Beeman .177 Cal, 7.2 Grains, Hollowpoint, Coated, 500ct
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- .177 caliber
- 7.2 grains
- Coated hollowpoint
- 500 per tin
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10 of 88 Beeman .177 Cal, 7.2 Grains Reviews
I had heard great opinions from the past
Things I Would Have ChangedClean these pellets up and get some better quality control.
What Others Should KnowPellets were filthy and lots of misshapen skirts. Poor quality. Reconsider when wanting to buy these pellets and buy some other brands hollow points.
I like them be cuz they are coated.Thet are light and fast thr my Scofield pistol.They are good plinkers and I thought I might try'em out on Frogs this spring!
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a thing
What Others Should KnowPractice, shooters!
There is not much good to say. These pellets are awful in every way. But they are inexpensive.
Things I Would Have ChangedBeeman needs to bring back the original 1222 gold anodized pellets. They are clean, consistent, and shoot unbelievable out of a Beeman P1. It is the pellet that is made for that pistol (mine anyway).
What Others Should KnowI bought a tin of 1222 a decade ago that would not work with my model 48 (supersonic). I got a P1 about a year ago and could not find anything it shot well. I found the 1222s languishing in the closet, and they were amazing. Like lights shining down from heaven with an angels choir amazing. I MUST find more of these pellets! But no, they are no longer made. (Alas, to suffer the same fate as the fabled Silver Jet.) Lo, here are pellets that may be heirs to the throne, from the same beloved company no less! To have one's hopes dashed as such, the horror. I will attach photographic evidence to support this wild tale.
I stumbled on a review for these inexpensive pellets and decided to check them out. They are getting amazing groups in my multi-pump rifles! While I wouldn't want to, and don't intend to, hunt with these rifles, knowing that I can do half-inch groups at 15 yards with these pellets means that if I had to, I could. And their price makes them easy to buy for plinking too! Fit and finish, for this price point is very good.
Things I Would Have ChangedThese pellets come in a very flimsy tin without a screw top to the container. I worry that I'll drop it and lose the whole batch in the yard.
What Others Should KnowThis pellet appears to be a Chinese knockoff of a very popular H&N pellet design, which makes them a fairly reliable and accurate choice, especially for those on a budget or who, like me, don't see any reason to pay for more expensive options just to plink around (or hunt) at short ranges.
This is an excellent product. Quality control is excellent. Not very many bad pellets in tin.
What Others Should KnowDefinetly cull this tin for bad pellets, just to be safe.
For my slower FPS pistols, this is an awesome pellet. My 900+ (.177) air rifles don't like it, and I'm not sure why. The pellets are mostly well formed, though I find between 5-10% with bent skirts (right out of the tin). They shoot straight and make nice target impact.The price point is a great value when looking for a repeating lead thrower air gun!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe tin is terrible. Neither of first two tins will close and stay tightly closed. So, add a detente or two to the lid to keep it closed.
What Others Should KnowCompare to other less expensive pointed or hollow point pellets, these Beemans are very nice. They shoot well in my P17 and my Colt SAA revolver.
Very consistent accuracy at 12 meters with 5 pumps in my 1377 Five shots , .5" and less , continually Excellent energy transfer into softer targets
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing for the price point or my use
What Others Should KnowA go to pellet for all around use for me
Very consistent accuracy at 12 meters with 5 pumps in my 1377 Five shots , .5" and less , continually Excellent energy transfer into softer targets
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing for the price point or my use
What Others Should KnowA go to pellet for all around use for me
I have been using these pellets for several years and the weight of each is very consistent and I have found very few deformed pellets in all of the tins that I have been through over the years. They are very clean and the coating doesn't leave any residue in the barrel. They are the most accurate pellets that I have found for my Beeman air rifle. Three of my others do not shoot this pellet nearly as accurately. They all prefer different shape and weight pellets. A good tip to new air gunners out there, try as many different shape and weight pellets as you can find in your air rifle and spend the time shooting 10 shot groups with each different one.
Things I Would Have ChangedThere is. Itching that I would change about these pellets. They perform great in my Beeman air rifle!
What Others Should KnowThis is actually a very good pellet for hunting with the accuracy that I'm able to obtain with it. Headshots on rabbits out to 40yds. and they just fall over dead. Same thing with squirrels but at 30yds. due to the smaller size target.
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Jul 03, 2023
By Vince
The accuracy from these pellets. I have shot these in my Feinwerkbau 124 sport Deluxe ,nothing but 1 hole 10 shot groups @10 meters(11yds.) Open sights (NO SCOPE) Same with my IZH 46M pistol 1 hole 10 shot groups, open sights (NO SCOPE), and the same with my TF Model 79 Co2 Rifle Open sights (NO SCOPE )and my Diana 75 (peep sight ) All 4 guns shoot 1 hole groups @ 10 meters. No other pellets would do that and I tried at least 16 different brands, each gun would like something different. I have to buy these up before they discontinue them like they do with everything else that is good. These are EXTREMELY Accurate and priced at a fair price.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. DO NOT DISCONTINUE. as a matter of fact you can Lower the price because I think all pellets are over priced. There are to many middle men have there hand in the cookie jar.
What Others Should KnowWhen you go to rate your pellets, you must remember this. ALL guns have a different appetite for ammo. What ammo works for one gun doesn't mean it will work for all. I am fortunate that these pellets work for all 4 of my guns.