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Education / Training Benjamin Marauder .25 caliber: Part 1

Benjamin Marauder .25 caliber: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Secrets of loading the Benjamin Marauder magazine
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Fixing a Marauder magazine
Part 7

Benjamin Marauder
Benjamin Marauder

This report is an emotional one for me. The last time I tried to report on the .25-caliber Benjamin Marauder, I became very ill and it took me two years to complete the test. In fact, I never did complete the test myself because I was in the hospital part of the time. My buddy, Mac, drove from his home in Maryland to Texas to test airguns for me so he could bank a lot of data and pictures that allowed me to write my blogs from a hospital bed. Mac is now gone, and I’m starting all over again with this rifle.

I’m revisiting the .25-caliber Marauder because I never really got to test it properly the first time. Also because having tested the .177 Marauder, I felt this big gun needed to be reported at the same time. You see, Marauders are good sellers at Pyramyd AIR, and several blog readers asked for this specific report.

There’s one more reason for testing this particular Marauder. It’s an entirely different rifle than the .177 we’ve been testing. Yes, all the controls work the same on both rifles and the external dimensions are the same, but a .25-caliber pellet changes the very nature of the rifle in the same way that a one-ton pickup truck differs from a compact truck from the same manufacturer. The .25 Marauder is a BIG air rifle! Big in terms of the magazine and the hole at the end of the barrel. So, this isn’t the quiet little sniper rifle we’ve come to know. This is a hunting air rifle.

I linked to the recent tests of the .177 Marauder simply because I won’t be covering all of the same ground here that I already covered there. This report will cover new ground.

The lauan stock
We are fortunate to have a test rifle with the much-maligned lauan wood stock. It may be made from lauan…I don’t know, but I’ve read so many bad remarks about this stock that I was shocked to realize that this test rifle has one. Shocked because it isn’t bad at all! It has a nice plain grain. It feels lighter than the beech stock on the earlier .177-caliber Marauder we’ve been looking at, and it’s shaped just as nicely. The checkered areas have grown smaller on the new stock, but the cheekpiece still rolls to both sides of the butt, making this an almost fully ambidextrous rifle. Only the location of the bolt handle, which cannot be changed, favors right-handers over southpaws.

By the way, another name for lauan wood is Philippine mahogany. I’ve seen this wood used in furniture, and it doesn’t receive such a bad rap. It’s a hardwood, but it grows fast enough to be a renewable source of wood for many markets, including plywood products. I think the bad reputation comes from the fact that lauan is often used to skin low-quality hollow-core interior doors. People see that these doors can’t stand up to outside environments, and they think it’s because of the wood used in them. But lauan is not especially weak when used by itself.

I do find this wood to be thirstier than beech when I rubbed the stock down with Ballistol. So far, it’s soaking into the pores quite fast, leaving a dry, matte surface behind.

The test rifle has no scope mounted, so I’m taking the opportunity to install a new UTG 6-24X56 AO Accushot SWAT scope that Leapers sent for me to test. I’ll give you a separate report on the scope, so I’ll just mention it for now. The scope comes with 30mm rings that have Weaver bases, and the Marauder scope rail is for 11mm bases; fortunately, I also have a set of UTG Weaver-to-11mm or 3/8″ dovetail adapters that allow Weaver rings to fit on 11mm rails, so these rings will fit.

Power and setup
I can tell you right now that this Marauder rifle is shooting in the 38-40 foot-pound region, so it’s a proper thumper! I know that from the last set of tests Mac ran in 2010. But I plan to run the tests all over, just as if I never tested the gun at all. I probably won’t tune the rifle to shoot with less power or at a lower maximum fill pressure because we’ve already seen how that goes in the test of the .177 Marauder. I do plan to adjust the trigger to be as nice as the one on the .177 rifle, but I doubt I’ll say much about that because it’s ground we’ve already covered.

The rifle is set up to work with slightly less than 3,000 psi right now, and I don’t see changing that. I’ll confirm what the max pressure is, and only if it’s several hundred pounds below 3,000 will I make any adjustments.

The accuracy test is where I plan on spending most of my time. There are so few accurate .25-caliber pellets, so I’ll do some comparison testing with several pellets at 25 yards. The best pellets from that test will make it to the 50-yard test. I’ll modify my 25-yard test to include more pellets than I normally shoot because the world of .25-caliber pellets is so small that we really can’t afford to overlook a possible good one.

.22 caliber Marauder
While I test the .25-caliber rifle, I’m awaiting the arrival of the new Marauder with synthetic stock. I hope to get one of those in .22 caliber, which will give me my first chance to test this rifle in that caliber, as well as testing the new configuration stock and the altered trigger.

The rifle
The rifle I’m now testing is 3 years old and was made in .25 caliber from the beginning. The magazine is therefore much thicker than one made for a .22-caliber or .177-caliber rifle. Instead of holding 10 pellets like the 2 smaller calibers, the .25 caliber magazine holds 8.

The rifle’s remaining dimensions and specifications are the same as those of the smaller-caliber Marauders. The overall weight will vary with the density of the wood in the stock, but this new wood seems to be less dense than what was used in the past.

When I picked up the test rifle, I noticed that it’s still holding a charge of air. The last time it was shot was in April 2012, so how’s that for holding a charge?

So, sit back and relax. There’s a lot more Marauder coming your way!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

79 thoughts on “Benjamin Marauder .25 caliber: Part 1”

  1. Have been waiting for this report.
    And you said it right BB. the .25 cal. Marauders are definitely thumpers. I love mine.

    There was something I was going to mention about the fill pressure when you did the .177 cal. rifle but I think it will maybe make more sense to connect it with the .25 cal. Marauder as far as hunting goes. Maybe not so much associated with paper punching.

    You covered what the different adjustments did with fill pressure and fps. But you really didn’t cover what (Fill Pressure) does for maximum (Foot Pounds of Energy).

    That’s kind of the beauty also of the Marauders adjustability. Maybe some people want a high shot count for target shooting or field target as you talked about with the .177 or .22 cal. Marauder. But what about if you want maximum knock down energy for hunting. When I hunt I want what I hit to go down fast. I want the shot to be humane and make a quick kill.(I have actually tracked a wounded squirrel before because I didn’t want it out there suffering). And if I fill the gun to 3000 psi and only get lets say 10 usable shots. Then that’s great for the purpose of whatever I may be hunting.

    And what I’m talking about is you can really turn the Marauders up if needed and you can also tone them down if needed.

    I have the heavier striker spring in my Marauders. And people say that Mod will make the gun vibrate more and hurt accuracy. And that’s true depending on how you adjust it. But with the heavier spring you don’t need to compress it as much as you do with the lighter spring which makes the gun not as violent when you fire the gun.

    So what I’m getting at is that my gun with let’s say a 3200 psi fill with the striker stroke adjustment almost maxed out with the spring tension fairly tight (along with the transfer port adjustment opened up) you can put out some serious (fpe) with that tune were other guns would possibly go into full or partial valve lock.
    And again the shot string would I’m sure be terrible if I did adjust my gun and leave it set that way. I basically chronyed the gun with the 31 grn. Barracuda’s. I actually was able to get my gun up to 1025 fps. with the above set up. But it only maintained that for about 6 shots then started rapidly falling off. That’s serious fpe for a .25 cal. airgun though.

    Again that was just to see what it would do. Right now the gun is set for about 950 fps at a 3000 psi fill with the Barracudas. And the gun is getting about 25 usable shots. So for me that is great.

    • I’m using the factory components, fill to 3000 psi, and shoot down do 1800-2000 psi. I also use the 31 gr barracudas. I have the transfer port screw closed down pretty far, only 2.5 turns open, producing velocities that start and end around 760 fps and peak close to 800. I have the Gaska air chamber extension and get about 25 shots. Even at this power level, shots easily pass right through squirrels, not necessarily delivering all the pellet’s energy. Squirrels are amazingly tough and shot placement is still critical. I have yet to find a blunter-nosed pellet that groups near as well as the barracudas. I also lube all my pellets with Krytech wax.

    • how and what did you do to your mrod to get a barracuda to shot a high velocity string like that with that many shots. that’s exactly the tune im looking for. any help would be much appreciated

      • dustytrails
        I used a 10 pound striker spring. Opened the transferport air flow adjustment all the way up. Striker is set for full stroke (the striker screw that hits the air valve is all the way back so the striker can move the maximum distance available). And the 10 pound striker spring is adjusted so the spring is compressed at its max. At that setting the gun will only get about 6 shots.

        When the gun is getting the 25 shots at about the 18th shot the point of impact starts dropping off. But it will stay in the kill zone on the shots after number 18. The kill zone that I’m using with this gun is about 1 and 1/2″. The gun is set like above but with the spring tension set at about 4 turns. And the transfer port screw is set if I remember right about 2 turns out from closed. I stated the highest number in feet per second which was 950 fps. But with the gun set up this way the fps drops off pretty quick with each shot. It will be somewhere around 800fps or so by the 25th shot.

        And there is something I have on my gun now that a person is going to start producing. But I cant say what it is till they have it ready. They say in about 2 more months it could be ready. And it does help. That’s all I can say right now. But when he tells me he is ready to start selling the product I will post about it.

        I hope I explained what you wanted to know.

  2. I don’t own any airguns in .25 yet, but it’s something that my mind keeps toying with. Maybe one of these will fit the bill… Luaun is not a dense wood and doesn’t “feel” strong. It’s not as structurally strong as beech or other hard woods, so it’s not a great choice for a springer, but this isn’t a springer.


  3. I’m wondering what one would hunt with this rifle. I have it in .22 and it does fine on squirrels, and I suppose it would take out larger animals as well-I haven’t tried. I suppose that would also depend on the tune. I have done nothing with the tune on my .22. So what would this rifle be able to take out?

    Michael in Georgia

  4. When I was able to handle that sweet rifle I found the stock to be great. It felt strong but light but not too much and easy to handle. I would have nothing to complain about if I could buy one here.

    I’m curious to know if there’s a difference in loudness between .177 and .25, not that it really makes a difference for me, just because I’m curious 😉


    ps. Happy birthday Tom!

  5. Hello B.B. et all. I get the best groups from Barracuda Match pellets in my .25 Marauder. Using the single shot tray further improves accuracy. Please consider comparing some groups using the tray vs magazine.
    In regards to the tuning and fill pressure, I think it’s important to emphasize how to know when you’re using the correct fill pressure for a particular tuning. This requires a chronograph, of course. When the starting pressure and striker tuning are properly matched, velocities will begin to rise for the first few shots, tend to level out at some peak value, and then begin to fall again. If the velocities in the shot string just fall with each shot, the starting pressure was too low or the total striker energy was too high. If the velocities start by climbing steeply higher for each shot for quite a few shots, the starting pressure was too high or the striker energy was too low. The striker energy results from a combination of the striker spring compression adjustment and the length of stroke adjustment.
    Once the fill pressure and striker energy are balanced to produce shot strings with velocities that rise and fall evenly, then you can use the transfer port metering screw to raise and lower the velocities in the string for finding the best velocity for a particular pellet. The more you close off the metering screw (CW), the lower the velocities will be, but the more shots you will get per fill. It will also get quieter as it makes more efficient use of the air released for each shot.
    I drilled a hole in the side of my stock to allow adjusting the metering screw quickly. I have found that the jam screw that goes in over top of the metering screw is not necessary. So one quick adjustment of the metering screw changes the Marauder from a plinker to a hunter. NEAT STUFF! The method for recording the metering screw position is to turn it CW until it stops and then count the number of CCW turns that you open it.

    • Feinwerk,

      I will look into a single-shot tray for this rifle. I don’t have one for the .177, but I am a single-shot guy and don’t need any convince that single shot is the best way to go for accuracy. I’m probably one of the few people who loads an AR-15 as a single shot.


  6. I shot Eriks .25 cal marauder many times. His is a very accurate gun.

    I remember years ago, late at night, sitting in my lit garage shooting over a chrony into the dark and helping Erik adjust the velocity for his upcoming hunting trip. When we finished I went out in the dark to retrieve my pellet box that we were shooting into and it was destroyed.


    ps-B.B., Happy Birthday and many more.

  7. I do a small amount of woodwork and have used Lauan/Luan/Meranti/Philippine Mahogany. There are several species which are known by this name. You can look up Philippine Mahogany at the wood database web site and click on each specific species to see its properties (look up “the wood database” on Google and then “Browse the Database:” by common name).

    I’m not sure which species of Lauan I have worked with, but I like it. I am currently making a skeleton clock case for my wife out of it.

  8. If I ever managed to get a Marauder It will likely be a .22 cal simply because I don’t have much use for a .25. I find .22 works fine but smaller calibers don’t pack the punch I need. So I’ll be interested in this in a .22. Another reason for wanting to see how a .22 marauder stacks up is because I want to compare it to my custom Discovery that I have so much time and effort into making every bit as good as a marauder. I want to know if I succeeded in my goal.

  9. Thank You Mr BB Pelletier for this review, I would like to inform everyone in this forum that this rifle is exceptionally accurate even past 50 yards. I have a 4x16x40 UTG scope on mine and with Benjamin Domed 27.8 pellets I got 5 pellets in the red with a Shoot N C target at 35 yards on my initial sight in! It has already taken two squirrels as well. I haven’t had issue with the stock and it performs well. As my first PCP and 2nd .25 air gun it is the most powerful air gun in my collection and arguably the most accurate with the exception of my RWS Dianna Meisterschutze .177 which is precise and can hit a coin across a yard. I’m curious as to the fps it gets on factory setting and how it shoots with CO2.

  10. BB,
    Happy Birthday — mine was a few weeks ago, so you are in good company :)! I think we have the same truck as well, and my battery is long past replacement on it. The last one went out when I took the truck in for a new starter — wouldn’t crank when when I picked it up, so I felt extorted/pressured and put a cheap $30 rebuilt on it to get it home and last the summer — 6 years ago, I think :)! It started going weak this winter and needed a trickle charger, but the warm weather brought it back.

    Marauder in .25 almost makes sense to me in terms of a useful PCP/rimfire proxy. Not saying I’ll buy one, but I’ll look forward to the review.

  11. B.B.
    Just got a P 17 that is not working.It would not cock. The compression is excellent as you try to cock the pistol but instead of cocking, the air is released in a blast through the transfer port at the end of the cocking cycle. I sprayed some silicone lube into the transfer port and quite a bit ofwhite grease was blown out of the port but it still does not cock. Do you or anyone else have any idea what the problem is and how to solve it. Don’t want to take the gun apart unless i have to.
    Any help will be appreciated.


    • I had this problem with one of mine. Due to some slop in the tolerances and assembly, one of the levers in the trigger assembly that cocks the valve twists slightly on its pivot pin. There is a tension spring that also locates on the same pivot pin. One end of the spring pushes on the rear inside of the grip. By repositioning this spring end, it made the other end of the spring push the lever back into better alignment. You have to remove the RH side of the grip to access it. While you’re in there, add some moly paste to all contact points. Do a search on “P17 trigger problem” for more guidance. Good Luck.

  12. B.B.
    Happy birthday. Hope Edith takes you out for a nice dinner ( with lot of okra. LOL! )
    They say that 60 is the new 40 so I guess that you are 46 today.
    Best regards


  13. I like the stock. The lighter color is different which kind of makes it unique to the Marauder line.
    I think anyway.

    And a very Happy Birthday to you. Well I don’t know about you but in my mind I still feel like a kid. 😉

    Oh and my from the factory .25 Marauder was quieter than my .177 Marauder.

    I have taken Racoon’s with my .177 Marauder at around 35 yrds. and also Crows.
    With the tune I have on my 25 I have done it out to 65 yrds. with the pellet still passing through.

    Here is something else that I have done shooting out at my Brothers house.
    We were shooting at 30 yrds. Me with the 25 Marauder. Him with a 9 mm Beretta.

    We had a 2×4 propped up against a tree and the 9mm was almost making it through and knocking the 2×4 around pretty good. When I shot the 25 it was just passing through the 2×4 like it wasn’t even there.
    I know that it is two different rounds from two different types of guns with different purposes. But that’s still impressive.

    And BB thanks but no thanks. You just keep on writing the blogs. Your doing a wonderful job. 🙂

    • Gunfun 1,

      Did I read right when you said, “… my from the factory .25 Marauder was quieter than my .177 Marauder”?

      If this is correct, can you tell me if you’ve shot your .25 caliber Marauder over a chronograph? If so, I’d be interested in the velocity and type of pellet. Thanks.


      • kevin
        I have chronyed my guns to many times and my 177 has always been louder than my 25. I don’t know if it is my particular guns or if they are all that way.

        I don’t know if you read one of the last blogs. But I cut my barrel down and added more factory baffles to try to get the 177 quieter.

        The 25 is currently shooting at 950 fps. And I just turned the 177 up to 950 fps (I had it turned down just for the fact of trying to keep it quiet) and both guns seem to be equal in sound. I don’t have any measuring equipment for sound but again they sound equal.

        I’m shooting Barracudas with the 25.
        And AirArms Field Heavy and JSB Exact Heavy Diabolo’s with the 177.

        • Gunfun1,

          Thanks for the response.

          This is very interesting to me since the oem .177 marauder has been silent/very quiet in my experience compared to the medium loud oem .25 marauder. My experience is limited though. My stock rapid .25 had a very loud bark with a similar shroud to the .25 marauder so I appreciated the relatively small noise that the marauder made.


            • Gunfun1,

              You’re short circuiting me.

              I sing praises of the .177 marauder on many forums since it’s so quiet at of the box. No ldc/moderator necessary that adds costs and length.

              I’ve always been impressed by the power vs. report of the .25 marauder out of the box. BUT the report between the 177 and 25 is dramatic in my limited experience. Dramatic.

              There are ways to make the .25 quieter but why? The purpose of the .25 marauder is medium fpe. One shot one kill. This gun can do that. Very well. Think of multiple prairie dogs in the same day and you’ll appreciate the quiet but not silent out of the box design that doesn’t need to be tampered with. This is not a quiet backyard plinker because that’s not what it’s designed for.


          • You know, it’s interesting. My .177 Marauder is very quiet; maybe even quieter than some since I run it at 11.5 fpe. I once had a little adventure in tuning the striker stroke length setting, thinking I might drop the pressure where my peak velocity happens.

            I was shortening the stroke length (turning the stroke adjustment clockwise). This is supposed to lower the energy of the strike, right? A “gentler” release of air, right?

            At 2.5 turns shorter, I found a setting where my rifle was indeed starting at a lower velocity as expected, but was WAY louder than the longer stroke, and burned a little more air than the longer-stroke configurations! Completely unexpected, at least to me. No idea why that would be.

            I ran back in fear to my original settings. To date, I’ve only noodled with the transfer port adjustment. The easiest of all Marauder adjustments is *reducing* your velocity by choking down the transfer port. This trivially gives you velocities as low as you care to go, a flatter, longer shot string, and probably a quieter report.


            • GenghisJan and kevin
              Both of my Marauders are definitely quiet guns. But yes I also tryed adjusting the 177 different ways and just always seemed louder for some reason (not alot but for sure louder).

              I have the TKO Muzzle Brake on the Marauders now along with my Crosman 1720T and Marauder pistol. And they are all deadly quiet now.

              And you asked why quieter. I have a pretty good place to shoot but I still have neighbors (they also shoot). But the less I disturb them or for that fact the game I’m hunting or even when I do pest control. The quieter the better.

              That’s just my opinion about noise. But yes out of the box the Marauder rifle, Marauder pistol, and the 1720T are very quiet guns.
              You could probably shoot inside with them referring to noise. But you better have a good backstop for them. Especially the .25 cal. 🙂

    • Feinwerk

      If I recall correctly you must register with Word Press. Click ‘Register’ under ‘Airgun Academy Links’ at the top of the page. The registration will allow you to select an avatar which will automatically be posted alongside comments made with the same email used in the Word Press account.

      I could be mistaken. It was a couple years ago that I did this.

      • Feinwerk

        You must also register with Gravatar. http://en.gravatar.com/

        From Edith’s instructions:

        Once you have your Pyramyd AIR blog account, go to Gravatar.com.

        Click on the “Sign up” link in the blue bar at the top of the page. Follow the prompts and wait for the confirmation email (it could take a few minutes to receive).

        To create your account, your email address must match the email address you used for your Pyramyd AIR blog account. Your Gravatar name and password can be different than it is for this blog. In fact, my name (Edith Gaylord) was already taken by someone else on Gravatar, so I had to choose a different name.

        After you’re done uploading your image, click through to the end and select a rating for your avatar. Only G-rated avatars are allowed on this blog.

        When you’re done following all the prompts on Gravatar, sign in to your Pyramyd AIR blog account if you’re not signed in already, and your avatar should start showing up for all comments from then on and should fill in the avatars for all blog comments made previously if they were made when you were signed in with that account.

  14. Happy 66th B-day Tom. I just logged into your blog about the .25cal. Marauder this afternoon. This is not breaking news in itself, however, it is the first time in a couple of years I didn’t read the blog the night before. I took the wife out for a feast of Indian curried lamb for our anniversary last night. This gun seems to be one I would choose If I had a notion to buy one in .25cal. Although the Marauder isn’t available in Canada yet, the rules governing the use of a shroud have been reviewed and it looks like we may see them in future. One fellow was able to purchase a Daystate Airwolf in .25cal. The shroud is fine, however baffles are still a no no. It amazes me how quick a law is put in place, however, it takes forever to make amendments on the same law. I guess we need to celebrate the small victories as we hope for a complete relaxation on airgun laws. Again, have a very Happy Birthday, B.B.
    Caio Titus

    • GaryCN,

      This rifle wasn’t on my radar. But I went to the Crosman website and looked at it.

      I see that it is a .25-caliber springer with a Nitro Piston. The velocity is mild enough for accuracy, so it may be a good one.

      I will schedule it.


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