H&N Excite Coppa-Spitzkugel,, Image 1
H&N Excite Coppa-Spitzkugel,, Image 1
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H&N Excite Coppa-Spitzkugel, .177 Cal, 7.56 Grains, Pointed, 500ct

3.59 reviews
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$0.030 / Rd


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  • .177 caliber
  • 7.56 grains
  • Pointed
  • Copper-coated
  • 500 pellets

Many airgunners like to avoid contact with lead, so these copper-coated pellets will be perfect for that. These are economical pellets made by H&N, Germany's premier ammo manufacturer.

Suitable for plinking. Not recommended for rotary magazines.
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.177 (4.5mm)
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9 of 9 H&N Excite Coppa-Spitzkugel, .177 Cal Reviews

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Not lead pallet. No need to wash my hand. Accurate within 10 to 20 yard. But i want to hit very very accurate with my air pistal or rifle more than 20 Yards , I will switch to JSB 7.33 gram.



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The copper plating helps keep down lead fouling in the barrel


These pellets have proven to be relatively accurate in the air rifles I have tried them in (3). It is not target grade accuracy but not bad.

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I wanted to try these pellets in .177 cal. because in .22 and 25 cal.,these pellets work good. I will say that in my guns they would not group well. The pellets are made well and in someone elses guns they may shoot good.

Maybe a heavier grain pellet would work better in my guns.

Try these pellets in your guns and see how they group.

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Manufactured well. Formed well,packed well with few deformed pellets,and the copper plating seems even.

Price. Always want more for less cash!

Bought these as a substitute for some 30 year old Mauser branded Spitz Kugel pellets that are very accurate from many of my springers as well as some co2 pistols I own.Unfortunately, these pellets turn in groups that are 50% larger, on average. Most of the characteristics that I can measure are the same as the Mausers except the Excites are a little heavier. maybe copper coating is thicker or maybe coating varies in thickness and destabilizes the pellet. For whatever reason they just aren't as good as the Mausers which don't seem to be around any longer.

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Copper coated. Light weight for a pointed pellet. Penetration.

Nothing but the price.

I do like the copper coating for clean fingers. Like all pointed pellets, they are not the most accurate. At 10 yards I had one flyer that missed by about 6 inches. For accuracy you need to be shooting domed pellets. These pellets do have great penetration.

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Coppa Spitz are good light pellets for pump up rifles. If avoiding lead exposure - and the expense of PBAs - is a priority, it will reliably get the work done up to around 15 yards. The reviewer who felt that the Coppa Spitz shot wildly is right...If a magnun spring gun is used. These are way to light for those guns - not a stand in for Silver Arrows. Long range, with medium-power guns, the Excite Spike will perform better than Coppa Spitz because of the extra weight.

An improved design would be to simply copper coat the Spikes. No lead exposure and a better weight for guns with zip - like my 880 and 77 pump guns on up to spring hunting rifles.

I never thought I would pay $25 (w shipping) for 500 pellets. But the PBAs, like the Raptor, have changed the pricing landscape. $25 off the store shelf would get me 200 Raptors. Like the PBAs, they have slight accuracy issues; and in a competition against Spike and what I call "China Stings" (made in China and fly under the leased Beeman name) the Spike won out with consistent tighter groupings. The China Stings, for an econo pellet, group great...but are soft lead that does not penetrate like the Coppa Spitz. The Coppa Spitz wins on the soup can penetration test: pericing the side and bottom using 6 pumps from a Winchester 77. The China Stings pierce one side, on 7 pumps, but not the bottom; still, they have proven themselves hunting. The China Stings get rave reviews on this sight, and are accurate, but the lead is cheap and scary when the top comes off. The Coppa Spitz are a sight to behold when the top is lifted: like the Raptor, a beauty queen.

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Very clean.

Quality control and price.

I just opened a can today and found several pellets that were misshapen badly - I mean really bad. My RWS 34 shoots 1/4 to 1/2" groups consistently, sadly these pellets were all over the place. To make sure it was the pellet not the scope, I shot Superdomes, H&N wadcutters, and Meisterkugeln's and the 5 shot groups were right on. Two other reviewers thought highly of them, I don't.

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Consistent and accurate, quality pellets. Very good penetration.


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I can't find a better pellet to use my the Baikal MP-46M.

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