Winchester .177 Cal Pellets, 7.5 Grains, Round Nose, 500ct
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- .177 caliber
- 7.5 grains
- Round nose
- 500 pellets
Heavier pellets, such as these Winchester domes, are ideal for magnum air rifle and air pistols.
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10 of 47 Winchester .177 Cal Pellets, 7.5 Reviews
These pellets give a new meaning to the word "Jam Session". Whoever is in charge of quality control at Winchester needs to find another job. Poorly shaped, and badly finished, these basically ruined my Gamo ,177 semi-auto pistol as I attempted to frequently unjam these things.
Things I Would Have ChangedStop selling them.
What Others Should KnowPurchase at your own risk.
These are about 7.5 grain. Really for the price. If you have a .177 Springer, get these! My springer delvers more fpe with these than the 10.5 grain domed crossman.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. If I said better consistency they would cost More, so they are perfect for the price
What Others Should KnowBuy them for springers
These pellets shoot very well in my crosman 1077. I use to have issues with other pellets jamming in the clip. These pellets fire every round. Great investment!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowPurchase these! You will be glad you did!
Very well made, soft lead, uniform, great value for the price.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowThese are not a heavy weight pellet-they are on the lighter end of the scale, best suited for lower powered rifles or ideally, air pistols.
Pretty much everything.
Things I Would Have Changedadd a piece of foam to the bottom of the lid
What Others Should Knowi can shoot golf balls with these out of a $42 daisy 880 at 40 yards easy. i would highly recommend this ammo for plinking, hunting, and for just testing out a gun.
Excellent pellet for the money, shoots as well as pellets costing twice as much.
What Others Should KnowShoots tight groups
Shockingly good for how cheap they are.
Things I Would Have ChangedConsistency in form.
What Others Should KnowPay close attention to the shape of each pellet you're using. Some are severely deformed. I expected that and it's not an issue. Just watch is all.
Super good pellets
Great pellets for my Gamo - P430 air pistol, holds a good pattern at 5 yards.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowGreat pellets for my CROSMAN F4 air rifle!
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Jun 06, 2024
By Dave
These have always been a decent go to pellet I've had good luck in every gun I've ever tried them in.
Things I Would Have ChangedThey need to go back to having them manufactured in China. That's where the weight discrepancy is.
What Others Should KnowIf you have the gold background label on the tin those were the ones made in China and heavier. If you have the silver background on the tin you have the newer ones that are made in Spain they're lighter and they have some quality issues. I still buy these they're my favorite junker pellet. I've never had any problems with them. And they're one of my favorite light game hunting rounds. When I want to just plink and play with the lighter guns this is what I use. It's really kind of hard to go wrong with a Diablo