names. Some examples that come to mind:

        Beeman FTS = ? H & N FTT
        JSB RS = ? Air Arms Falcon
        JSB 18.1gr = ? Air Arms Field Plus 18.13gr
        Beeman Kodiak = ? H & N Baracuda Match

        Beeman didn’t/doesn’t manufacture pellets and neither does Air Arms. I think H & N made/makes the bulk of the Beeman named pellets and I think JSB made/makes the bulk of the Air Arms named pellets. Since these similar but different pellets have shot very different in many of my guns I don’t think the pellets are “rebadged” but made from different dies with very similar specifications by the same manufacturer.


        • I was just tweaking on the directionality of the “rebadge” in your comment since, as I understand it, H&N is the actual maker.

          Heck, if you go down the Beeman list far enough, you run into an entry for:
          wherein the H&N actually appears in the name Beeman markets them by…

          Looking at other tins:
          H&N shows up in the fine print at the bottom of the label…

          Whether the manufacturing dies are the same, or if one name gets extra treatment, is not under my purview…

        • Kevin,

          I can verify that Air Arms pellets are indeed made by JSB on dies that are owned by Air Arms. So those dies are not used to make JSB-branded pellets — just Air Arms. According to what I was told, Air Arms spend a bundle creating the dies and the pellets are, indeed different, even though they do follow the general shape and weight of certain JSB-branded pellets.


  3. BB,
    50 yards will tell the tale — looks a little “pellet picky” which is one of my worst peeves. I do wonder if it is weight so much as head size and possibly other factors that make one work and another not work. Then there is the “harmonic vibration” deal…

    Since you are pellet guru today, I’ve been meaning to ask you what you think about the H&N FTT’s. I think I made a mental note one day that you liked them, but I misplaced the note (lost my mind :)), so I may be wrong. Anyway, they seem to come in a variety of head sizes, which would be great for seeing what some of mine really like in that regard. Are they any good?

    • BG_Farmer,

      Pellet guru?!! LOL!

      I like the H & N FTT pellets. Very consistent. They’re a hard pellet. They usually perform well but have only been the best pellet in one of my guns (walther lg53). The bigger head sizes of .54 and .55 shot horrible in every gun I tried them in. .52 does well most of the time though. I had a .22 cal airwolf mct that shot 5.53 best of any pellet. Go figure.

      The beeman fts pellets are very similar to the h & n ftt pellets but the old beeman fts usually do better in my spring guns. Several FWB 124’s I owned shot the beeman fts pellets best and wouldn’t group h & n ftt pellets in any head size.

      One thing I’ve found is that if an airgun will group h & n ftt or beeman fts pellets well it will usually group better with crosman premiers that come in the cardboard box. Not always true but most of the time it’s true.


      • Thanks. I’ll look at the FTS — if various head sizes are available, it might do better based on what you’ve said — and mine are all springers. Basically I just want a fair comparison that varies only size in a pellet that isn’t ultra-heavy.

  4. Kind of picky for what I’m guessing is a hefty price tag. And I’m guessing that the .3 best group is a little outside of 1 MOA for 5 shots. On to 50 yards by all means. On that subject, I read about an interesting rifle by Magnum Research called something like the MLR22AT. It’s basically a knock-off of the Ruger 10/22. Astoundingly light and accurate with its stainless steel and graphite barrel. Shooting tests showed it under an inch with five shots at 50 yards with all kinds of ammunition. I would have thought that copying the Ruger design like this would infringe copyright but I guess not.

    BG_Farmer, thanks for the offer. That would be something to see those blackpowder guys shoot. I heard some pretty tall claims at the blackpowder seminar I attended and actually did fairly well with my one offhand shot at 25 yards with the flintlock.

    Watched part of a show called American Guns on YouTube; it’s a reality show about a full service gunstore and gunsmithing operation. They are highly skillful at buying and trading and they build guns from scratch with ease. But they don’t seem to know much about shooting. The teenage son of the family faced off against his sister in a shooting contest to hit popcorn bags offhand at what looked like a little over 10 meters. The boy’s weapon of choice was an M1A in .308 for its thousand yard capability. At least, he opted for the cut-down SOCOM version for close quarters battle with the popcorn. His sister had a Sig 556. When the signal was given, they both cut loose with a fair imitation of full-auto fire. And the loser was?…Mr. Thousand Yard Round. At the distance they were shooting, you could have hit pieces of popcorn with an air rifle.

    Another thing that stood out was the impulsiveness of the people. It is a reality show I suppose. But they were dropping insane amounts of money on a whim and blowing up at each other at work. In martial arts, even foam nunchakus are treated with great respect for the amount of destruction they can deal out. And here are people acting irrational around weapons that are far more potent. To paraphrase Darth Vader, I find their lack of etiquette disturbing…


    • Regarding the Ruger — it wouldn’t be copyright so much as patent laws… I’ve not kept up but patents used to have a 17-year lifespan. After 17 years, anyone could produce a “generic” version of the item.

      Even with changes, I’m pretty sure patents still expire within a generations — unlike all the copyright extensions pushed by “the Mouse that Roars” (in Congress — it still tries to squeak cutely to the paying public) which wants copyright to last through the heat death of the universe…

    • Matt61,

      The cable show American Guns is about Rich Wyatt, his employees and his gun shop that is called Gunsmoke. Gunsmoke is about a half a mile from my home. They have a horrible reputation here. If you watch their gunsmithing services for 10 minutes on that show you can see why. Incompetent. I know we now have 600 channels but nonetheless it’s amazing to me that this show is even on the air.


      • Kevin,

        Thanks for your comment. I watched that show several times before deciding that the owner is full of himself and also full of something else. They bragged about building an SAA and a 66 Yellowboy from scratch! That’s as dumb as making toothpicks from trees!

        You can see the personality of the owner come through on the show and he turns me off. Anyone who rents a helicopter to fly to some house that has a driveway, and then flashes a bundle of cash to try to impress, is a phony.

        On the upside, the rest of the family seems very nice. But I wouldn’t set foot in his store.


        • I’ve managed to miss that series… Unfortunately (back when I had cable) I ended up catching episodes of that Louisiana swamp shop (Red Jacket -> Sons of Guns).

          Maybe the can do real gunsmithing, but as another so-called reality show they emphasize the stupidest things with a weld&cut design principle… The sanest episode I saw was the one where they converted a local police department semi-auto replica Thompson to selective-fire.

          • One of my friends renamed sons of guns “sons of dumbs”.
            The owner and some of the guys seems very knowledgeable but the young one who married the shop owners daugther… I’m not so sure.


      • I’m not surprised. The prices they charge are horrendous! I don’t know much beyond practical on modern firearms though I could probably do one of their $1000 trigger jobs, but they’ve done enough dangerous things with BP to make me wonder how they can get away with televising it — must really not know what they are doing. The worst I saw was welding barrels together — big no no to weld on the barrels…or maybe it was the “punt gun” made out of black pipe with a $2 cap as breech plug. Also, I saw the fat one appear to breech a barrel with a hand drill; probably too lazy to walk to the lathe. The son has some talent for engraving, and the daughter and wife have some charms of their own, but the boss and the gunsmiths are idiots. Anyway, I’m not known as Mr. Safety, so things are pretty bad when I’m appalled.

      • Kevin,
        Thanks for the insights. I agree with B.B., and his take on the owner. I don’t watch that show, but I tried to. The owner lays it on a bit thick, so there is too much fluff and hardly any substance. The show just doesn’t make any sense. Knowing what I know about Pawn Stars, I still like to watch it. Knowing nothing about American Guns, other than what I’ve seen on the show, I don’t bother.

  5. Hello . I have only watched the first or second episode of “Sons of Guns”. That was enough for me. If it’s a TV reality series, it’s bound to go from the sublime to the ridiculous. Just my opinion mind you. I just wanted to comment on something Kevin said about H+N pellets being hard. Being from Canada, I am subject to 500fps in both rifles and pistols. I have quite the plethora of pellet brands and styles. I find JSB gives me the best performance in all my Weihrauch guns. When I shoot an H+N pellet of similar weight, eg, JSB 8.4 gr. vs H+N FTT 8.64 gr., the velocity will drop as much as 80 fps. When you are limited to a certain speed, loosing 60-80 fps makes a big difference. Crossman 7.9gr. box pellets are a bit better, but I think its JSB for me. I think the hardness of the H+N pellets have a lot to do with thees results. A good review of the Cometa Lynx, B.B.. I always pay particular attention to the velocity and accuracy tests. I’m really looking forward to the 50 yd. accuracy part. This should tell if the JSB 18.1 gr. is truly accurate.
    Caio Titus

  6. Tom-

    My Lynx likes the H&N Baracuda Match 21.3 grain pellets. May want to try these in the rifle as well. I need to do some more testing and chrony the rifle as well but it is a nice shooter like any other if you find the right lead to sling. Look forward to the 50 yard test.

  7. robert,
    You asked about Tom’s dime and he explained in a past blog why he uses that particular one. But here’s a question I just saw answered in today’s newspaper: Do you know why Franklin Roosevelt is even on a dime?

    Because of his polio he helped establish the organization that later became known as The March of Dimes. After his death there were public requests to put him on a coin, and the dime was the most logical choice. It was released to the public on his birthday in 1946. Now go out there and grab as many of those 1946 dimes as you can.

  8. Well after getting my Lynx back from AirForce airguns due to a leak due to a faulty regulator I have it back for setting up. Got to fine tune the scope but so far she is firing and cycling just fine. Holding air as well! I need to get this gun on the chrony to get the numbers with the H&N Baracuda Match 21.3 grains to see what she is pumping out. Have a 13 round magazine on order as well.

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